WTF I hate white people now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!
WTF I hate white people now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!
Blacks invented slavery. Black people were enslaving other blacks when Europeans came to Africa and purchased some of the slaves.
Daily reminder that White men were the first on the Earth to abolish slavery, and Blacks are still enslaving other blacks in Africa, even to this day.
And why do you think that is?
slaves alive today - 30mill +
slaves through arabic / muslim slave , stolen from europe and africa 20mil +
slaves in africa without white involvement - 50mill +
slaves stolen from europe to africa - 2 mill+
european slaves stolen in barbary slave raids - 1.5 mill+
slaves arrived in USA in all USA involvement (1620 to 1870) - 305,000
countries to outlaw slavery - england, usa, europe - fought to outlaw slavery
Lol I love being white are ancestors were superior in everyway possible white pride world wide
Muslims spread the ideas of Slavery to the Moors of Africa, who continue it to this day.
If you are assuming White people invented slavery, you're dead wrong.
>slaves alive today - 30mill +
To be fair, most of that isn't chattel slavery
>white people were genuinely doing a bad thing at that moment in time
>film does an excellent job of portraying that specific evil at that specific time period
>being this fucking retarded
do you honestly think repeating a lie makes it true?
>we windu nuffin we good euro bois it was dem bix noods
fucking dindu cuck mentality.
We've always been really bad at it too, the muslims always make sure to cut out their tongues, castrate them and dehumanize them in every way possible, much smarter than western la-dee-dah laissez faire slavery.
dumb scoobyposter
dis nigga be triggered by filenames
what a colossal fag
I know some black people that moved her from like Togo and other African shitholes and they went to see this movie and got so mad they walked out.
They were like "Why do North American black people blame everything on white people? This is ridiculous."
Gave me a little bit of hope desu
Why can whites never take the good with the bad and just admit that they abused their technological superiority because popular morality and ethics hadn't caught up to their capability to destroy?
Dumb ghettoposter
>they forgot that there were also decent white people in the movie who helped Solomon
Typical stupid niggers
Do you even realize how much the world population has gone up since then?
we're sorry
everything everywhere was absolute shit before 1945 but we admit things were especially crazy those last few centuries
pls forgive
Does repeating you're an Egyptian make it true?
These posts just piss me off.
Typical whitewashing. You haven't payed reparations and you try to white wash your guilt and evil deeds by pointing out other stuff that happened. You whites piss me off. Why can't you drive into your white brain that without us this country is nothing.
Show some fucking respect and gratitude
Business is business and the slave trade was business.
shut up nigger you worthless fucking slime just be glad your ancestors were brought to America you should be thanking us.
-_- if thats the case and you dont want to take credit for the mishaps committed by whites you cant take credit for their accomplishments either. checkmate white cuckpremacist
if racism makes you so mad Sup Forums isn't the place for you.
its fucking hilarious how much of a keyboard warriors you whites are. i bet you can't even look straight into a black guy let alone call him a nigger offline.
and thank? enslaving us for 200 years, freeing then oppressing us for about 100 years then killing our youths in broad daylight and you want us to thank you? FUCK YOU
fuck you. racism is supposed to be on Sup Forums alone then it was the norm in Sup Forums. this kind of shit doesn't belong in this board
I feel like you're doing the Trans- Atlantic slave trade an injustice by only mentioning the count on the slaves which survived travel from Africa to the United States. They were also being shipped to the Carribean to work sugar plantations, and you're underplaying the fact that they started breeding slaves like livestock for more slaves.
The major problem with slavery in the US was the sheer brutality of it. In other slave trades, they simply let one generation of slaves get brought in and die in their line of work. American slavery took things to the point of breeding and relocating children who only existed for slave labor. Slaves in America were dismembered and killed for fun. The women would be raped and then be killed for "seducing the husband".
While things like the trans-Saharan slave trade outlasted the trans-Atlantic, the former wasn't as brutal. The sickest thing they did was use women in harems, but at least with that, Islamic law gave the women rights after they gave birth to freeborn Muslim bastards.
maybe if your chimp youths learned how to obey the cops they would be alive you fucking worthless niggers
>started breeding slaves like livestock for more slaves
Not in the Caribbean, we aren't mostly. Most of the slaves will die before they breed and we can't spare the free time for it. You'll largely work until you drop. It's not like in America. In the West Indies, you don't really need children. You can always import more slaves.
I'm not white, but that "you haven't payed reparations" pisses me off. Who the fuck you think you are? An ex-slave? If you're not shut the fuck up then.
Yup thats exactly the problem. Even though the Carribean, was also part of the Trans-Atlantic trade, and was definitely far more brutal physically (pulling sugar cane is fucking terrible) they brought in new slaves after killing them at work. It was humane in the sense that nobody lived to tell the tale.
The problem with slavery in the US in particular was that the slaves were worked to near death, kept alive, forced to breed to make slave children, and then had the slave children taken away and shipped to god knows where in the United States. It was a constant diaspora which spanned generations instead of one generation of people getting killed off. That's what made it so problematic.
McConaughey will save slavekino
>watching chinese propaganda
>>The problem with slavery in the US in particular was that the slaves were worked to near death, kept alive, forced to breed to make slave children, and then had the slave children taken away and shipped to god knows where in the United States.
So basically the life of an average "working class" American in 2016?
Yes user. You're absolutely right. Working for a low income in 2016 is comparable to the American Slave Trade.
Go huff some glue, you moron.
Tell me the difference. The only one I can think of is that your owner actually cared about your health more in the old days because you weren't so easily replaceable as today.
9/10 b8 almost fooled me
You're making money for starters. You have the freedom to pursue love with whoever you want. You have human rights. You sign up for the job you're working. You can read and write. There's a limit to the amount of hours you work a day. That's just a few.
>We can take credit for all the things our ancestors did!
>Why are you holding us responsible for slavery? Our ancestors did that!
>>You're making money for starters.
Do you think slaves weren't making money? Where do you think the concept of "buying your freedom" came from?
They got free food and shelter btw, you have to pay for that nowadays.
>freedom to pursue love with whoever you want
So did they, unless she was from another social caste... just like today.
>You have human rights
Like what?
>You sign up for the job you're working
What does that even mean?
>You can read and write
If you have money for education, sure. Most slave education was free. Did you know that slaves were, historically, among other things teachers and scientists and inventors?
>There's a limit to the amount of hours you work a day
Sure, unless it's crunch time. Btw, there was a limit back then too. Do you know what it was, and how it compared to the limit of the ordinary "free" worker? Protip: it was exactly the same.
>WTF I hate white people now
I know right! White people actually think that watching this mediocre pile of poo makes the more tolerant and culturally accepting. The least they could do was watch some thing that is actually good like "Glory"
Slaves were not worked to near-death. Slaves were literally given days off to rest, especially in brutally hot summer days in the South. Would you overwork your oxen in the hot sun only to let it die? You'd have to buy a new one!
The same one goes for slaves. Slaves were fucking expensive, and almost no one risked the life of a slave.
They did breed them, though. That's why American blacks are more apt to become pro athletes and shit.
The reason slaves were treated like shit on the sugar plantations in Haiti was because it was French colony. France colonized the fuck out of West Africa, and French colonies got the slaves at a discount price. It was easier to euthanize a terribly wounded sugar plantation slave than to pay for its recovery.
Slaves in the US had it so fucking good. Could you imagine working in early-mid 1800s factories? No one looked out for you, especially not the management. If you were injured on the job, fuck you, go home, it's not management's problem. If you couldn't do the work, they'd find some other white asshole who would. If you were black on a plantation, you'd at least wouldn't be abused for the sake of abuse. You wouldn't be worked to death like a man in a factory.
So fuck you.
indentured servitude is way worse than slavery
the irish weren't considered legally 'white' until the mid-1800s. as a slave you were considered property, and thus cared for. if you were an indentured servant you were not cared for and were legally obligated to serve without any compensation or housing
>>Slaves in the US had it so fucking good. Could you imagine working in early-mid 1800s factories? No one looked out for you, especially not the management. If you were injured on the job, fuck you, go home, it's not management's problem.
Yeah but you see these people were white and poor, so who gives a shit.
>slavery was good because these people lived worse lives
Just wow
kill yourself
Haven't paid reparations?
Nigger, my tax dollars get burned every fucking day on reparations. Welfare, Obamaphones, housing, cash money for niggers to burn on weed and booze, abortion clinics, food stamps, all kinds of shit
whites have literally paid trillions of dollars since the civil rights era to civilize niggers and what good has it done?
Mere pennies. That's not real restitution.
explain how slaves had it worse then instead of misquoting user lol
reminder: no whites alive today have enslaved anyone, and no blacks alive today have ever been enslaved
Niggers love to complain!
>actually arguing that slavery was a pleasant experience in comparison to waged labor
Show me a single source which details information about just one waged worker being lynched, whipped, or held and bred in captivity, and I will concede that waged labor is worse than slavery.
you're fucking retarded lmao
Thank you for letting my great grandfather breed the fuck out of your great grandmother's black ass so she could squeeze out some half-black slave kids to work his fucking plantations.
*lynched, whipped, or held and bred in captivity by their management
why don't you work for your money? Oh wait you're a nigger and have to leech off everyone else
Someone "having it worse" doesn't make the "less bad" situation a-okay. Are you 12?
I don't get it. I thought it was well put-together and enjoyable movie.
Why should we work for something we're owed? What do you think we are, slaves?
And thank your great great great great great great grandmother for being a harem slave traded across the Sahara in the Barbary slave trade to my black ancestors in Nigeria.
lol I love how mad he's making you
Google is your friend
It's all good, we'll pretend like blacks died in all those cave-ins working the American cotton mines.
>Slavery wasn't bad at all! Blacks were treated well, just like any other livestock!
Why do you assume your ancestor's black ass could afford a harem? A few hundred years down the chain and he's working the fields in South Carolina
>choosing the work in a hazardous environment is comparable to having no choice at all
wew lad
You still haven't responded properly to the post. People dying in cave ins to work jobs they signed up for is not comparable to slave labor.
This man gets it
Working dangerous conditions for a shitty wage and no safety is worse than working a safer job where food, clothes, and shelter are provided?
why are you acting like factory workers wouldn't choose to work fields if they weren't already manned by slave labor?
pls explain
Oh heavens no. My ancestors were the ones that traded the others. I'm filthy fucking rich.
I'm voting for Hillary in November. I like the way things are going. This is karma, whiteys.
>Winner: People's choice awards
Is that supposed to be a good thing
Why do you think people had a choice of where they worked when most people don't even have such a choice today?
"Miners in remote coal camps were often dependent upon the company store, a store that miners had to use because they were often paid only in company scrip or coal scrip, redeemable at the store, which often charged higher prices than other stores. Many miners' homes were also owned by the mines. Although there were company towns that raised the prices of all goods and made eviction a constant threat, these conditions were not the norm for all coal towns—some owners were paternalistic and others were exploitative"
W.P. Tams Jr., Smokeless Coal Fields of West Virginia: A Brief History (1963; 2nd ed. 2001), pp 4-8
You fuckhead, it's the audience choice award at a film festival.
user, what is your opinion on whether or not colleges should be paying student athletes?
Robert Prager (1888-1918), was a German-born coal miner lynched in the United States during the patriotic hysteria surrounding World War I.
Robert Paul Prager (1888–1918) was a German coal miner living in Collinsville, Illinois, who was lynched by a mob. Twelve men were tried for his murder but were subsequently acquitted. Prager was killed because of anti-German sentiment during the first World War and because he was accused of holding socialist beliefs.
Choose to work in terrible conditions for low pay.
Forced to work for no pay or you'll be punished.
Yeah, very comparable. That explains all the people running to be in slavery instead of working in factories and mines. Oh wait.
Show me one example of miners being lynched, whipped, or held and bred in captivity by their management.
>it's a liberals post rationalize american slavery as being "worse" than every other form of slavery that's existed and still exists in the history of the world episode
>"Sure Africans were enslaving and murdering each other for thousands of years before European contact, but that was a NICE form of slavery and murder!"
You only think that because you've had nothing but anti-white propaganda about slavery shoved down your throat since like second grade.
One girl – Ellison Jack, aged 11 – claimed to the Commission of Enquiry that she had to do twenty journeys a shift pushing a tub which weighed over 200 kilos and if she showed signs of slacking, she would be whipped.
Two Germans were lynched for being German during WWI. This is unrelated to working in a coal mine, and it was not specified to have been done by their management.
I am still waiting.
why did you suddenly change it to "by their management?"
can't handle getting BTFO by basic google searches? ready to concede yet, or what?
there's actually no proof the south used slaves at all.
History is written by the winners, and the lying piece of shit northerners would stop at nothing to tarnish the glorious confederacy. Oh and its funny the north actually were the ones who INVENTED slavery not the south and you guys are smug pieces of shit to this day enjoy your snow you fucking faggots Robert E. Lee would have kicked the shit out of you if he was still alive
jesus christ lol do you know anything about the labor movement? user is a faggot but there are tons of instances of the Pinkertons putting down labor disputes by moving in and literally beating the fuck out of people to force the rest to get back to work
There are literally dozens of instances of this throughout the construction of the railroad
I have no idea how this is relevant to anything, haven't been to college in decades and I'm not aware of any such practice in my country anyway.
But as a general concept, I don't see why a college should have anything to do with any kind of sports in the first place, these things should be separate.
Is this going to lead into something about basketball Americans?
There you go. It only took you 10 fucking posts to answer the original post properly.
Now answer me this. If coal mining was so terrible, why didn't coal miners flock to the south to work as slaves? Or better yet, open companies to work as tobacco plantation workers in open, unused fields? Tobacco has always been profitable and if the work is so much easier, why not open up a corporation with waged labor?
lel, ok buddy.
>why didn't coal miners flock to the south to work as slaves?
Because niggers stole their jobs.
I didn't suddenly change it.
blueshirt piece of garbage don't u have some tea to throw in ur shitty polluted river you fuck
please admit that slaves had it better than wage slave white workers in the early centuries of the united states of america, that was the deal man
don't ask me why i should speak on behalf of the people from then, all I know is that some had it worse than others. being a slave wasn't as bad.
time to give it up man
lel, ok buddy.