Mr robot

What was the opinion of Sup Forums for the first season.

A lot of people complained about minute details meaning most people liked it but some didn't care to admit they did. It's a good show.

i really enjoyed it. it set up season 2 really well, i'm excited for it to come back on the air. only reason i don't like the creator of the show is bc he's marrying Emmy Rossum

Pretty good, 8/10. When does season 2 start?

This series is like finding a pot of Reddit gold at the end of le upvote rainbow.

July, I think.

Yeah, Mr. Rowboat is great. Best cyberpunk in ages.

I watched the first and I hate the dad schizophrenia angle. Really over done.

I really liked it. The actors are great, and I think it's the most visually stylish show on TV. The quality of the writing has its ups and downs, but never bad enough to wreck the show for me. Looking forward to season 2

I like the visuals, theyr'e comfy


maybe season 2 will explain some shit from s01 and it turns out to be good.
he should have fucked his sister.
failed normie, failed /r9k/.

those fucking eyes doe.

I liked the ladyboy.

pretty good.
it has great style, visuals and i like the characters. the music is awesome too.

it does take itself somewhat too seriously at times, and elliot is literally sought after by like 3 women at one point which makes the whole angle of him being an autistic social outcast nerd a bit ridiculous.

Sup Forums like this show, and silicon valley. Sup Forums have thread mr robot and silicon valley.

fight club stretched to 12 hours with programming which is yet to be presented enjoyably on movie screens

What does that mean?

>Mr. Esmail, this scene is just people talking and there isn't anything interesting in the room to play off in the frame
>Just cram the actor into the corner

They fall back on this way too much

s f LeftShift H J B Spacebar Enter
>I'M IN!

I thought it was fucking great and I want more.

I like the fact they try and make the "hacking" side of things more grounded and realistic (e.g. none of this 10 monitors with 3D interfaces shit, just drop a couple infected usb sticks outside for some dumbshit to pick up and plug in).

It's also nice that they treat the viewer like they aren't an idiot with the whole "You knew this is fight club, this is why I'm talking to you because you the viewer are a part of my conscience"

absolutely fucking shitty and disappointing

>hahaha guys im so fucking edgy and I suffer from schizophrenia so I believe I'm my mad xDD

At least when fight club did it, it was a surprise

Got bored after about three episodes when

1. It turned out the elite 0.1% they were battling were just some young rich kids in board rooms. I thought we were going to get some spoopy Rothschild-tier stuff. But no

2. I bet in episode 1 that the guy was his dad, and wow guess what, it was his dad what a twise

I'm afraid that fighting E-Corp will blow out of proportion and the show will become 24 with nerds. But overall, I loved the first season.

They could have had a better crazy father like Gary busey

That was neat though, he gets smaller and smaller in the shots looking like the pussy bitch he is after getting slaughtered trying to intimidate the boss.

A bit reddit with his ''fuck captialism'' message
But this serie has 10/10 filler episodes

cringey, edglord meme-show that pretends to be clever.
But at least they show-runners know exactly to what kind of edgy teens and manchildren it has to shill

>he trollz te 4chins, uses te CLI and is le troubled hypoctitical anti-capitalist fight club man xD

so deep, so edgy

He shot Tyrell with the gun that was hidden in the popcorn machine because he freaked out and thought he would ruin his entire plan. Calling it right now.