Is django better than pulp fiction?

is django better than pulp fiction?

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Yes. It actually had a dead nigger storage

at least qt's character was killed


yea it is




Both shit.

thats just not in the cards

who cares, A Serious Man is better than either of them.

this is true

literally nothing happens the movie

No. Django is his worst.
Inglorious Basterds is his best.

>literally nothing happens in the book of job

inglorious basterds is horrible.

How the fuck did i not hear about this movie?

i swear i am on a time line were the coen bros are actually successful

kill yourself


Plenty of things happen; his wife leaves him, his student blackmails him, he smokes pot, his brother goes crazy, he visits rabbis. What is your definition of things happening?

It's their best film to date

It seems you are in the predicament of being too young or too old.

This clip alone makes the movie better than anything Tortelini has ever put out.

true. also they won an oscar for no country so

its ok with me