I literally don't understand why celebrities get married
I-is she gonna make it?
Why do these dumb shits always get married and divorced 1-2 years after?
Well, that was quick
is that one lump sum?
doesn't even compare to what a man would have to pay
isn't that only a 1 time payment? that's not bad at all
this is equality
When men pay big they don't have prenups
celebrities in reality have low self-esteem and are a bunch of romantics
It's not that much considering she makes like, 800k per episode.
don't the TBBT cast make like multiple millions per episode though? That's literally pocket money for her
The transiency and fluidity of all human relationships is only shown in a clearer and harsher light when you make your money by playing temporary roles in fictional stories.
Isn't she one of those sanctity of marriage republicucks?
more like idiots
also only 160k one time payment isn't that bad consider she makes a lot of money with the big bang, she need to get to brandon level to get the JUST certificate
How is that fun? If it was a guy you would not laugh, srs
Seeing as she has made around 30mil from big bang alone, i think shell be fine.
A month or per year?
>1 million for every episode
oh god what a tragedy, is she homeless now?
Liberals are incapable of forward-thinking skills.
Thing is, show will eventually end and she will still have to be paying that dude that sum.
I guess you could say her wallet BANGED with cash
it's a THEORY of mine that her wallet BANGED with cash, BIG BANG
i wonder how much did he have his arms insured for, anything happen to it and he is basically fucked
Yeah. Then prenup would've flied out of the window instantly and he would've been required to pay her at least 30 million dollars and around 100,000$/month for the rest of his life.
So its fucking nothing
kek didn't she talk about how she likes a man's man? now she's paying for her man's man to support himself lmao
I guess Reagan, Eastwood and this bitch didn't get the memo.
Girls deserve it more.
>be billionaire actress
>only have to give spouse 100 grand because you're a woman
Lavender marriages. Proving they're heterosexual for the public.
Spousal support is monthly. A divorce settlement is a lump sum.
They film in California. She gets half that after taxes and her agent.
she has sexy feet. if i divorced her, i'd make sure that all of my jewish spousal payments would have to include a pair of her well-worn gymsocks.
this dumb bitch was married for less than a year. what a complete fucking idiot. if you're gonna fuck it up that bad don't get married.
Is everybody in here retarded? This shit every month for however long is still a lot of money for a couple of months of marriage. What does the guy do for a living?
She's officially JUSTed desu.
Pic related. JUST posters are subhuman Mexican redditors
bitch looks so average she's borderline ugly. That dude dodged a bullet really.
>that striptease video
sweaty Indian god.jpg
How the fuck can you lose a divorce as a woman?
How can you fuck so badly?
Can't she just say he raped her?
I don't think she's ugly. Her feet are pretty and I could definitely spend a lifetime with them.
Her husband must feel like such a cuckold.
I mean ugly for a celebrity. If you walk for 5 minutes in california you bump into 5 kaley cuocos at least. She's really average. She was somewhat hotter when she was filming 10 Rules.
Is spousal support yearly or just a one time fee?
that's like $20 to her you moron
Well, quit yapping about it, you fucking moron, and post MOAR.
If Jenna Fischer is Wonder Woman, who can bazingirl be in the JUSTice League ?
>12 21 13
Don't call me names. Apologize.
it can be either but in this case it's probably going to be a structured into payments
Just googled it, 31 december 2013 is when she got married LMAO
Will she have enough money to get laser removal ?
You still have to pay alimony with a prenuptial agreement? Do most prenups only cover things before marriage?
kek, maybe we should put the just haircut on top of her tattoo.
that sole, hhhnggg!
In this case it's one-time. She isn't a total retard and made him sign a pre-nup.
I think they just live in fantasy land all the time, and appearances. Also it's good for their image.
Kek, is this true? Holy shit, what a dumb girl. I saw her on a talkshow too talking about how super happy she was at that time. How sad it didn't work out.
she got it tattooed over a few months ago
>spousal support
Why is this even a thing? I get child support, but hes a grown ass man for fucks sake. Take your half of the shit and fuck off.
Nawwww - imma just keep stealin' yer pix.
holy fucking shit. so she got married, fucked it up so bad she couldn't keep it together for 1 year, AND she got a tattoo to commemorate it? god damn somebody Jack Ruby her ass right now.
Why not do some fake bullshit spiritual commitment/union marriage and not involve the law at all? It still sends the message and you get to keep your shit.
more like kaley cucko
they had a prenup. he didn't get half of the stuff.
Do we know why they divorced?
But the show will end and she'll have to continue giving him money. She is gonna be Brendan Frasier 2.0
She'll get millions in residuals from reruns. TBBT is highly popular. Seriously, she can afford to marry 3 more times.
ITT: People who will never have a girlfriend comment on marriage.
>those arms
time to fap
Pretty much. If she is smart with her money at all this is no big deal.
Equal rights equal fights
a women getting buttfucked in spousal support? is this the reckoning on the reverse JUST?
She generally seems pretty down-to-earth and nice person to me but Hollywood marriages aren't made to last
Unless she fucks even more to the point that she gets bankrupt after TBBT ends (it's not unlikely even despite her big fortune, there's been precedents) she's set for life.
This happens all the time if the wife earns more.
She isn't getting close to fucked.
>Getting a tattoo you can't see
>55k just to divorce someone
get your shit together america
Her nudes were disappointing
Wow a white girl with a butterfly tattoo, how original.
>married for less than a year and got a tattoo because she thought it would last forever
yeah that's not retarded at all.
roasties get desperate when they realize their biological clock is ticking and they haven't found a husband yet
Because it's hollywood. When celebrities get spiritual, they just light up scented candles, put a waterfall cd and think relaaaaaaxxxxxxx.
They keep doing it over and over again, even after witnessing the inevitable outcome many times before...
I'm thinking it's for exploiting some kind of property/estate tax loophole involving some kind of exemption for divorcees
Or maybe they're just as fucking stupid as anyone else who gets married in the 21st century and drunkenly proposed to "the one" who shares your kinky fetishes and embarrassing bedroom fantasies