/film/ General

Since the mods won't make it, it's up to us.

Other urls found in this thread:


/film/ will be given to us eventually.
What was the last film you watched OP?

Looking for films with the theme of a devout follower among extremists/radicals, kinda like Sleeper Cell. Anyone know of something in that vein?

what are some /film/ tier sexploitations?

Bumping, where the fuck is the pastebin?

What's in the bin?

Lists and recommendations

The Ilsa flicks

not op, but i just watched assayas' demonlover, which is fucking amazing. really took me by surprise too, i was not expecting such a crazy film. also rewatched ferrara's new rose hotel, which remains an all time favorite, maybe even becoming a top 10-er.

what about you user?

Series are an objectively better way to tell a story unless you're an ADHD retard.

distribution companies with great catalogs?

Anybody catch 1941 marathon on TCM? Saw Citizen Kane for the umpteenth time, Maltese Falcon and Suspicion for the first. Going to watch Sergeant York.

The Master

Mary Astor nearly ruined the Maltese Falcon for me thank fuck Bogarts was as based as he was

I caught part of Kane earlier, it just reminded me how much I hate all of Welle's Mercury Theater friends shitting up early every supporting role. The old man in the shades is one of the hammiest actors I've ever scene in what should be an effortless role

Has there ever been a better waifu?

you dumb motherfuckas probably think that drinking tea with the pinky out is hardcore and smart lol. fuck up, nothing worse then watching hsitty flicks hey? who cares about spacemen hero movies or smart shit with lots of complex stuff. all makes sense in the end and doesn't make any of you better then any of them guys who watch the others.

Olivia Hussey in Romeo and Juliet/Black Christmas gets my vote.

Are cantonese movies of monks the capeshit of asian movies?

yes, but the art is displayed better in shorts
i do love Berlin Alexanderplatz and Out 1 tho
kek i wonder the same about samurai films in japanese cinema

>the mods won't make it
Well I'm sorry to hear that

i really enjoyed Takeshi kitano's fireworks (hana bi in japan) any of his other movies worth checking out?

No. Watch Jap cinema died in the 60s.

No it didn't. It just peaked there, as was the case with many other countries.


Are you speaking about kung fu / martial arts movie ? If so, no, because it needs skill making. Even if most of the time the scenario is bad, the choregraphy and the fights are nicer than everything made at hollywood. Plus some of then are really good films.

It peaked in the 50s you fuckin embryo. France and Italy peaked in the 60s, German peaked in the 20s, and China/HK/Taiwan peaked in the 90s. Watch more film before you visit a film thread.

I don't need you to inform me when countries peaked, nor for you to give wrong 'opinions' about the matter. Try /flick/, might be a better suit for you.


Um yes hello is this the dubs thread

You literally said cinema in the entire world peaked in the 60s which is absolutely fucking wrong, especially in Japan. Like I said, watch more film before you visit a film thread. No one here has time for your "but that's your le opinion and it's le wrong xD" bullshit.

Get bent, retard. I literally said 'as was the case with many countries'.
I insist you try things that are more your speed or you could hurt yourself.

>n-n-n-no u
Try not having autism next time my friend.

Cute comeback, imbecile

We had /film/ you stupid fucks

Key word there is "had". It's gone now
