1 year ago today, the penultimate episode of Mad Men aired. It's almost been a year, bros. Where has the time gone and why has nothing filled the void?
Mad Men
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Did he find peace bros?
I like to think so, even though he still has nobody left when he gets back. He doesn't even have custody of his children. His closest thing to a friend, Roger, is married to the mother of his ex-wife who hates him, and they probably wouldn't see each other much at McCann anyway. He would need to make amends with a lot of people, or meet new people to avoid falling into depression again.
he'll have peggy, and I think his kids would come around eventually.
But Peggy doesn't live to serve him anymore, and she finally realized she loved someone. Even Pete, who he had an uneasy alliance with, left for Kansas. Bert died and Betty is dying. He's not returning to the same life he once lived.
>ywn get away with being an alcoholic asshole because you're good looking
Don is my idol
was this the realest moment?
Don't worry bros. Don will persevere as always. He'll be making coca-cola ads and banging qts until he dies at the age of 76 from a heart attack at work ala Roger.
>He's not returning to the same life he once lived.
I agree but peggy not living to serve him anymore wont matter because they still have a close bond.
his relationship with pete by the end is more than an uneasy alliance, though yeah hes in kansas.
To me, he has found happiness by realizing being an adman was something he didnt steal from real draper. its what hes bvest at, its his passion and he ends the series knowing that he doesnt have to run anymore.
fuck this show was the best
No. He came up with the coke ad idea and then continued to be the same person for the rest of his life.
I held off on rewatching it. Just started season 2 yesterday. Feels like being with old friends. I get to see my boys grow up again.
Watching the series again now with my gf who hasn't seen it before. Safe to say this is the confirmed GOAT series. Don is sitting with Anna Draper in season two while she's still alive :(
Can't wait to get to the later seasons.
That's a good thing though, he had to start fresh for real this time
>was this the realest moment?
this youtube.com
This show is the most overrated shit I've ever seen. Every epsidoe I watch, i'm like "Why is everyone sucking this show's dick?"
I never understood what peter griffin meant when he said the god father insists upon itself. I do now with this shitty show.
>I take critical advice from peter griffin from family guy
>I can't into subtlety, ambiguity, or anything that might require me to invest some brainpower to help me reach understanding of characters, motifs, or themes
sad really
This wasn't real at all, though. Don spent the entire day before this thinking of Ginsberg. He was threatened by his ad that everyone liked better, so he left it behind in favor of his own.
Out of context, it's a badass moment. But this is Don at his most insecure.
Do you think Breaking Bad is the greatest show ever, user?
I've just reached season 6 will I be satisfied with the ending?
I think it's among the best ever, but you have to understand it. I'm 24 and a lot of people I know thought the ending sucked, but they're also certified plebs so I guess it depends if you're an idiot or not.
Game of Thrones is the best show.
Sounds pretty real to me. He did care but said he didn't.
A few months ago, this would be obvious bait, but since this place turned into Reddit 2: Capeshit Boogaloo, I can't even be sure anymore.
Fuck I miss this show. Literally the GOAT show.You can find new shit to think about from it every time you rewatch it
I was very satisfied. Season 6 is probably my favorite tv season ever and I loved the way the show concluded the events of that season and the show overall. Season 6 was the climax of Don's character imo.
>it's a jungle fever episode
>biggest blackest prostitute
>tfw rewatching Mad Men
>on last episode of season 2 and Duck gets BTFO by Don
So great every time
How would we go about organizing/scheduling a Sup Forums rewatch? It's something I would be completely interested in.
This is great because both viewpoints have merit. Also,
>Meredith will never be your secretary
>Meredith will never be your strength
>tfw you realize you are Leonard
Just do it. Make a schedule, share it, and make regular threads.
>it's a chip and dip episode
Yes and no. He said it himself, happiness is the moment before you want more happiness. He's happy after the ad, but depression will sink in again just like everything else, then maybe he'll be happy again. Rinse and repeat.
>When he realizes Peggy is in the room and tries really hard not to cry
>its a driving school episode
That's what Don once thought. His opinions evolved over the course of the series. In the first episode he told Rachel that "love" doesn't exist and that it was invented by guys like him to sell nylons. In a later episode, he was adamant about not using "love" in any of their ads, because it was cheapening the word to use it in such a trivial way.
I think his outlook on life changed at the retreat, particularly during the fridge dream speech.
>It's a Betty steals the whole show episode
>particularly during the fridge dream speech.
If anything it made him don draper again, he was happy because he just thought of the next great ad
I dunno man, hearing that speech was like the first time Don ever really felt empathy for someone else. That kinda shit doesn't just go away.
>it's a Pete rapes his neighbour's german au pair episode
Why was he so based bros?
True, his opinions do change, but it doesnt mean the fact changes too. I think its pretty true what he said, no one is ever happy for the rest of their life, there is always sadness and depression around the corner.
I think, on a fundamental level, Don really does enjoy his job as a high level ad man, He's creative, good talker, has a knack for expressing his ideas, and can always command attention in any room. He knows he's good at it, and enjoys that.
It's just being an ad man during this time (and probably now) leads you right into that toxic life style, surrounded by alcohol, cigarettes, adultery and greed. That's what was really bringing Don down, not the work he was doing. I think at the end during the retreat, he realized that he enjoyed his career, just not the life surrounding it.
It's obvious he returns to the job, the question is can he really escape what it does to you as a person. That part I don't know, for Don's sake I hope he did.
This might be an unpopular opinion but I feel like the last two episodes were entirely superfluous and I would have preferred the show ended with Lost Horizon
I felt the last two episodes descended too much into melodrama and Betty's cancer plot was a hamfisted attempt to create sympathy towards her
>it's a ginsberg spills his spaghetti while on a blind date with a qt teacher episode
Fuck me Pete was the best
Mad Men and The Sopranos always had the best choices for credits music.
Hey I like this! I agree, but anyone else think he failed to reconcile Dick and Don?
>tfw there will never be any more live madmen threads
thats was Sup Forums at its finest
There were talks of a Sup Forums rewatch earlier in the thread, but it's hard to spread the word and organize that on Sup Forums. I'd honestly love to go through the series again episode by episode. The return of /scdp/ would be sublime desu senpai.
>tfw lost track of how many times i've watched mad men
Sucks HBO didn't pick it up.
>It's a Don punches that comedian right in his fat fucking face episode.
Literally the most cathartic moment on the show. Lane knocking Pete the fuck down was great too.
Thank God
>ywn see joan's tits bouncing during a sex scene
>Don's last phone call with Betty
>Don chokes out one last 'Birdie'
Breaks my fucking heart every time.
The finale, and the entire final run of episodes in general, was masterfully acted by Jon Hamm. The character of Don Draper didn't typically for a ton of noticeable range, but the subtleties he displayed brought the character to life.
> Birdie...
> I know
Didn't typically call***
Every other character seemed to find some version of happiness.
Damn the feels. That was my favorite episode ending
Nothing will ever fill the void
This one is also up there for me.
>you will never lose your virginity to a smoking hot jewess
It should have ended with this episode
Anybody else feel like the tone of the intro was inconsistent with the later seasons of the show?
What was the cinematic purpose of this?
What did he mean by this?
Still the high water mark for me
They always play it off with the music so well. There's a few playlists on Spotify just for the ending music.
Also Sally is my favorite supporting character. The actor did a great job I'm glad she played Sally through the whole show
1. One of the best scenes on television top 50
2. Fuck Duck I always hated him trying to steal the spotlight
3. I miss Sal, always felt like we got jipped when we never got closure
Sal is the Pine Barrens Russian of Mad Men.
>I've made a huge mistake.avi
>a baby finding his peace
What's that?
I would seat Elisabeth Moss' pussy and swallow her vaginal discharges after I make her cum in my mouth.
What do you think?
this was incredibly retarded. it shows much that the writers are not good at writing and that mad men is shit.
That was a great sendoff of just a good character. He was the only man with moral standards in the entire firm
peggy fug tho
bravo user
>Anybody else feel like the tone of the intro was inconsistent with the later seasons of the show?
OF course, since there is no evolution in the plot. You can watch the pilot and go straight to the end without missing one bit of the nonexistent story.
>That was a great sendoff of just a good character. He was the only man with moral standards in the entire firm
*such a good
>He was the only man with moral standards
Pic related
I think you need to go outside.
Sally was actually a good character, her and Don bonding were some of the best moments. Strange how Bobby was barely shown any attention considering he was the son.
I hope this user is still alive and doing well.
>In the first episode he told Rachel that "love" doesn't exist and that it was invented by guys like him to sell nylons. In a later episode, he was adamant about not using "love" in any of their ads, because it was cheapening the word to use it in such a trivial way.
Who cares? Don says anything to anyone as long as it suits him. Betty catches this plenty of time
You know the actor was previously famous for doing musical numbers centered around business right? He's like the boardroom sinatra.
Wow. Blue eyes are really creepy. No wonder why WASPs are heated.