Why is it apparently so difficult to make a good Video-Game Movie?
Why is it apparently so difficult to make a good Video-Game Movie?
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>interactive medium
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because vidyas are already cliches of movies.
so system shock or baldurs gate wouldn't make good films?
not even op but here let me help you
The Tomb Raider movies and the Doom movie were pretty decent imho.
>system shock or baldurs gate
Literally what?
I would be tempted to agree with you but I think is right on the money with this. Plus a lot of games convey their story through parts of that interactive medium, like notes or audio tapes that you find lying around that can flesh out an otherwise bare-bones story.
go to youtube and search for a gameplay video of a game you've never played before.
try to watch it for 2 hours. lets see if you can make it past 15 minutes.
thats why video game movies are shit.
Games are male power fantasies where the only idea is to get stronger and win. And most of the time, character motivation is so thin that it can only translate into an extremely shallow film without changing major parts.
Films are 90 minutes and usually revolve around one character making one change. How do you make a film out of a game that is mostly just filler lore and useless text?
Because video games are not art. They're the absolute lowest of lowest-common denominator entrainment. Of course they don't work as films.
the story for system shock could fit onto half a page of A4 paper.
you're a fucking retard,
Video games aren't taken seriously in Hollywood so they're mostly seen as a quick action cash grabs for the teenage crowd. Doesn't attract a lot of talented film makers.
It's not any more difficult than making a movie based on a novel, comic book, manga or anime. The people behind them just don't care, or think they have to reinvent the whole thing.
That's completely irrelevant.
Have you ever even seen a video game movie? They don't work like that. They are just normal movies.
> baldurs gate
> cheap LOTR rip off
but Balders Gate the movie has been made, its called Dungeons and Dragons and its TV level of dogshit
>Games are male power fantasies where the only idea is to get stronger and win.
There are many kinds of games with many kinds of stories.
>How do you make a film out of a game that is mostly just filler lore and useless text?
By adapting the story.
They are art, and a movie adaptation adapts their stories.
Then expand it.
Is this thread some kind of retard magnet?
>Have you ever even seen a video game movie?
so thats my point, video game movies cant be like the game because they would be awful. so the movies have to be new creations based on wafer thin stories and end up being nothing like the game.
>s this thread some kind of retard magnet?
of course, thats why you're here.
They are nothing like the game because the people behind them don't give a shit and think they have to change everything.
Try reading the post before responding.
I think the best vidyeoeeo game movie was Silent Hill.
It stayed true to the game, it had cool music, the atmosphere was good, the creature designs were cool.
Only bad things really were the OTT action scenes and fanwank stuff - which ironically pissed off fans more than if they hadn't included it at all.
Sequel was garbage.
I'd rather watch the Silent Hill movie than play any of the games post SH3.
>Silent Hill: 29% - 30
Critics are just plebs
Because nobody involved in making these movies actually play them, see the interviews with many directors or writer and they always say the same crap "Oh yeah, I've always been a fan of these games for many years" and it turn out to be bullshit and it shows with the final product, a clear example of this is the Silent Hill 2 behind the scenes interviews.
Another problem is that many of them don't actually understand the source material like Gans in SH1 and fuck up the lore that is there and/or the rest of the cast not taking this seriously and considering these movies as a joke.
These type of movies need a Nolan type of guy (I hate him too so fuck off) that sets the things right and try to take a serious and "mature" approach like he did with Batman and Batman Begins.
Because film is an inferior medium. If you adapt a good video game into a movie, you have to dumb it down so of course it's shit compared to the original.
Alone in the Dark is a Cthulhu-inspired horror game set in a mansion in the early 20th century. The immediate sequels continued along the same lines.
This is what the movie is like:
>browsing Sup Forums
This movie is the best video game adaptation ever which says a lot about video game movies.
I really hope you don't browse Sup Forums then
the story of Baldur's Gate is a subversion of the "main character is the chosen one" fantasy story.
unfortunately it's good precisely because of how much that helps an interactive story, not because its interesting drama.
Metal Gear Solid 4
>which says a lot about video games
Let me BTFYO in your own thread, OP.
Postal 2 is pure interactive entertainment fiction masterpiece, though.
the serious answer
>logging onto the world wide web to discuss a defunct medium
I know; It's a wonder how people even discuss movies and television anymore.
What about Wreck it Ralph?
>Why is it apparently so difficult to make a good Video-Game Movie?
I honestly think any director who has attempted to make a game to movie adaption have made the exact same mistakes. Taking the lore way too seriously, and sticking to the games rules.
Games and Movies are 2 very different mediums, when adapting stuff over they should always take this into account.
An example of this is the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie, where they've decided to throw in the way overblown and nonsensical animus stuff. A game can get away with these oddities more becuase you are interacting with the world, you the player are in that world to an extent.
Could they not just make it take place in past for the whole movie? Just have it be Fassbender vs The Templars. That's all it needs.
I know it's not Sup Forums, but persona 3 films and persona 4 cartoon are Pretty good
drivethrurpg is down.
Sup Forums here
We've been notified of this thread. And we are watching.
>browses Sup Forums
>has a job
why is Sup Forums SFW anyway when nobody has a job.
Just adapt any PS4 exclusive and you have your video game movie. Granted, the story will suck but that's what you get.
The Dungeons and Dragons film is sop bad it';s good and I would recommend watching it for a laugh.
I actually liked the second Dungeons and Dragons film.
Can't remember the third one, might have seen it idk.
>no Street Fighter
It's such a good movie.