Spielberg Discovered Disney's Young Han Solo at a Bat Mitzvah

>The Los Angeles native had the fortune of having been discovered at age 14 by Steven Spielberg in a bat mitzvah video, and his first two movies were for The Godfather filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. He also worked with Woody Allen in Blue Jasmine and nabbed a key role in Warren Beatty's untitled Howard Hughes movie, which finally will be released this year. (Ehrenreich plays the film's leading man, the assistant to Beatty's Hughes.)

>Insiders say Spielberg and Coppola were among those who reached out to producer (and their longtime friend) Kathleen Kennedy to vouch for Ehrenreich. Disney declined comment on the process.


>old news: the thread

I didn't know there were bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs.

You can't escape it.

This is literally how Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman I will bet any money on that.

Isn't this every actor's story?

Isn't that how Spielberg discovered JJ Abrams?

Who cares? Jews are good at making movies, fucking let them.

But he doesn't have the nose. And I don't mean "durr hurr Jewish noses" but the prominent nose in the Solo line.

You scrubbed out the bit where in the video he's a cross dressing faggy boy
Hmm I wonder why that caught Mr. Spielberg's attention.

>Jews are good at making propaganda


Every medium has been propaganda to some extent. Books, music, movies etc.

says fucking who ?? name me one movie they have made that has not been about PROFIT.



>people finding this out now

I knew this when he was hired for that Coppola movie

To be honest in Hail, Caesar!, he was the only one who did a good job alongside Josh Brolin.

so what are we going to do about it , im pretty sick of everyone being brainwashed by mainstream media.

but the ride never ends , with evry passing generation humans are becoming more stupid, to the point where they cant even see the propaganda machine at work right infront of capeshit faces

>name me one movie they have made that has not been about PROFIT.
Why else would you make a movie? Are you some kind of commie? Or do you watch cinema for the "art"?

Transformers, Fast/Furious, Superhero movies make BILLIONS of dollars. And they are entertaining...which, by the way, makes them better than some pretentious "art".

Doesn't make that post any less true


Question:why are there no Mizrahi/Sephardi Jews in Hollywood?

Because they are the only ones who really get a chance

There is Hank Azaria

i thought Spielberg met him at one of bryan singers boyfucking child molester parties.

the kind where he would fuck the coreys when they were underage, since he likes jailbait boys.

Kike nepotism.

>Josh Brolin
>George Clooney
>Ralph Fiennes
>Jonah Hill
>Tilda Swinton
>Frances McDormand
>Channing Tatum
>Clancy Brown
>Christopher Lambert
>Dolph Lundgren

>This unknown completely steals the show

Yea if this is what we get from the jew overlord conspiracy than Jew me up cause this guy was based.

>Jews are good at making movies
>make all the movies
>take credit for the good ones
>blame the bad ones on too many goy

>mindless entertainment is better than art
Just letting you know that you fucked up

Fucking jews I swear

God damn

*dips tobacco*

It actually says more about how a clusterfuck the movie ended to be than about him, but yeah I agree with you.

But I watched Blue Jasmine and the vampire Coppola movie and actually I don't remember him at all in them at same time.

>Jews are good at making movies
How the fuck does anyone I don't WHAT?? Kikes fucking SUCK at making movies. They just have the industry in a fucking stranglehold so few others get the opportunity. Why the fuck are Zack Snyder and J. J. Abrams still allowed to make films? They're fucking horrid.

>Transformers, Fast/Furious, Superhero movies make BILLIONS of dollars
Anything makes billions when you literally cripple society so badly that escapism is the only thing people are willing to pay money for anymore.

maybe because he was on screen for more than 5 minutes unlike the rest of the cast

Have you gotten your Janitor acceptance email yet. Are you exciteded to live out your dreams of contributing shit-all to a shit place for free

Lel. Lol. Ha ha ha. He he he. When christians actually make movies you get God's not death II elecktrik boogaloo.

People no longer pay money for escaspism though


This thread is so full of fantasy it's like a piece of jewish scripture.

it's not like they didn't find old Han also at a bar mitzvah

And the thin red line
GTFO kike lover



Josh Brolin was the lead, it was a movie about him.

But yeah looks like Alden Ehrenreich can act.

Let's go to the Bar!


Jews are nepotistic. They don't control everything because they're good. They control everything because they're all part of one giant network.

But at some point they must have needed to be good to gain control?

Oscar Isaac is not jewish.

Life is nepotistic. Don't even kid yourself if you think it isn't

No. Just a few of them needed to be good enough to start the ball rolling.

No they had money

Jewish nepotism in action

He's a Jew/Spic mixture, like Zimmerman.


Their the niggers of jewry. Mizrahim particualry so, since they're pretty much arabs.

Harrison Ford was literally the only reason anyone gave a shit about Han Solo.

No, he has no Jewish background whatsoever and his two surnames are "Hernández" and "Estrada", Spanish surnames, Oscar Isaac is his whole name, a composite name, pretty common among Spanish speakers. Stop spreading lies.

Woooah. A jew... in Hollywood? What a shock!

>hollywood is too white

But Alden was the best part of Hail, Caesar!

I fucking warned you about the jews, man.

>People no longer pay money for escaspism though
Nigger they pay more for it now than ever

>Alden Ehrenreich
What kind of last name is that? Are they really looking for people to make Jewish jokes about him?

>Alden Jones and the quest of the 3rd Ehrenreich

But that's wrong, you fucking idiot

Why are Sup Forumstards this aggressively stupid?

*dips wife's boyfriends cum*

Not even him but don't pretend there isn't a heeb bias you piece of shit

so like skynet?

Hollywood is nepotism central as is all media in the USA.

If you are of the tribe you are guaranteed a carrieer, if you don't suck heeb ass you are a pariah and will work no more.

Look at Mel Gibson, kikes are the most butthurt of all when they get called out.

>But that's wrong, you fucking idiot
Same back to you. Nepotism is everywhere, especially in Hollywood.

Metropolis was pretty good.

Like there's any consistency to these things. In one they count the crew. In one they don't. Sometimes they count producers, sometimes they don't.

He says himself that he has some jewish ancestry, but I'm pretty sure he just says it to get ahead in Hollywood.

Smart man



white spic here

It is very common for spics in Mexico and Central America to "lie" about having sephardic jewish ancestry (those are the Jews that were expulsed from Spain in 1492)
Even though it may sound crazy to WASP americans, it is a way to whiten themselves.
Oscar Isaac is all spic.

Well this explains how is this ugly sack of kike is playing Han Solo

Bat mitzvahs are for girls. They're a more modern tradition.

But what is Spielberg doing watching videos of parties for thirteen year old girls?

Chill gramps, that's just your perspective.


>But what is Spielberg doing watching videos of parties for thirteen year old girls?

Literally scouting for new talent.

I look pretty jewish (big nose, curly brown hair) but I'm not. Do you think if I moved to Hollywood and joined a synagogue in Beverly Hills I could schmooze my way into being an actor?

I've actually considered it before, my only reservation is that I'm not circumcised and I'm afraid that will somehow give me away. I don't want to cut off part of my dick to keep up my cover either.

What page is this?

I can confirm this! I have a friend who does the same thing who is Puerto Rican.

what website is his?

wow you're fucking retarded

wow this website is great