Spielberg Discovered Disney's Young Han Solo at a Bat Mitzvah

>The Los Angeles native had the fortune of having been discovered at age 14 by Steven Spielberg in a bat mitzvah video, and his first two movies were for The Godfather filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. He also worked with Woody Allen in Blue Jasmine and nabbed a key role in Warren Beatty's untitled Howard Hughes movie, which finally will be released this year. (Ehrenreich plays the film's leading man, the assistant to Beatty's Hughes.)

>Insiders say Spielberg and Coppola were among those who reached out to producer (and their longtime friend) Kathleen Kennedy to vouch for Ehrenreich. Disney declined comment on the process.


>old news: the thread

I didn't know there were bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs.

You can't escape it.

This is literally how Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman I will bet any money on that.

Isn't this every actor's story?

Isn't that how Spielberg discovered JJ Abrams?

Who cares? Jews are good at making movies, fucking let them.

But he doesn't have the nose. And I don't mean "durr hurr Jewish noses" but the prominent nose in the Solo line.

You scrubbed out the bit where in the video he's a cross dressing faggy boy
Hmm I wonder why that caught Mr. Spielberg's attention.