So this is what the Evans poster looks like
Who /etsubatsu/ here?
I can't imagine what it must be like to flush a good thirty years of your life down the toilet on a fat sperg.
Thtat's what they get for creating life destined to suffer.
Ask youre mum
someone post that reenactment
hey what's up?
>making fun of a person with actual autism
Congratulations everyone ITT, you officially sunk into rock bottom.
I kind of feel bad for you
I don't think anyone here is making fun of autistic people, it's more like the documentary just has some unintentionally funny moments that have turned into memes (etsubatsu / i'm not ghey!! / oh my gawd!).
>Ask you are Mum
upvoted +1
To be honest, I wouldn't really mind if Nicky were my kid, he's more or less manageable and easy to have around. I'd want non-autistic kids as well, obviously.
He's blatantly a raging homosexual right? Why do most gays talk like that?
I was legit impressed he managed to string together "Hi" and "Louie" together into an actual greeting, plus a gesture. Yeah, his enunciation could do with some work, but it does mean he's not a mindless blob.
Makes you wonder what an Etchubatsu is.
based euros
Sup Forums is mostly full of contrarian underage redditors now who act edgy for the sake of edgy
that impression of louis is pretty damn good
You've literally ruined a young aspiring filmmaker's life, Sup Forums.
Was it worth it?
I like Nick. Nobody PC can attack him.
>muh secryit club
Apparently everyone who's not a morally bankrupted 300 pound Fedora wearing neckbeard needs to gb2r
> yfw etsubatsu will be deciphered in 2000 years as the meaning of life itself
pure fucking kino
motion picture when
Fuck retards. This makes me feel good. If he kills himself or go numb and mute forever or wathever else a fat retarded slob can do when his fat retarded feelings are hurts.
I hate fat people in the first place this blob is double by a retard, it's like a combo of hate for me. Fucking waste of material, time, ressource, energy, fucking even typing these words for this retards feels like an insult in the face of mankind.
I think I hate retards more than niggers. Of mice and man made me laugh, heartily.
Come back when you're 18
Based Louis
... Or dont
He's still producing good work
>enabling retards
You live on autism cash?
you're such bluepilled libtards Sup Forums
what does this mean?
>that kiss with his lips and nose morphing
I'm fucking dying here
Wait, have you fuck faces been shitting on him?
ah yes, always good to see a fellow enlighted redpilled soul. how are you brother? should i dump some Sup Forums infographics for these plebians?
It might kill the thread.
Do it slowly.
The full thing is pretty great. Ginny Weasley comes down to watch him do his kung fu. One of the funniest things I've seen for a while.
Sounds like a lot of projecting going on here.
Just people with a little bit empathy in them because they weren't bullied by other people their entire life
I don't think you know what projecting
I think this is a pathetic attempt at meming it
Because you had a nigger reaction face to post.
At least pic related looks like he has interests. I've become so jaded and un-opinionated for fear of being wrong that my apartment is boring and I just look like a waste of shit.
Like if there were a cull people would say "who should we get rid of - the guy in the fedora, the guy who plays college basketball, or the one who does nothing." They would kill me, I would kill me.
>t."I make fun of people who can't defend themselves because it makes me feel better about being a failure"
do you want some lucozade?
Christ keep it up you might make me cry
Well he's featured heavily in the Drive 2 trailer.
bro.. you fucken nailed it
>if you don't believe in the hate and genocide of an offset of the human race, you are a liberal
Unless I let you post this
Nobody's gonna ever know that this is...
True Autism
Isn't it what you do all day on Sup Forums?
Isn't this the reason you opened this thread?
You're truly disgusting user. You should probably end your life.
You came in this thread to laugh at a retard's meme. Kindly get off your high horse you delusional cunt.
Are you sorry?
> not having meme posters and shit all over your apartment is "boring"
kill yourself immediately
that nigga probably dead by now
>can't make fun of retards on Sup Forums anymore without someone getting triggered
what happened?
it's not like we're doxxing them or anything, they'll never even know about it
Yep. Now go back
I don't need to. A few minutes from now you'll probably visit another >tfw no gf thread that will make you weep like a bitch again
I love the special poetry slam.
>he post on /r9k/ and thinks everyone is a faggot like him
Please tell me you are considering suicide daily.
Evansposter general lmao
Isn't that what you're doing all day?
>Drive fan
He fits the profile of a good 25% of the posters on this fucking board f@m
It doesn't make it any less worse
well too bad
So is Sup Forums reenacting these scenes a thing now?
Oh, I agree with you on that
You should really kill yourself. I mean fucking kids have better bants than you. Fuck you're a waste of human flesh.
that thorax impression is pretty great
I wasn't exchanging any banter with you, you fucking massive faggot
What you call banter is some of the ceingiest shit ive seen in a long time
>you'll never make pure kino like this
Feels bad.
if he color corrected everything to make it look cohesive, it'd be a nice piece of fine art
>smaefagging your own backup
Just knowing that you will eventually hang yourself makes my dick hard.
>hating retards more than niggers
but you just went full retard yourself
Yeah well your a nigger.
>he thinks we're samefagging
the statement "saying you're pathetic is an understatement" is an understatement in and of itself.
no one will mourn your death :)
Kek, now that you falesly accuse me of a samefag I definitely know im right about you.. You sad sad man
your mom will she's loose her bull ;)
>another faggot on the internet agreed with me, my life isn't miserable!
But seriously do you live on autism cash yes or no?
>resorting to generic cuckposting
quit while you're still alive, kid ;)