I just watched this movie and I didn't understand the theme at all

I just watched this movie and I didn't understand the theme at all

Please help me understand.

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war bad

military brainwashes people

don't think of it as a war movie
think of it as a movie about what it's like to grow up as a boy in our society
you get indoctrinated to equate violence and sexuality with success, and with each other
the most violent, sexual person is the winner
but some people are late bloomers
so they cover it up and act manly with a john wayne impersonation and humor
or they get caught jerking off (or going nuts) in the toilet and blow their dad's head off
then when they are grown up the real world starts
everyone is still obsessed with sex and violence, and both are easier to find now
but some people still can't seem to get it
so they make up stories and say they've "been in the shit"
or they talk about how bad they want it
then they meet a prostitute/sniper and gang bang the shit out of her culminating in our lead character finally "becoming a man" by shooting her in the head with his massive cum shot
then they sing mickey mouse cause they want to be kids again :(

I see it really puts the watcher to think about the thoughts running through these peoples heads and how war is brain washing them.

Thanks anons.

it's really about the duality of pham

What's the lesson at the end of the boot camp segment?

Always fall asleep after we'll disicplined vz line.


To me it was about joker shooting the unarmed woman at the end. Despite everything his character was the war eventually broke him, like war, what is it good for, man

Never skip disney afternoon.

Don't join the army if you're mentally ill.

>vietnam war
I have bad news for you.

You know what I meant.

The mickey mouse song isn't just about loss of innocence. It's the most important part of the movie.

It's a symbol of America. The song is a symbol of America.

"Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?"

It's about America as a cult, worshiped by it's followers, with childlike obedience. It's a continuation of the theme of the "New Psychedelic Fascism", from A Clockwork Orange.

I like that interpretation. It's worth noting that the causes and motivations of the war never seem to be discussed at all. These guys sign up to kill and be killed for little more than power fantasies and peer pressure

It was just Kubrick being a Hack.

ACO is his only good film

the vietnam war was a draft, most didnt sign up

It was actually Barry Lyndon, though.

Untrue, a higher percentage of WW2 soldiers were drafted than Vietnam.

These kids were Marines too, they definitely signed up.

Platoon is better

Well wasnt Joker shooting her, an act of kindness. With her telling him to do so and all?




There's no anti or pro-war theme. It just shows you how it was.

> "The dead know only one thing, it is better to be alive."


"Better you than me".

Holy shit.

Kubrick graduated in 1945 from high school, I wonder why he did not serve in the military.

>You think we waste gooks for freedom? This is a slaughter.

What did he mean by this?

That means he would have graduated in June. War was over in August of that year, for all intents and purposes when we dropped the bombs on Japan.

War is hell.

america bad
vietnam good

succumb to communism comrade, you know you want to

Sup Forums filled with morons

read: the duality of man

there was still an active draft, plus he never got into college so he would have not gotten an exemption for education.

they were cycling out soldiers at the end of the war so they still needed new recruits.

The question remains, what was Kubbie's draft status. He could have just pulled a high ping pong ball number.

The Jungian thing?

he was never drafted. shut the fuck up you pathetic loser

>To me it was about joker shooting the unarmed woman at the end. Despite everything his character was the war eventually broke him, like war, what is it good for, man

The end was a trope. Halo Jones did the same ending with more wit "By the time we got back to the barracks she had virtually died of old age."

I wonder where it was cribbed from? Was there a similar episode in either of the source books?

i see you also enjoy the rob ager film analysis

>he was never drafted. shut the fuck up you pathetic loser

that's what pulling a high ping pong ball number means dumb ass. People turning 18 in 1945 still had to submit to the draft process, it was up to the military to determine how many numbers out of 365 they needed for that year.