Analyze his fight pattern

>Analyze his fight pattern

Martha Moment.


Zemo's plan was so fucking stupid it made Lex Luthor seem reasonable.

Except Zemo's plan actually worked.

Yeah, he got Iron Man to break up with his fwend for one movie

please no slendor

Is that supposed to be a good thing? A retarded and cartoony plan worked in a capeshit movie. Wow, that totally excuses it being so badly written it seemed like a high school kid wrote it!

Plus they were buddies by the end anyway.

Why doesnt Iron Man just do that every time instead of pretending to be a good fighter just because he has a big suit?

>Steve apologizes for not telling Tony but is still against the accords.
>Tony is tired of what happened and that's why he didn't answer Ross.

We /9gag/ now

>implying he won't come back in Infinity War and make up with Captain immediately

Movie was pointless. Nothing of consequence happened.

He literally similes as he reads his letter. And they will be buddies again in the next movie.

>in capeshit


You would say the same if someone died.

Dubs and this meme is dead forever

Torrent it and post the pic.

If tony can get the suit to do the fighting for him why doe he bother piloting it. Whats the advantage of him in the suit over just having that suit army from 3


or cap dies because he had to stand against a threat that the accords limited the other avengers from acting on

>torrent so my boss at Disney can sue you
Nice try, mouseshill.

Baron Zeebo was a lame villain

>Martha Moment

If we're calling the Martha moment a shitty thing that didn't make sense - which it really wasn't in BvS - then the whole of Civil War was just one big Martha moment.

>can't post proof
>user is Disney consumer.

This is the third time I have to reply to this. Am I immune after once, or what?

>post proof
>of a movie that isn't out
I'm sorry, not everyone is a degenerate thief.

What was Zemo's plan? Reading the script?

>UN accords

Friendly reminder that BvS continues to tear the fabric of reality.

No, you don't understand. He was a master "Psychologist." He simply predicted how everyone would react, just like a real psychologist! SOCIAL SCIENCE IS REAL SCIENCE!

That picture is only 95% as autistic as Sheldon himself

He was pretending to be psychologist, he is actually an strategist.

Well that makes his actions even more reasonable, of course.

Yeah that's the scene, he clearly smirks when the phone falls out of the package.

>Tony is tired of what happened and that's why he didn't answer Ross

Nigga u retarded. That was a joke set up earlier in the movie.


>Nigga u retarded. That was a joke set up earlier in the movie.
That doesn't mean he isn't tired.
>Yeah that's the scene, he clearly smirks when the phone falls out of the package.
Good, that means he is happy, right?


dubs and sheldon is dead

>That doesn't mean he isn't tired

What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing here? Who cares if he's tired or not? That's not the reason he put Ross on hold.

>Call me anytime, I'll put you on hold, I like to watch the line blink

>Good, that means he is happy, right?

Smirking can mean different things in different contexts. But yeah, I'd say he's happy there, even if a bit reluctantly so.

>Except Zemo's plan actually worked.

What did he mean by this?

Scene intent is fucking obvious here too. It means that in the future, the two will cooperate if needed. They will team up again, with no real issues but a few quips, in Infinity Wars, and it was set up at the end of the Civil War.