If Hollywood is supposed to be so progressive and tolerant then how come they won't show black people outside of CGI?
If Hollywood is supposed to be so progressive and tolerant then how come they won't show black people outside of CGI?
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it's a sad day when zoe saldana is referred to as the best of anything, even off-hand like that
also i can see her just fine
because theyre lying
Wasn't Lupita fully okay with being a CGI character because she had been wanting to do mo-cap in the first place?
There are niggers in all those movies without cgi or make up effects that cover up their blackness
And there are White people in all of those movies that have cgi and make up effects that do cover up their whiteness
As usual Blacks and their handlers are whining and bitching about fucking nothing
because they're ugly
>be 13% of population
>demand all the roles
>You stop being your current race if you paint your skin a different color
Doesn't this logic just legitimize what Rachel Dolezal was doing?
Fucking nu males.
>source character is green ayy lmao
>actress who wins role is black
>source character is green ayy lmao
Daily reminder these people are the type of people who would complain that ice is too cold and something needs some about it
SJWs don't know what consistency means, that's why they love
>Check to see what race author is
>White man
fucking pottery
why are those actors do auditions for those roles?
>Black actor is in multiple films where they aren't CGI or covered in makeup
Zoe Saldana is a bean though
because of RACISM
This is fucking bullshit.
Star Wars has way more white people covered up with masks or CGI.
Guardians of the Galaxy has Vin Diesel as a fucking CGI tree and Bradley Cooper as a fucking raccoon.
Convenient to ignore all that just to focus on the black people and complain about racism.
internet journalism is cancer
it's like looking at people trying their very best to be outraged at everything.
Internalized rascism.
But on a serious note. Do black people even speak out against these whiny bitches? It trivializes the real problems.
This is the worst thing in the universe.
>whinge whinge whinge
>wonders why everyone still hates them
It's not even just whites either like libcucks like to believe, asians and hispanics are even more racists towards blacks.
Also we are getting a Black Panther movie and he stared in Civil War with The Falcon and Iron Machine. Think about time we get some Latino heroes.
And besides, they're literally portraying alien races.
If that's not diverse then I don't know what the fuck is.
Shut up fucking nigger, if you want to watch nigger movies make them yourself.
It's a cumskin hipster faggot that wrote this garbage
He's cute I'd tickle his pickle for a nickel
>mfw the lonely neckbeards he targets with these articles take the bait
>'You don’t see Leonardo DiCaprio, Sandra Bullock, and Tom Cruise painting their faces to win roles'
>Leo: had to let a bear rape him just to get an Oscar. How many black people have gone that far for a role?
>Tom & Sandra: Have been in like 3 movies combined since 2010
Is this fucking guy legitimately retarded?
3 niggers on screen in civil war, heroes nonetheless. Stop complaining nignogs
>It's ok, he's only pretending to be retarded XD
>saying this in a movie with a black protagonist
I fucking wish Finn was the protagonist
SJWs will always find something to bitch about. Always.
>it's a race/gender/identity issue episode.
gawd these clickbait faggots
I guess black actors should stop auditioning for those kinds of roles then
why do niggers audition for these roles then if theyre mad that their faces wont be seen on screen, im pretty sure they tell them that when they audition
Next time baby
Here's the actual thing for anyone who wants to torture themselves: archive.is
Is that Ivan Ooze on the right?
nice numbers
but that's not a jewy name
>If I could clickbait a clickbait arcticle for every clickbait clickbaiting clickbait I would have a clickbait clickbaiting article to clickbait clickbait clickbait. dumb fucking white boys
I can't believe Idris Elba agreed to do this piece of shit of Star Trek sequel when he refused to comeback for the Thor one.
He's one of your own
They should add oscar/apocalypse to that pic
and isn't one of the main characters of tfa a black guy anyways?
Feminists aren't human, lad.
Same, honestly. The character could have been something relatively fresh in the star wars mythos but they really botched that.
bean isn't a race, she's a black latino
And then they had to cut her scenes to the absolute minimum cos she was awful at it
"Everyone is a racist except for upper-class white college students"
Come on man, don't blame this on blacks. That article was obviously written by some racebaiting white SJWs that makes a living over starting these sort of petty arguments.
>I fucking wish Finn was the protagonist
Why? He was Jar Jar.
Have they forgotten that this guy is the lead in what feels like at least one summer blockbuster every single year?
>Will Smith
>summer blockbuster
Those days are over...he can thank his son for that
This blows my mind honestly. Do you not do a few screen tests before you make your cartoon character a pivotal part of your story. You know... Just in case.
Not that user, but consider: former storm trooper raised from birth as some killing machine/cannon fodder deserts.
That could have been a great source of internal conflict for a protagonist.
Instead, he was some ancillary character who suddenly decides
>nah fuck this shit lol im out
with no reluctance, no conflict or trepidation about leaving the only life he has ever known.
It was a wasted opportunity.
>people get upset at this
>it's totally fine when a black actor plays a white character
I personally don't care when it happens because it's entertainment and not real but SJWs are zero self-awareness.
That's why I mention their handlers (ie White liberals and Jews)
But Blacks do love to play along with the idea that they are perpetual victims of oppression and mistreatment
No, he can thank Scientology for that. Based Cruise is the only actor who can use the power of Xenu to its full extent.
last ones were
2012 MIB3
2008 Hancock
but he will come back in the next years
2016 suicide squad
2017 Bad Boys 3
2019 Bad Boys 4
>blacks audition for alien characters knowing they will be using makeup
>somehow this is wrong
Xenu is their weird antagonist in scientology.
Hence, why operation clambake used xenu.net.
>Come on man, don't blame this on blacks.
reddit is that way, nigger.
>white man writes this article
>Sup Forums white man: "WOW N***S ARE SO GREEDY!"
Have you no shame or chill?
>admitting to being a shitskin on here
out of here with this nigger babble
Hipster Chad?
That's the problem. His backstory was that of a killing machine super soldier, he could have had potential, but ended up directed as a yet another annoying comic relief Jar Jar archetype.
>film by blacks, featuring blacks
>another marginalization of dark-skinned black characters
Let's ignore all the much larger number of white people in costumes and makeup and pretend this is an issue worth discussing
Fucking SJWs are hilarious. This is what they've been reduced to. They're eating themselves from the inside out
Diversity in Hollywood is a lie.
A better question is "why do black actors go for shitty big payout franchise movies ?". And the answer is related to the reason they don't win Oscar's: they have no artistic integrity and are just in it for the money.
And since noone wants to see black people on stage besides other black people, it's easier to make them into aliens.
When is it coming to platforms?
Yeah, I see what you mean. I agree.
I don't know who's baiting who anymore