Eternal /got/ general


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*record scratch* you're probably wondering why the Umbers betrayed me

>killing best direwolf

Jon kills himself in the first scene of the next ep btw lads.

then he gets revived again.

So Greatjon is dead?


reporting for duty

nice leet digits btw




She's fugged.

REMINDER: Tommen currently only has 2 kingsguard, Jaime and The Mountain

I don't think he will have to, everyone else will argue for him.

No. John can't die again or he's gone.

Gotta free up the cgi budget

Jon umber is secretly working with rickon

screencap this

And now it begins

jesus fuck cleganebowl is really going to happen isn't it

first for Dany

Such comedy gold!

>idiots think the Umbers are pulling a ruse


shit no one even believes that the white walkers are coming



>Arya sees peasant Gendry
>ovaries explode
>Arya spends the rest of her days living as a peasant in the riverlands

How is GOT like Dark Souls? Tell me.

>Ser Dayne, I'm Winterfell

un noaw eit engs

Daenerys storyline is getting pretty boring predictable slow and shit

What's the deal with the faceless men a rejecting assassination contracts? Hypothetically if Ramsay put a hit out on Salsa would Arya be obligated to go through with it? Does she have any standing to turn if down if she's supposed to be "no one"? Repercussions?

There were like 5 men in KG armour with him when he went to the high sparrow

Why are niggas saying The Umbers are gonna wreck Ramsey? Like some kinda of ruse, but they killed the kid's dog.

why did a dornishman join them?

That's a big sword.

>shows wounds that are clearly fatal
>has meli perform magic for the extra cynical

not hard


>implying Shaggydog is dead

Size does matter m8

>Jon is the Dragon Reborn
>Gendry is Perrin
>Lightbringer is Callendor

pls use new upgraded version

t. original creator of nedpost

>mfw I only watch GoT to make image macros

Other than the hanging scene, are there any good meme material, lads?

There is no ruse.

But seriously, why does this series have fart jokes?

Victarion never ever

This probably isn't going to get very polite replies but whatever.

What the fuck happens to /r/asoiaf during the actual seasons? In the off-season that subreddit is full of fan theories and actual tinfoil discussion and shit, and everyone agrees the show is terrible.

Right now it's flooded with posts praising the littlest things "wow can you believe they managed to remember to use the same sword in two different seasons for Ned? amazing!" and "there's only one way to describe episode three! classy" (farts)

I know it's reddit and everyone's friendly and fucking gay, but what the fuck. It follows the same cycle as well ------praise episode------discuss episode------people point out that it sucks-----everyone eventually agrees----time for new episode (farts)

Fans are butthurt and want to believe the story will have a happy ending.

It won't.

Then who were the four kingsguard with him when he visited the High Sparrow?

hes just wearing the thing which keeps sand from blowing in ur face

they talk about it in the books at one point iirc

Danny hasn't had an interesting storyline since season 1, she's so disconnected from everything else that's happening right now that it doesn't even matter what ends up to her

The whole show is boring and predictable and slow as shit.

3 episodes in and nothing is happening. Jon has only just gotten up and done something.

D&D are too scared to take any plots forward.

>Sand Snakes now rule Dorne
>just like that

And no one mentioned Meryn Trant being killed

dat horse's face always gets me



what did he mean by this?

Heart broken they didn't stick to the correct dialogue for this.

And why would dayne say good luck in the wars to come... But now it ends

can you fuck off faggot?
thought i had a worthwhile reply there.


you are a big guy

I want to be buy a northern Inuit, I know gay...

But the dogs are so damn costly.

People are waiting for some sort of silver lining to this shitfest that they will make any theory that will make them still have hope.

I assumed those were Lannister men or the City Watch. They didn't look like Kingsguard.

My money is what's his face Stark dies next episode like his little Shaggy.

Jaime did call him "The Forgettable"

Because his reasoning for a genuine betrayal is really dumb and people want to think that the writing is better than it is.

Ramsay probably wouldn't be able to afford a hit on Sansa, remember they said hiring the Faceless Men to kill Dany would cost more than an entire army.

Anyway I got this from the wiki:
>Further, the Faceless Men will reject a contract if killing the target clashes with their strange and at times inscrutable religious beliefs.

So I guess they have some amount of choice in the matter

Go back to your reddit club and remember that Aegon is worse than anything D&D have come up with

Wasn't Ser Gregor Meryn's replacement?


Right because they're totally going to hear him out and not just execute him.

>Hey Bran!
>come here boy!

r/gameofthrones floods it when their own subreddit is filled with nothing but jokes and memes

what if that wolf head was just a big wolf head and not a stark direwolf head?

it looked kinda small and the umbers could very well still be stark

Wasn't he kind of worthless as a knight? He was appointed because Cersei wanted Kingsguard men that she could bribe or some stupid shit.

>you now realize arya went through an 80s training montage and now she's really really good at stickfighting because at the end of the montage she was out stickfighting her teacher

Sam puking
Melly's eyes widening
Missandei judging the fuck out of Tyrion
Smalljon cheeky faces
idk what else

who /smoljon/ here?

Fight was actually cool and showed how dominant and legendary Dayne was compared to other swordsmen by having him rek the shit out of people 1vs5, something that should not be possible for anyone human, except for legends.

>inb4 autistic bookfags tears

and it was the best scene of the episode too

that's what the army is for dummy

>Bran isn't becoming a tree
What the fuck D&D

>Targs have ruled the kingdom for centuries
>kingsguard armour is rusty and fucking disgusting

is this a joke? An elaborate joke?

Why bring Rickon to a kinslaying psycho who might as well slit his throat on the spot?


because only the nerds who care a lot and are easily triggered stay active during the off-season

I wouldn't say it's boring, but you're right.
Nothing really happened.
All things were pretty much predictable.
Things like "I know Jon Snow will still get up" and "Arya will see from now" are unusual for me, because the story always surprised me.

Now there are no storyline that really moved forward. and like 30% of the season passed

Still was a kingsguard. It should been a throw away line saying we need a new kingsguard.

That was before he was killed

>Dabid completely forgot Nymeria exists

He's going to steal Meera's body and live out the rest of his days as a bog whore.

>remember they said hiring the Faceless Men to kill Dany would cost more than an entire army.

I thought they said anyone can hire a faceless man, even a dirt poor beggar, as long as they are willing to give what's most important to them or some shit like that.

His father was beheaded..

They're beating it into your head that he's not staying there.

you're asking us to explain reddit to you?

Soo did the sand sneks that followed jamie to kings landing just... go back right after?

did d&d even read anything past the red wedding?

The cost varies in proportion to the importance of the target

They'll kill a king but it'll cost several fortunes

>they still wasted 2 episodes of her getting beat up even though they knew she was going to have a montage

guys this episode was one of the best in the entire series as a show

and I've read the books (well, 3)

>implying D&D ever considered it

They did just have a gigantic fucking war.

Do you think after a disaster that is GoT the show we will ever get a well-directed ASOIAF movie?

I don't want to be mocked by LOTRfags forever

Someone had to step in and rule Dorne.


>Arya had more character development in a 40 second montage this episode then she's had since the fucking Hound died