On a scale of 1-10 how irritating is wil wheaton?
get in before his fanboys get this thread deleted. also the time he got into a bitch fight with sjws because of racism was pretty funny
On a scale of 1-10 how irritating is wil wheaton?
get in before his fanboys get this thread deleted. also the time he got into a bitch fight with sjws because of racism was pretty funny
What fight was this?
He is not even irritating anymore. He is just sad and dull.
Hes more pathetic than irritating
He's just a loser, not irritating
You will need to read the notes as well
He needs to get raped.
alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die was a usenet group 20 years ago. People have always hated that faggot.
wesley crusher/10
Shutup Wesley/10
Agreed. People like him who molest little boys are scum.
jesus fucking christ every single side in this is retarded
>Here’s a pro tip for you, incredibly angry person: when someone is polite and respectful, reasonable adults ten[d] to reply to them a lot faster and with more thought than we do to someone who is a condescending, angry, belligerent asshole.
I mean, he's totally right about that, and it's something that Tumblr just hasn't figured out or, worse, completely rejected on the grounds of self-righteousness.
He is the ultimate nu male, the final fucking end boss of nu males.
>Married an old lady
>adopted her adult sons
>His wife "jokingly" humiliates him with Nathan fillion as often as she can
>He will defend the virtue of any fair maiden on the internet
>Is obsessed with the harriden Felicia Day
>Panders to LE GEEK CHIC for a pay day as that's all he's fucking good for
so much more, I hate his fucking pudgy bloated fat fucking face
I'll just leave this here:
I bet he enjoys the work of John Green
>that purple tinge to his hair
Always. Always with the hair dye. At this point as soon as I see someone with dyed hair I know not to mention certain subjects around them.
Yes, but dont you think its rather ironic given his stance?
I will admit i actually keked
what the fuck does "mansplain" even mean?
A little too ironic
Sure, but sometimes you do find nuggets of truth among the confused rambling.
so basically it's another strategy to undermine white males
why do people even listen to will fucking wheaton. he was annoying as fuck in Star Trek for a few years and that's it.
Its when you condescend to a woman because shes a woman, i have actually seen this happen unfortunatly.
A broken clock is right twice a day, doesnt mean its useful, but i get your drift.
People who do it tend to be stupid tho and deserve the shit they get.
How does Wheaten feel that they cast this 10/10 Aryan God as a representation of what he'd look like aged 25?
This is the most funny tweet of his-what made me dislike him.
He's not irritating because it's easy to ignore him. He's a pathetic worm though.
WOW what a fucking KEK, even thru Based Gorge under the bus. What he should have said was the truth which was: Disney is trying to super shill SJW ideals to make money off of beta orbiters and the fat feminist that might see it. When in reality it will just be beta fucks, who will use the movie as justification of being a "feminist" so that women will "maybe" date them. FUCK WILL, you are 46 you are too old to be acting like a fucking moron SJW.
you're a twat?
10/10 would bang
Cant tell if you're trolling, butthurt or stupid. which is it?
i just realized i met this dude once back when i was a kid. he was the step dad of one of my friends and i went to his house in arcadia lol.
>implying contributions to gamer "culture" is a point of pride
I haven't seen this fat mong for a while
>Sleeve tat
>purple dye tinge
>emo cut
So now that he's almost 50 he's trying to fit in with the SJW younguns...
Oh man it's been a while since i've seen that image.
>this man is 50 years old
How did such a cute teenager turn into that?
>gaming culture
reminder that just boom head shot alone from pure pwnage made more of an impact than anything the sundry crew will do
He's alright. His board game show hooked me up with some good games for normie time. I'm so happy I don't have a gf anymore, normie time is the fucking worst
He's aged brilliantly, I'll give him that, but that's probably a side effect of a testosterone deficiency.
I wonder when he'll realize that "gamer culture" is only important to 13 year olds and Frito-Lay/Pepsico
>gaming culture
because sitting on your ass twiddling your thumbs somehow needs a "culture"