>Jim Proobst edition
>Final 2 is better than Final 3 subedition
>Jim Proobst edition
>Final 2 is better than Final 3 subedition
Is it final 2 this season? I hate final 2, it makes it too obvious who's going to win.
We're at final 5 and still have 2 episodes left so it's more likely that it's final 2
oh my bad i made another thread
i'll stick with this one
cydney going all teh way
i just hope they do a wednesday finale
i hate when they switch it to sunday after we blocked out wed for the entire season, nobody wants to watch this on a sunday
>tfw her clit is bigger than my dick
They haven't done a Sunday in maybe 10 seasons now?
naw, they only switched to wed the last couple of seasons
tai ruined this season
Reminder: New season of BB starts June 22
Nah, people getting their feelings hurt too easily ruined this season.
Beginning of the season is the best
>wanted to get into BB to see how Caleb played
>40 episodes a season
i was watching him whine about stuff just now and i had the sudden realization that i was looking at a man who has had a penis in his butt
that happens every season
But it usually doesn't effect the game this much. Everytime someone tries to give Cydney advice, she takes it personally and flips.
>joe will make final 3
Tai is a top
its pretty bitter jury already
finale could be gold
Probst's definition of "just missed" is very liberal
Standard chimp behaviour.
>waiting for grandpa to catch up
wow, poor challenge design
Yeah, the show itself is okay but not great. The fun part of /bigbrother/ is watching the live feeds - usually the first half of the season is pretty great. Last year was gold.
>mfw I remember that bmc got medevac'd from a reward challenge
Joe is #myguy
clutch joe
I heard they are doing another BB All Stars.
Is It true?
It's typical woman behavior
Joe getting BLACKED tonight
Nobody knows yet. Every season people talk about all-stars, and every season people have been wrong. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm not expecting it either.
this season sucks ass
rumor is half old and half new
yeah no one left is likable. Maybe Michelle, since she has been the only qt on the island for like 5 weeks
thats why it was pushed back half a season
Aubrey is the only one left playing the game right.
>Cydney and Tai have burnt every bridge
>Michelle and Joe have done nothing the entire game
Joe is retarded
You niggers are crazy, this season has been great. The only reason you could dislike this season is if you were just watching it for the hot chicks.
michelle is a qt
once Neal left it was no longer worth watching
bro please watch the nbombs
why does michelle have so much belly fat?
>ywn be tai
shes ready for a baby
>not offering her a foot rub
>wanting to be a gay asian manlet
Tai and Michelle have surprisingly good chemistry. Michelle should team up and go to final two. She'll win for sure.
Inb4 med evac
oh shit i forgot that there's still one left
Welp Aubrey SJWing her way to victory
This season sucks
Joe gets e-vac
>trusting the jew
poor Tai
Jesus, Tai is so easy to manipulate.
Aubry deserves to win desu
>implying Asians aren't more Jewish than the jews
who's the jew?
the one that looks like a fucking Jew
>joe medevaced because of diarrhea
which one?
Urine trouble now, Joe
the joe curse
rip joe
>Joe's first challenge win will be his last
At least Joe's going out a winner :^)
were they eating steaks on reward? That shit will give you explosive diarrhea if you haven't had red meat in a while
>le care about each other's health in a million dollar game
nice meme
if anything they're praying the other person gets medevaced
BMC got married last week
Wish we could have seen Joe barely compete in the challenge and his prostate and bladder explode inside his body, flooding his internals with piss and blood
he could've done better
literally who?
she's gonna be about 250 pounds in a year
>feeling bad for a guy that ate too much
Talk about pissing away a million dollars lol
What a shitty situation
>ambers face when
>getting medevac'd in the final 5
I gotta be honest, Joe completely stoically describing his intense pain is kind of funny.
>can cause long term damage
We wouldn't want to deprive him of the 3 days he has left
Being 71? It's because the mothercucker ate too much beef.
>no eviction tonight
stop wasting my time jeff
Reminds me of my father, desu. He's never shed a tear for as long as I've known him.
>it's a jeff gives an "inspirational" speech episode
You having trouble paying bills? Seems like a real slip of the tongue to call Tribal an "eviction"
>it's a medevac episoe
fucking bullshit, i want tribal
Joe was guaranteed 2nd/3rd place money
Truly the worst episode.
Except for Bruce being evacuated for not being able to poop, that was fucking hilarious.
>Next time on a special 30 minute finale...
he was on big brother and he was on survivor this season but got medivac'd early
Inception music
does tai lose his idol now?
Tai's idol doesn't work now right?
>>Tai's idol completely gone to waste
>I'm the bottom
knew it
>Seoul Survivor
Guess we know who wins...
>not a single idol was played this season