>I'll give him a RED smile
What did he mean by this?
>I'll give him a RED smile
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
What did he mean by this?
Where the fuck does "R'Hollor hungers" come from? They never said It in the show right? Is it a play on Frostmourne Hungers?
nth for (farts)
RIP Eurio
Kevin will probably be killed by the kids shown in episode 3.
>Hey maester, nice chain. Do you choke your mother with it when you put your penis in her butthole?
>Where the fuck does "R'Hollor hungers" come from?
wew lad didn't even think about that, thought they'd just cut the fact that Varys kills Kevin in the book
>*laugh track*
I thought Varys cuts out his little birds tongues. How come they still talk?
Rightful Queen and Hand of the Queen
Podrick dies soon
Why are Olenna's witticisms so much more entertaining than Tyrion's? Is it the acting?
Wait, if he cuts their tongues, then how do they tell him what they've heard?
s-sign language?
He teaches them all how to read and write. This way they can copy down other peoples' letters without having to steal them.
>3 episodes in
>still no sex scenes
arya is the many faced god's chosen one.
sansa sex scene soon please
They wouldn't have bothered to bring him back if they weren't going to kill him
Although with how little interesting characters there are left they'd be better off to go OC and have him live, but I'm sure they won't miss an opportunity to kill a good character
>googling for lyanna is a wight or other theories
>Google gives me a Salon article about consent and rape and lyanna being raped or some shit
Why is this allowed.
>Promise me, Jorah
an astute observation
Is this kino?
>arrives to Castle Black
>looks like pussy is back on the menu, boys!
>Plot going nowhere for 2+ seasons now
>Winter is here, no one north of the wall anymore, yet white walkers nowhere to be seen
>Every arc has steadily become filler now.
GoT on suicide watch by this season's finale.
I bet they'll kill tyrion around the end of the season just for shock value, too.
>Why are Olenna's witticisms so much more entertaining than Tyrion's?
They're less cock-centric and generally aimed at characters of consequence.
i can't believe they did that
my boys DnD are on the case
House Arryn master race
Sansa x Pod sex scene please
House Arryn down to a weak 'tard bitch and a kid from the female line.
House Arryn a shit
Does it bug anyone else that they decided to keep calling him Gregor Clegane instead of Robert Strong?
>implying meme dwarf will die
>implying meme dwarf CAN die
He is GRRM's favorite character, and is clad in impenetrable plot armor. If the White Walkers win and the Night's King sits on the Iron Throne, Tyrion will be the only one left alive to witness it.
Claim your husbando /got/
FUck, just read catelyn's chapter where Robb returns with the westerling bitch
the feels.......
>Brienne arrives at the wall
>Sansa finally about to get to Castle Black
>Jon leaves
Jesus christ. This shit is Boardwalk Empire levels of fucking slow and go-nowhere.
Does anyone seriously give a shit about Danny being kidnapped? Those anyone give a shit about Danny period? She's not doing shit anymore. No one is. Who the fuck cares about Arya becoming an assassin? What does any of this shit have to do with the supposed 'battle for Westeros' and White Walkers? Are we ever going to get anywhere in the next 2-3 years with this fucking story when we only get 10 episodes a year and 95% of it is retarded filler? Everyone season this shit gets worse and worse and I'm struggling to find a reason to watch anymore.
>He wasn't raised by sucking the teet till he was 12
Kek fag
What's the Sup Forums archive now? I want to see the reaction thread, and I can't keep up with all the different archives that sprang up once foolz died.
Would he even be able to enter the phatness?
unstoppable force meets immovable object, this is the groundbreaking questions GoT dares to answer
where the fuck did my spaces go
Fuck off Rhaegar. Everyone knows you kidnapped her
Jon hasnt left yet autist
Watch it again, he's obviously going to a room to get ready to leave, the gate is on the other side.
And this is where Dany gets an army from, she's gonna ride Drogon in front of all the Khal's and they'll follow her
I JUST claimed it you dumb fuck
All the more reason they'll kill him with le-instakill-dagger. They've completely run out of ideas and that's why the story hasn't gone anywhere in 2 years.
first time reading it through?
Sansa doesn't seem like a smart person
>20k views already
there are people who think they need to slow the pace down and tell more backstory.
10, 20 episode seasons to do it right
>Tyrion as Night's Kings hand
I can see it.
I wish Benny still made videos
You think Lysa ever too care of his natural urges while he was feeding?
I just realized that if Bran is going back in time, he won't go back to season 1, obviously, because everybody is old and many actors are gone. BUT he could go back to Robert's rebellion and try to change things or whatever so that his family is saved. Are we going to see Robert vs Rhaegar? FUCKING HYPED
It was only in front of the little birds, wasn't it? Not sure if they're completely dropping the Ser Robert Strong bit. Kind of makes shit complicated with Dorne if they are.
Other hand, maybe this should be taken as further indication that they're dropping Dorne as quickly as they can.
I think officially he's known as Robert Strong since Clegane is widely assumed dead, but everyone on the small council is in on his resurrection.
>being able to affect past events via "time travel" meme
can this end?
Based Sophie openly groping smirkfu. The shit chicks can get away with.
You're still trying to make sense of this mess?
>hey rigar you dropped some rubies...
Ill start giving a shit about Dany the moment she decides to start moving west as opposed to literally every other direction. I'll start giving a shit about Arya the moment she remembers that the majority of her siblings, to her knowledge, are still alive and decides to rejoin them rather than having any interesting personality traits she has be slowly ablated away with each passing episode.
Jesus Christ just make it stop.
preston video when?
no, it just confirms the painfully obvious
I love these videos
they dropped the whole "Robert Strong" thing entirely, and i dont like that.
they could have handled it subtly.
also, is that the Icelandic strongman actor or some other tall bloke?
Why doesn't Bran just go back to season 1 and tell himself not to climb the damn tower. That's the root cause of everything in the show basically.
Why is Sophie Turner spanking Natalie Dormer?
i love how benioff points for the hound to see so he doesnt miss the action
What God/gods would you follow? Rollorfag here
>also, is that the Icelandic strongman actor or some other tall bloke?
It's still the Strongman
>Who the fuck cares about Arya becoming an assassin?
I kinda do to be honest. As far as the Others go, it's not like the show is really lagging behind the books in particular.
muh dick
Who cares if there's no afterlife
old gods senpai
She'll get saved by Sir Friendzone, he'll die in the process, and she'll go back to doing nothing in Mereen for the rest of the season. Who gives a fuck if the dragon shows up? Even if she gets the Khal's to follow her, so fucking what? They already wrote her out of Westeros for the foreseeable future after her fleet was destroyed and the port along with them. She's a complete dead end until next year minimum.
Jon will be gone by the time Sansa gets there and she'll be chasing him around while he fucks off to become god emperor of the wildlings or some stupid shit to take back Winterfell. That'll be the end of the season. That's why his brother was just captured. To give him some motivation to bother taking Winterfell back.
And the white walkers will be nowhere to be found the whole season. They'll use winter itself as a convenient plot device to put that shit off until the next book comes by just making winter take forever to kick in. Hence king's landing.
Then live forever or at least make sure your kids do, by worshipping the true Kings of Winter
>Theon gets his balls cut off
>The Red Wedding happened
>Sansa gets raped by Ramsay and everyone bitches about muh feminisms and treatment of women and muhsoginy
Can somebody explain this?
>this mess
Eh, it's OK, honestly. E1 was very disappointing, 2 and 3 were both enjoyable and people are radically overstating the amount of filler they contain.
my sides have left this earth
>implying gods exist
That's not a strong argument for the show, that's an argument for the books being just as slow and shitty about pacing and plot progression. None of this stupid side-shit matters. They spent the early seasons conveying that none of it matters. At this point they're just milking the fuck out of a cash cow at the expense of a story. Both D&D and Martin.
Something to do with communism obviously
Is that a serious question? Does she need to explain herself in that regard? Would you NOT spank Natalie Dormer? Are you one of those fancy-boys or something?
You sheets are soaked with your own piss on a daily basis.
what about the aids jorah got? that'll have to play into something or did they do it just for prank patrol
Even if she gets the Khal's to follow her, so fucking what?
>implying the dothraki army wouldn't be a huge boon to her forces
>they already wrote her out of Westeros for the foreseeable future after her fleet was destroyed and the port along with them.
the ironborn are going to go to mereen to invade it, they will end up allying with dany and taking her army to westeros in their massive fleet of ships
feminists are hypocrites and enforce double standards
wew lad
Dorne is on the warpath now that the Sand Snacks have overthrown the patriarchy. There is really no point in pretending that "Ser Strong" is anyone other than frankenmountain
The ride never ends. Because it never even fucking started.
I'm pretty sure the hound takes a picture of it with his phone. That's what the action looks like.
So it's hearsay then.