Well? She's right, Sup Forums

Well? She's right, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Neither of them are as annoying as the Mexican yellow filter.

People literally look for ways to be offended. It's gotten insane

What a stupid cunt, I hope she dies in a fire

What tv shows even do this?

But that tweet doesn't do any of that? You do know what a trope is, right?

This is just the twitter version of dumb frogposting

>please do not play music that is native to the places where shows/scenes are set

dumb frogposter

the bigger issue is that there are autists that scour twitter, tumblr etc. for people who are offended by something, then regurgitate their words here on Sup Forums, on news media and other places, giving their opinions a larger voice

it's a spiraling circle of shit and one of the biggest downsides of the internet generation

she's right but she's still only saying this because she's a butthurt chink, not because she's concerned with the quality of film-making.

I think it would be really funny if eventually all movies just used the same badass guitar riff for location transitions

She clearly has no clue about the origin of the flute and of modal scales.

What's the name of that song that literally always plays when a scene cuts to England? Like it's Buckingham's theme song or some shit.



Yakety Sax

I don't see how flute is native to asia.

This is what I thought he meant too

Rule Britannia

ITT: people who suck at reading comprehension

I think he means the tune at the end of this clip.


That's what happens when you live in the 21st century and races are pretty much 100% equal in 1st world countries.

No they have to make up dumb shit like "no flutes please!" and "white people stop wearing dreads!" just to keep feeling oppressed.

>Movie in asia
>flute starts playing

what are phrygian vocals?

That's "Rule, Britannia!".

Yeah this. Every fucking time.
This one is for when you cut to posh people. They don't have to be British.

Well that's the regressive left for ya.

movie makers u can just not have
>it ain't me start playing
when the movie is set in vietnam

What music would she rather have?

Thanks senpai


>movie in africa

what the fuck, i love these vocals. why the fuck is she offended by them?

Because she's white

Why have asians go full nigger? I swear they were like bro-tier 2 weeks ago



She's right you know. Needs more YOOOOOOO and gong banging.

>I just learnt what phrygian means and I want to use it in a tweet


>Scene in India


what the fuck is wrong with that, its their traditional music its not like its taboo their


Look at you, look at all of you. Look at how you're offended over some insignificant tweet. You're all blind to yourselves.

It's not SJW to want shows to stray away from dumb fucking tropes. The things she pointed out are silly and overdone and makes you roll your eyes. There's no need for it.

>trusting anyone whose tagline is unironically 'music for neets'

It's a
>Scene shifts to Mexico so of course there's now a tan color filter in place

Too many people have their panties in a twist over this Sup Forums tier tweet. Are you all just looking for reasons to be mad?

lol she's not offended you touchy faggots, she's pointing out cliches she finds dumb.
there's threads on Sup Forums like this all the time, lurk moar.


>saying something is stupid means you're offended by it


Your trying way too hard reddipham

I'm offended? If anything I'm amused. I love looking at dumb liberal tweets.

Even as a kid I used to hate it when
>Scene cuts to Japan
>Shows mount Fuji

Every time.

>Vietnam movie
>it ain't me starts playing

name 3 movies that do this


>asking directors NOT to do something
>not offended

fucking idiot

what the fuck else would you want you spastic, some 80s disco over a shot of mumbai? some smooth jazz whilst bustling through the streets of mexicos slums?

do u know what tone is?

>Vietnam film
>Give Me Shelter starts playing

>Scene cuts to England
>Shot of Big Ben with orchestra playing Rule Brittania
>Fog rolls in
>Horse drawn carriage passes in front of the camera
>Jack the Ripper sweeps past in a cape

Looks good aren't that a few too many minarets though?

look up what offended means.
laughing/talking/rolling your eyes at tropes doesn't mean you're offended.
are all the people in the Sup Forums threads offended too? only idiot here is you

i visited egypt a few years ago, and starting at 5 am sharp, any populated area was dominated by the deafening phrygian vocal runs, until 5 at night. the best part of travel is the different ambiances. i drove through the american southwest last summer and it was nice hearing the intermittent whistles and ponderous acoustic noodling.

What is this? A Mount Fuji for ants?!

lol had to google that word

>cuts to Japan
>youtube.com/watch?v=cvwHph4bFN0 starts playing
That's it mang.

It's weird what memories get triggered by shit. I learned this word from The Thief and the Cobbler.

>implying it's not There Must Be Some Kind (of way out of here) playing

Yooooooooooooooooo (plink-plink)

>Scotland scene
>Loud bagpipe music starts playing

>Scotland scene
>Voting No starts playing

But we'll keep all the ones about white Americans being fat and stupid though.

>SJW is making entitled demands
nothing new. kill them all

but that's what its really like + pakis everywhere

It's a fucking Sup Forums tier meme to call out silly tropes like that you God damned Sup Forumstard.

What's that song that seems to always play when a scene is in Ireland or Boston? It's kind of like rock music but it has the accordion or something too

This is one of them cultured appropriate arguments but actual Chinese shows use flutes and gongs and Middle Eastern shows use wailing women singing

I could endlessly troll my neighbours with that

>it's not ok to point out dumb tropes and cliches on Sup Forums anymore
what happened?

If you were my neighbour and installed a fucking bamboo fountain, I'd shoot your dog

Anybody know what the wailing shit is called like at the opening title of the 100?


It's an SJW meme

won/t let me post link sorry,but you can look it up.


That's at least a composition. Maybe even an anthem.

She probably isn't even bothered by it, most SJW twitter retards aren't bothered by the shit they talk about. In the same way that people on Twitter try too hard make a new, funny joke, SJW's find a way to make a new, hard-hitting, funny piece of social commentary. They probably couldn't care less, but they know they'll get RT's by talking about it.

someone repeating the burger music meme several years later great.

keep sucking on our tit retards.

joke's on you I dont have a dog

no, those are clearly about national """stereotypes"" that trigger her. whats wrong with setting up the right atmosphere?

>It's a fucking Sup Forums tier meme
it isnt. please go outside from time to time

>movie set in america
>mcdonalds theme starts playing


>American movie
>burger music starts playing

People like OP know how easy it is to upset any Sup Forums board with a relative tweet. Sup Forums is especially retarded when fake news links are posted.

What's that things purpose?

Helps you meditate or some shit because it always knocks at equal intervals

mitski getting BTFO ITT

mitski on full damage control

They stole that song from my Ultima games

the sad thing is, that producers start to listen more and more to them

>Japan scene
>*wood block hit*

This shit was like literally the first modern frogpost. "It ain't me starts playing" descended from this.

it's a fountain



I guess I just want to have more faith in this place. But with posts unironically asking shit like:
>whats wrong with setting up atomosphere the same way over and over again?
I guess I should just give up. Like seriously he's taken to argumentation by reaching the conclusion first then using any bullshit to back it later. All out of a fear of the EssJayBoogeymen around the corner.

There are tons of examples of shitbrained SJDubs on Twitter and elsewhere. OPs post is not one of them. This is a kid making fun of retarded tropes. You can find this thread on Sup Forums hourly.

I disagree. Her tone clearly implies she's passive aggresive about it. But you're being condescending that means you're right