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>implying the fart scene wasn't comedy gold
good start op
Why are two jews writing the most inane stupid incosistent garbage?
I thought jews were smart. Are they trying to make us stupid?
So when the Ironborn aren't actively rebelling how do they survive?
I assume they would have complete domination of the fishing industry in Westeros, but I somehow doubt that GRRM has put that much thought into it
>medieval story
>people fight with longsword while another hand is for jerking off apparently
>choreography is ANY good
I kek'd.
Can't wait for the story of Sweetrobin, the Arryn who Lived and his magical adventures in the Vale.
Soon he will get his wand and make little men fly.
If only, y'know, Jon had resigned as Lord Commander /before/ murdering four of his brothers
>So when the Ironborn aren't actively rebelling how do they survive?
Fishing mostly. I think they get their salt-people and thralls or whatever to grow shit for them or something as well, I forget.
What the fuck happened to his actor. He looks JUST as fuck
They are smart, so they make things for stupid people because there's lots of stupid people.
Which is the most retarded house lads?
Whos hand is that?
Case in point
Very little grows on the iron island thats the entire point.
They raid and raid and raid.
Is it just me, or did this seem like too much?
They pretty much always wreck continental shit up, when are they even part of 7 kingdoms? Not from Aegon that's for sure.
Based Lannisters
post rare DARKSATAR
1. Wildfire missing from King Slanding
2. "No man truly knew Rhaegar Targaryen"
3. Ned didn't bring back the bones of the slain, this is a huge insult
4. Ned and Howland alone bring down the huge tower. Where have we a seen a large tower taken down in the series before?
5. Most Targs are verifiable crazy and obsessed with prophecy. We know that's especially true for Rhaegar.
6. GRRM's style
Friendly reminder that Rhaegar abducted Lyanna with the help of his gay Kingsguard friends. Then he chained her up and brutalized her with his thick Valyrian dick until she was pregnant and he gave his Kingsguard turns as well. Poor Lyanna knew no rest. He left behind the three KG's at the TOJ to complete the ritual sacrifice while he had to go fight at the Trident.
they're being sarcastic. Nobody liked the fart or the dick joke.
He always looked weird, but he's not even close to getting JUSTed as hard as Rickon's actor
the queen of loafs and burguers
>growing shit
>on rocks in the cold sea
yeah thats why iceland is granary of europe
Ironbabbies makes logic hurt
the genetics in this show are truly horrific jesus crist
Which characters did the show ruin?
It doesn't matter what fanfiction they write now. They've got their braindead, normie, lowest common denominator audience that'd literally eat shit on a platter served in front of them at this stage and are people to stupid to rationalise the show's drastically decreased in quality as the seasons drudge on. In other terms, they're making bank. And that's ultimately what Jews really care about in the end.
It doesn't help that GRRM has also made bank off of HBO's adaptation. So I don't count on that fat fuck being bothered to finish his books anytime soon.
Rickon looked quite handsome in Episode 3 though. Maybe men should use TV makeup more often.
reminder that this is the woman who falsely accused a man of rape last year. he was put through a year long court case, despite it being perfectly clear from the cctv that it was physically impossible for him to have done what he was accused of doing.
she lied, could have potentially ruined an innocent mans life, and worst of all, had her identity protected through all of it and was allowed to get on with her life.
fucking brits man
I don't get it
good looking pussy-slayer chads wear make up but don't tell anyone ;)
Is Mace Tyrell the single most based character in the entire series?
which characters DIDN'T the show ruin?
Hightower was the blonde guy that was with Dayne. The one in tower delivering the baby is Wylla. servant of House Dayne. (That's why when Ned is asked by Robert about Jon's mother he says her name was Wylla).
How did Ned know to go to the Tower of Joy after Kings' Landing? Rhaegar was dead, Aerys dead, Kingsguard fled, Targaryen loyalists scattered, Rhaenys gtfo.
We've barely seen him and it was in total darkness, you couldn't see all those fucking zits on his dumb face.
Reminder that Olly is a Shakespearean character
>literally 13 and already balding
>implying #2 and #3 aren't sarcastic
He's the best.
The guy with Dayne was likely Whent, given that we specifically see him sharpening his sword, which is what Whent does in the book.
I think he just asked around the area if anybody had scene a Targ prince or Kingsguard around here until he located them. But who knows maybe we will find out.
You're implying they can only raid and pillage in Westeros
No one gives a fuck what they do outside the seven kingdoms
Looks like a lesbian
>Targaryens not the most retarded
>generations of inbreeding
>literally retarded king known as mad king
So he's back in King Slanding, what the fuck did he accomplish in Braavos other than getting a couple guards killed?
Why was he such a cunt but then later was not?
only the last one is cringy, the rest of the scenes were pretty gud tbqh famalam
2nd one was genuinely funny
is being dumb a blessing?
You just don't understand Mace's way of thinking. He's staying quitly in the background while he's basically going to win the game of thrones in one way or another
>burning traitors
He's too hot for planetos.
being assumed dumb is, in this case, a blessing. The guy is a genius
husband claiming his marital rights is now rape
so it is with khals
He wa a cunt because he was afraid and wanted to seem dangerous to other so they dont harm him.
Then he made friends with them and could be a nice guy.
Bretty symple.
>mad king
Aerys just happened to kill 2 Starks, who later on went full rebellion. He was right all along.
Post yfw R+L=D
>enter Arthur Dayne dual wielding trebuchets
"I wish you well in the memes to come..."
Remember how much the minor deviations from the book pissed you off in season 4? Remember Brienne vs the Hound? The whole show is just Brienne vs The Hound now; a bunch of retarded fanservice
Anybody got the pic of abandoned plotlines?
Okay, I will be playing a Vale lord in a Game of Thrones roleplay with dozens of other people. Who should be in my quirky retinue?
who'll make it to Kings Landing first, Gendry, Brynden or Balon?
tfw i went to school with him
>interbreeding makes you stupid
Nice peasant propaganda
>mfw N+L=J
I feel like the show has lost all sense of direction.
What story are they even trying to tell at this point? The plot is all over the place and nothing interesting is going on outside of the high sparrow's antics.
>my arrogant retard son kidnapped your daughter, lol die traitor
isn't he a cheeky racist?
Edd, fetch me a block
>Greyjoys btfo
4th book confirmed boring
>"we can't make you leave but we don't have to stay."
>they proceed to leave
Christy who writes this shit? These showrunners truly are lost without the books.
And what about that scene where Tyrion doesn't know what to talk about. The writers actually writing their writers block into the scripts. my fucking sides.
Who /didn'tevennoticethefart/ here?
I miss Joffrey and Tywin, at least there was somebody to root against, Ramsay is such a fucking edgelord it's boring to watch.
This is what I unironically want to happen. A Game of Thrones is just fucking shit if Jon isn't Ned's son.
The Tyrion scene wasn't too bad imo, but yea 'we don't have to stay' and then just calmly leave was weird as fuck
Was used to show off skill and inferior to shield + sword.
Was used it duels.
People did all kinds of crazy stupid shit in duels.
It's a shit idea, and completely impractical in any real combat.
nah man, Dayne was way to old to be their son
>Parental Advisory
every time
Kinda reminded me of schoolyard gangs
>to show off skill