Assassin's Creed Movie

Will it be good, Sup Forums?

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Is Keith Apicary going to be in it?

I cant believe they are actually making assassins greed movie. Video game movies dont usually end up so well.

Yes. Even Ezio is in it. 10/10

In all fairness, the Assassin's Creed lore is actually pretty good.

>Alternate history
>"The Ones Who Came Before."
>Pieces of Eden
>Assassin's vs. Templars story is great
>Modern day part's story is good

>Assassin's Creed movie
>no Kristen Bell as Kristen Bell
Don't give me this "IT'S ANOTHER ABSTERGO" shit.

It will probably be quite good because Assassins Creed seems like it would stand up much better as a movie than it does as a video game. I think the pitfalls will be easy to avoid and from there it'll just be your typical hollywood action sci-fi movie.

I can't believe Fassbender is the lead.

It's not like he's some auteur, he played Magneto

/a e s t h e t i c s/

the scenes where its ''current year'' will be boring as batshit, minimal plot development, nothing exciting will really happen, might get a little illuminati drama/mystery, nothing much though (at least for the first 2 movies)
the assassin scenes will be fucking awesome. action will be awesome, hopefully its like mad max and not cgi shit fest.

here is how the movies will go
movie 1
>the current year group find out about illumanati group
>track down assasin's great great great great grandson to join them to do the whole time travel bullshit
>he accepts and they use the magic machine to go back
>origin story, how enzo started out, establishing the rich illuminati family origins.
overall the story will be ok. but it will focus on the action and making money. overall id say 7/10
movie 2
>plot thickens,
>current year scenes become a little more detailed and important and overall more dramatic and interesting
>olden day scenes are pretty cool, still delivering with awesome action scenes
>illuminati family grows, and their power keeps getting bigger
overall will be the move with the best story arc, and most interesting while still holding great action scenes. overall 9/10
movie 3
>current year and old year scenes bond more frequently and start to tie into each other somehow (timetravel bullshit, illuminati will have time travel access in old day year)
>enzo will need to take down illuminati family
>makes team of assassins
>many of whom have appeared in past movies
>they take on the family and evidently the entire city
>must stop rich bad guys from time travel
>they do
>awesome story, incredible action
>RARE assassins
>major character death, will be emotional and unexpected
>le evil white guy who runs illuminati will die
>turns out the family is fucking massive and owns shit all over the world, and is aligned with similar families over the world.
>movie ends with current year people safe from time travelling illuminati

overall 8/10

effay af

I just hope the parkour is worth watching.

I can't believe this is set in Spain but not in the glorious XVII century

That looks like Joel Edgerton on the left.

Would let her poison dagger me

No, it fucking isn't.
Everything about the aliens was absolutely retarded and AC2 jumped the sark with that ending.

>Video game movies dont usually end up so well.

Warcraft and Assassins Creed will utter in the dawn of Gamekino

Warcraft is basically what someone who hates fantasy movies thinks fantasy movies are.
Everything about Warcraft looks like absolute garbage.

I really hope they keep it practical, dont mind parkour but when the guy is doing unnecessary flips to look "cool" is fucking pisses me off

it will definitely have unnecessary flips won't it?

>time travel bullshit
it is clear that this faggot has no idea wtf he is talking about

Yeah, like Rachet and Clank.


Trailer tomorrow get ready to nitpick and shitpost

>mfw the assassins actually existed
>mfw reading up on their predecessors that went on a rampage across the Middle east fighting the ruling kaliphat and destroying the muslim cube to steal the black stone to try fulfill some ancient doomsday prophecy

Get ready for one thread to shitpost about it and no one giving a fuck about this movie's existence.

then genghis khan shows up, and kills them all and dismantles their fortress, then his grandson does the same a generation later when they start acting up again

>Americans can't into old english words

stay pleb

this. Instead of making games of great warriors or assassins through history they fucked themselves over by creating the animus, aliens and muh Desmond

you know what I mean
they use the assassin's great great x7 grandson to go back and live in the life of the assassin and see what he does.
I assume Op's pic is related to the movie. so itll be like avatar.
only fighter will be asleep and CAN'T WAKE UP, so the NERDS need to try and use the mind machine time travel things, to alter shit so they can stay safe.
itll be bullshit, but itll need to happen for it to be interesting, and for them to keep the franchise going.

There's a ratchet and clank movie?

Yeah, it got critically panned and bombed.
Came out like 2 weeks ago.
That's what the reception for videogame movies are.

>Oh SWEEET. An Asscreed movie
>not about kenway
And dropped

>Everything about the aliens was absolutely retarded and AC2 jumped the sark with that ending
Not to me at least. I find it fairly straightforward:
>The "Isu" (precursor race/The Ones Who Came Before) come to Earth and create humanity
>Humanity can't comprehend The Isu and see them as gods
>Isu and humans crossbreed which results in humans like Desmond Miles who are immune to the Pieces of Eden's control
>Humans rise against the Isu
>A solar flare destroys most of humanity
>Adam and Eve are human/Isu hybrids and give birth to Cain and Abel
>Cain kills Abel for his Piece of Eden
>Cain = Templars Abel = Assassins
>Throughout history, the Assassins and Templars fight
>The Templars want to enslave humanity and the Assassins want freedom for all (however in certain games, the Templars are more reasonable than the Assassins, so it's not just black and white, see: Assassins's Creed Rogue)
>Desmond Miles is special because of his Isu/human heritage and the fact that a lot of his ancestors were in contact with TPOE
>Using the Animus, people can experience the memories of their ancestors
>Templars use this technology to find TPOE to enslave humanity

not even that guy but wow

The Animus has been there since the first game you retards, it's essential to the story.

>but i just want muh medieval fantasy

That's not the core of AC

you are fucking dumb

it has nothing to do with time travel you retard

stop being a retarded faggot

No. What they SHOULD have done is make an assassin's creed story that was all about assassins in history. Instead we get shit plot and boring-ass modern day stuff. Yawn.

But I don't give a single fuck about any of that.
I wanted a game with templars and Assassins and conspiracy shit.
Not some generic, ancient alien, save the world shit.

>That's not the core of AC
The core of AC is pointless now because the franchise has been run into the ground.

more like that's what the reception for a movie with zero marketing is for, i literally heard about this for the first time right now

>US gross: 7 million
>Budget: 20 million

oh well

Of all AC games, I liked the Black Flag the most. Great visuals, sailing, comfy cities and islands and those ruins in the jungle were god damn nice.
BF = AC2 > others

Only if they kept Matt Ryan as Edward.

>Not some generic, ancient alien, save the world shit.
Name other works of fiction that use a similar plot to Assassin's Creed.

its him looking through the eyes of his ancestor you fuck head (is in brotherhood) and thats what itll start off with.
they need to keep the franchise going, and them using this technology to look into the past is the best way to do it.

Thats because its 98% the reboot ps4 game. Like covers it and uses the same exact dialog lines and delivery (wouldnt be suprised if it used the same audio files). The game also just uses the movie as its CG scenes. Normally im ok with a movie coming close to its source, but not when its a 1:1 and the only reason the movie exists is for people who cant play the game. There is literally NOTHING covered, said or done in the movie that wasnt done (or ripped) into the game.

it also had no marketing, came out on a bad week and was left to die since it was basically a pretty Lets Play.

I said generic, not repetitive.
''Warning from the past to save the world'' is a boring as fuck premise, and the payoff was absolute shit.


It was an already boring idea that they run into the ground.

i own every AC game except for the handheld versions and this could really go bad since games really fleshed out the lore but i dont think that the casuals will really understand or appreciate the nuances of the AC universe

for instance theres a retarded faggot in this thread who keeps saying the most stupidest shit and he probably played the games

the games are too smart for their own good, we have morons who play it simply for the action and dont actually read any of the artifacts that the writters of the games take the time to research or even really give a shit about how historically accurate the games are

its all about the parkour and assassinations for some plebs and i hope that these movies dont do them a service by just focusing on those two aspects of the game

1. AC4: Black Flag
2. AC2
3. AC: Syndicate
[power gap]
4. AC: Brotherhood
5. AC: Revelations
[power gap]
6. AC3
7. AC1
9001. AC: Unity

Honorary Mention: AC: Rogue

I will give you that though. Ubisoft destroyed any potential the series had:

>Desmond gets told to find Eve's descendent (I honestly don't remember)
>Plotline dropped for no reason

>the games are too smart for their own good
What the fuck?
There's nothing smart about any of the stories in AC.
You have aliens from the past who built a fuckload of magic devices, and underdogs vs illuminati.

Patrician list desu.

Nice, which book would recommend to read about that?

>historically accurate
You don't know shit about history, faggot. Stuck to sucking black cocks, you fucking egg sucking piece of gutter trash.

Would you say that AC2 would stand on its own the best out of any other game in the series? Something about that game stands so well by its self without the modern day plot, in my opinion.

Your first two picks are objectively correct, so I guess I kinda agree. I played all but Syndicate and Rogue.
Is Syndicate seriously that good? It has comfy levels of Venice, sailing and good story?

its all about the parkour and assassinations for some plebs and i hope that these movies dont do them a service by just focusing on those two aspects of the game
then it wont make money. therefore itll flop, then itll be shit, and youll be a shit cunt for liking it.
get fucked mate.

AC 1 is underrated. It looked amazing. Dat Damascus man.

While I personally think 4 is the best of the series (best new direction, best story, easily the best character development), a lot of people also think 2 was the best. So I would agree to a tie between the 2.


I'd much prefer that conflict played out with an Illuminatus! Trilogy series or films.

>Edward Kenway
>Altair (Revelations Altair, that is)
>Jacob and Evie Frye
>Everyone else

I didn't finish Rogue, so I can't comment on him.

dude youve probably only played like 2 games you dont know what the fuck your talking about

you see how that has nothing to do with time travel right? its about how god like aliens genetically engineered us as slaves and how they used our DNA to imprint the previous generations memories
humans just found a way to exploit that and can go into those memories but they cant alter the past.... do you understand?

there is either a lot of samefagging in this thread or the target audience for this movie is a bunch of unread 14 year olds and they just so happen to be in this thread

you fuckers are a bunch of plebs

Historically accurate

Assassin's Creed 1 is the only game worth playing, as it's the only one that adheres to its design and philosophy. The rest are fluff.

Syndicate has great gameplay and a great map, London feels very alive and the River Thames section with all the boats is done very well (although you can't ride a boat yourself).

Story is okay, but there are a lot of interesting side quests this time.

They also copied the grappling hook form the Batman Arkham games to get around buildings faster (the buildings are 7-8 stories tall now).

Rogue heavily underrated and Unity underrated because of performance issues but other than that this list is accurate

i'll watch it for the visuals, macbeth looked dank af

You have no idea what you're talking about. It was the best period and setting for sure, but the others are improved greatly.

>It's not time travel
It really is, just more silly rules and justifications.

Is that Jason Statham with a full head of hair?

conn iggulden has a 10/10 book series about genghis khan, there are a few chapters in bones of the hills (2nd book in the series I think) that follows the assassins pissing off the mongols and the mongols subsequently marching to their mountain fortress and killing them all.

I don't know any books strictly dedicated to the arabian assassins but there are probably some out there

The core of AC was Jade Raymond masturbating to how awesome her elegant, yet masculine, yet fashionable, yet silent assassin was.

people underrate AC1 though, if you actually remember it in the time it came out it was a fucking amazing game, that shit sold out more than GTA4 in my city

im done trying to explain things to your dumb ass

why am i surprised that people who play video games are also fucking retarded plebs?

>Black Flag

It could have been it's own thing, a Pirate smulator/Pirate GTA, without tying it to the AssCreed brand name but I guess selling it as a new IP was risky

I think it could be pretty good considering it isn't a straight adaptation.
I'd like it if it became an anthology series with new actors and new settings.

He knows exactly what he's talking about Eziopleb

Very kind user

Why can't anyone just make historically accurate and authentic sand box games that take place in different periods. I just want to see the golden horde and other cool shit.

D-did he died?

Not him but I really enjoyed Syndicate. If you don't like Assassin's Creed it won't make you a fan but the gameplay is good, I liked the characters, there were some cool train robberies and alone on was well done.

I'm glad they are resting the series for a year though.

stopped reading there

BF is indeed the best game.
Nothing beats singing shanties with your crew. It's comfy af.

You sound like a 12 year old who played his first AC yesterday, watched his first movie three days ago and found this site last week.

They look genuinely Spanish

I wasn't excited about it at all untill I saw that the same director and cinematographer that made Macbeth are working on it, so even if it's a complete butcher of Assassin's Creeds lore and universe I belive it will be a good movie on its own. And since the budget is estimated at over a hundred million dollars I really want to see what Justin Kurzel, the director, can make of his first hollywood budget movie.

Chance that they're going to treat the Inquisition for what it actually was and not the exaggerated massive organization the black legend made it out to be?

Who am I kidding.

They're not taking a siesta, so no.

>Rogue not top

Read Alamut. It's pretty good, and was actually what Ubisoft based the Assassins in AC1 on.

Look at who's making it. Not the producers or actors, the actual filmmakers.

Trailer drops tomorrow, too. Here's to hoping Kurzel isn't a second Josh Trank

The story has gone bananas
If a game where made set in present time. Bernie Sanders would be one of your assassin allies and Donald Trump would be part of the evil Templars

The story is a complete Kuzdu plot that not even Ubisoft is sure what to do with

>Don't knowing Spaniards can take a siesta while standing up
I know because I'm from Galicia

She asked to have her character killed off pretty early on, I doubt she's interested in a garbage film adaptation.

Brotherhood is at least as good as 2, probably better, and Revelations is shit tier. Swap 3 and Revelations.

The key here is the script.

The directing and the acting I think are garanteed to be pretty good, especially since Assbender seems to be so into this (he's producing with his own company and everything).

AC games have a great concept that is turned to shit through their writing and bland as fuck gameplay (loved 2 and BF, though).

But that's only if you manage to pass your siesta exam in highschool.

I don't know how the games handled the Spanish Inquisition (didn't play the DS where Ezio is in Spain), but I don't have high hopes.

I could see this being all "muh evil oppressing Christians hunting down and expelling poor Jews and Muslims".

>people who play video games are also fucking retarded plebs
I'm guessing that includes yourself as well.

>black flag

Just go play some other game you worthless trash. Boats were always shit.

Wait a minute, how are you awake, isn't noon there?

your opinion = trash