ITT: 10/10 movies from the 90's.
ITT: 10/10 movies from the 90's
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90s was a shit decade.
Well, yeah, if you were born in the 2000's, it was.
Clearly you didn't live through the 90s, faggot.
>thread terminate
Literally the best ever decade for cinema, faggot.
the 90s was filled with kino cinema
Wonder if they could remake that movie today? I doubt it since most of the people in the movie that were bad were black.
They'd love to whitewash that one.
I could only imagine the asshurt and petitions if they remade it scene for scene
>"wow, did they really have to say faggot in this movie?"
>"not all mexicans are gangbangers"
I don't even remember any blacks that were bad, I might have to rewatch
IIRC,, two black youths tried to rob him and he beat them with a bat.
huh, could of swore they were beaners
How is Falling Down a 10/10?
Cheesy, edgy flick made by the biggest faggot in Hollywood.
Could have been, it's been a while since I watched it. Anyway, pint still stands about not being able to make scene for scene.
they'd remake it for the opposite viewpoint
a black guy going around killing whities
it'll get perfect reviews and win best picture at the oscars
>huh, could of swore
yeah it was mexicans
Cut yourself to death
>black guy tired of being arrested for stealing and looting goes apeshit
>BLM all decree it a masterpiece
>Oscars is turned into the BET awards
pretty much we could remake it with the main character reading Sup Forums on his phone before he gets too hot and starts off on his walk ;p
I love how you faggots view Bill Foster as Sup Forums, when in reality, the nazi clerk who torments Bill Foster is Sup Forums
Bill Foster is /r9k/. Beating up some criminals who just so happen to be mexican is not a white supremacist thing.
>the nazi clerk who torments Bill Foster is Sup Forums
Nah, that's stormfront.
>inb4 they're the same thing
At this point, with the new alt right movement calling shit like Capitalism "Cultural marxist jewish devices to give people EVIL liberal freedom". Then yes, yes they are the same
how many people would say that on the alt-right would say that. At least people on pol are generally pro capitalism lately.
ignore my dumb ass error.
The Usual Suspects
Are you really thing fucking stupid?
I know how all you faggots are going to meme about this, >muh edgy fedora mra visionquest movie whatever, but you know what, fuck you, this movie did exactly what it set out to accomplish and it did it perfectly.
I read Sup Forums and am very red pilled, I didn't mean it in a negative way. I meant that he's sick of all the shit around him and the heat and traffic makes him break a bit. Then he walks, and can't look back, he sees all the wrong and corrupt shit around him. He is not a white supremacist, he is just fed up with lies and bullshit.
That's how I see the movie anyway, a lot of people feel this way, Sup Forums or not, people get sick of a degenerate world from time to time and go over the edge.
Fight club is a good movie, it's entertaining and has the message from the book. you shouldn't live or die by it, but it makes you wake up and analyze the world differently while still being a good flick.
The guy was an idiot who couldn't deal with the modern world. Way to miss the point, faggot.
Fucking this. It also looks so horribly bland. This board loves Falling Down and i've no clue why.
Yup. Now THIS is one of the best films from the 90s.
Sure is underage in here.
The modern world? No he was sick of people begging for shit in the streets, the china man trying to swindle him, robbers, the white supremecist, he just wanted breakfast and idiots couldn't serve it a few minutes late........
obviously you didn't understand the movie is about how he couldn't handle that people have no decency or common sense anymore. They just loot, beg, steal and follow corporate rules with no sense of common courtesy for fellow man.
>10/10 movies from the 90's
>ctrl + f
>type "2001 a space odyssey"
>no results
That one for sure
True Lies
Pulp Fiction
12 Monkeys
Everything Lynch did
Eyes Wide Shut
Hell, the only thing missing to make it the greatest decade is the prime Kurosawa and even he still made movies then.
I have to watch that shit
0/10 don't make it so obvious
>from the director of the crow
aged pretty badly, basically a quip movie at this stage. every other fincher 90s joint was better.
Again, you're just describing the modern world and his inability to deal with it.
You might not like it, but you learn to live in it.
Or you bang around like a retard.
That was a fun flick, but I'd like to know what makes it 10/10 for you. I enjoy it and still watch it from time to time, but I consider it more of a guilty pleasure than anything else.
That's not the 80's
>made by the biggest faggot in Hollywood.
Compared to the Batman shit he made later, Falling Down is definitely one of the better things he did.
Was he ever notorious for banging a shitload of twinks like Singer and Emmerich are?
Outstanding atmosphere, and director knowing how to utilize actors. I'd say it's knowingly campy and succeeds at everything it does.
That's a good assessment, everyone absolutely nails their roles.
good movie, not 10/10
whore scene gave me a fetish
>born in 93
>parents divorced 2000
>90s were the most innocent and best years of my life
Question for oldfriends: if I was born in 95, do you consider me a le 90s kid or a disgusting filthy rotten repulsive participation trophy selfie 00s piece of trash?
Sly Judge Dredd
>do you consider me a le 90s kid
No but that's a good thing. If this thread and the internet in general have proven anything, it's that 90's kids are fucking cancer.
You weren't even born for half the decade and you spent your first 3 years shitting your pants. Embrace being a millennial.
overrated, very stale and static for a miike movie.
Millennials are ~1982-2000 technically, according to the dictionary definitions and shit. But by the "street", slang definition of the word it means "anyone younger than me".
Not really a movie but this commercial was pure kino
donnie darko and superbad are interchangable due to comfiness and age i first saw them
>1 off
Safe (1995)
Nixon (1995)
The Straight Story (1999)
Citizen Ruth (1996)
Poison (1991)
The Rapture (1991)
Stigmata (1999)
Velvet Goldmine (1998)
Any Given Sunday (1999)
U Turn (1997)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Toys (1992)
Reversal of Fortune (1990)
The Piano (1993)
Raising Cain (1992)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Damage (1992)
The Krays (1990)
The Grifters (1990)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Dead Again (1991)
Crash (1996)
Kids (1995)
The Doors (1991)
Blue Steel (1990)
Pacific Heights (1990)
Kansas City (1996)
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
>Jacob's Ladder
stopped reading right there
90s kids are millenials. Anyone born between the early 80s and mid-late 90s is a millenial.
>Born 1993
>Fav movie: Donnie Darko
Embarrassing. kys family
get fucked
Am I the only person who found this movie terribly mediocre?
>i'm not 18 and post in marvel threads
I honestly wish you could experience it user.
how has the GOAT not been posted yet ?
undeniable kino
i would say mediocre but it defiantly waaaay over rated
No, I also think it's overrated
Just watched this recently.
Bretty good.
If the ending is rewritten by jews it can't be 10/10 dude. 9/10 at most.
Love this one way more than the first
i was a 90`s kid whos parents put the tv in the closet and gave me a computer instead because they figured it would be better if i spent my time on something that could be productive
Everyone born '92 - '94 should agree on Superbad.
Mellow Greetings Sup Forums
It was one movie that I just really couldn't finish. Too campy for my taste, but I'm beginning to learn that self aware camp is something that's probably great if you appreciate it. Same with shit like Spider-Man 2, I can't stand it but it's so highly regarded.
So did I.
>guilty pleasure
>quick shot of young Angelina Jolie tits
Yep, pretty accurate right there
>"alt-right" say capitalism is bad
>liberal freedom when shit like safe places, affirmative action, and censorship exist
>cultural marxism is just a meme guys!
You made it very clear you don't know what you're talking about.
>California is a "safe space"
Who would have thought Demolition Man of all movies would so accurately predict the future?
Seven by Fincher
Beep Beep best 90s movie coming through and it was released in '91.
I went to eat with my gf the other day at some shitty burger joint and apparently it's where they filmed that one scene
Their food wasn't very good. It's called Angelos in South Gate, CA
Bicentennial Man
Hell yeah my nigger
94 here
I second this
Sátántangó (1994)
Close-Up (1990)
Histoire du cinéma (1998)
If early 00s are allowed then also
In the Mood for Love (2000)
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
literally the last good decade ever. Everything after has been pure shit and will only get worse.