>Literally cringe: the show
What the fuck did I just watch. Does anybody actually like this dogshit?
>Literally cringe: the show
What the fuck did I just watch. Does anybody actually like this dogshit?
That's some quality programming faggot
Go to bed
Sleep tight, Pizza
only furries watch it.
Sleep tight, Pizza
I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about this horsey man show.
True. It doesn't stop it from being good.
Sleep tight, Pizza
If the characters weren't animals no one would like it
Yeah. Suck a dick, dumbshit.
it supposedly gets better after the first few episodes but the reality is it starts average and gets worse
I thought the first few eps were pretty funny but once the jokes stopped a few episodes in there wasn't much left.
>I thought the first few eps were pretty funny
are you broken?
FACT: Nobody who likes Bojack Horseman reads nonfiction.
Most probably haven't even cracked open a book outside of required school reading. So it's easy to see why they hail it as such a 'well-written' show.
I'm an avid reader and loved Bojack.
Season 1 starts out like a Family Guy clone, but gets better towards the end. It's not nearly as deep and thought provoking as people make it out to be, but it's worth a watch.
Season 2 is just 10 episodes of animal puns and can be skipped entirely.
I don't believe you.
Holy shit. This is the most uneducated, pretentious comment Ive seen on Sup Forums in days.
My rebuttal to that is that you're clearly a liar.
>most uneducated
Thank you for proving my point.
Someone who actual reads would have wrote "least educated." You can't hide your ignorance.
What's reading non-fiction got to do with appreciating fiction? You're a fucking retard. Trump's auto-biography doesn't count either.
Nerds have awful senses of humour
Overly sentimental manchildren failures are the audience, OP.
It's one of those shows everyone except sad losers will forget in 5 years.
It doesn't in of itself. But well read people usually read nonfiction. Nobody who claims Bojack is good is well read.
Define "well read" you ignorant simpleton
inb4 /lit/ memes
pretty much this.
Well read people read all sorts of books. Literary fiction, philosophy, play scripts, nonfiction. Simply reading just one of those does not make you well read.
I enjoyed BoJack and I'd consider myself moderately well read.
If you have to ask you can't count yourself as one.
patrician detected
It's more accurate to say the people who think bojack is deep or insightful have never left the city they were born in.
Wtf does Bojack have to do with reading? It's typical Will Arnett stuff, somewhat dry humor with slightly more somber tones. The animal puns add a lighter touch to it. I wouldn't say it is "well written" but it seems it was written exactly as intended. They weren't necessarily trying to be any more funny or deep than they accomplished
It's a netflix tv show. I'm not expecting Deep Life Changing Insight. I got a consistently funny, moving and relateable drama that played with themes of doubt, depression, self-worth, etc.
It was well-written in that it elicited genuine emotional response, and had complex characters.
Only those who have honed their critical thinking skills through the reading of challenging literature are qualified to appraise media.
If you haven't read Chehkov, Gogol, Beckett, Gibbons, Kant, Cervantes, Melville, Hegel, or Proust what makes you think your opinions are worth anything?
>consistently funny
I laughed once the entire first season so obviously that's not true.
Why is Cervantes on that list? Or, for that matter, Gibbons?
I wasn't making objective statements. I was talking about it from my perspective. It was clearly different for you and that's okay.
it's important that you understand your tastes are inferior to mine
Because they're some of Western culture's preeminent writers.
I suspect these are all the same poster because they all made me laugh.
Please, o dear highest patrician, enlighten me with your great opinions
Sure, but do they really have the right to stand alongside Melville, Chekov, Kant or Proust?
Sleep tight, Pizza
I react to cringe the way SJWs react to reasonable thinking. Usually with temporary blindness and foaming of the mouth too.
But even I find this show entertaining for the sheer number of visual puns and bantz. Arguably the best Netflix original show.
I really like it.
It's not pure art, but if you loved GoT and Better Call Saul you have no right to say it's a bad show.
7/10 comfy show, would recommend
I have a minor in philosophy and I can't remember half the shit those people were on about. Critical thinking doesn't require reading any specific types or amounts of reading, it simply requires and understanding of logical progression. Regardless the knowledge of specific schools such as existentialism or nihilism are utterly useless since such philosophies are logically understood without visiting the first people to put them on paper. Also knowing specifics of singular or even a variety of defined concepts is also meaningless since the truth is not nearly as defined anyway
I thought it was pretty funny
>Critical thinking
What the fuck are you in m8. Spouting French novel authors to look fancy don't make you educated you fucking mong.
Your literally retarded, read a book
Sleep tight, Pizza
Why are people so often describing things the opposite way from how they are? It's in season one they behave like animals. In season 2 they are behaving like humans non-stop.
>Nobody with an IQ over 50 takes my comments seriously
Fixed it for you
Sleep tight, Pizza
how do we even know you will forward our messages to pizza???
Sleep tight, Pizza
It gets better after the first few episodes.
Sleep tight, Pizza.
I had Bojack recommended to me a year or two ago and found it really unappealing. There's something very pre-ironic about it and I never really enjoyed any of its humor or jokes. I understand it's very popular within its particular audience.
>people actually defending this show
netflix original, free from network chokehold, and THIS is the show they ended up with
fucking splendid, lads, you are everything that's wrong with entertainment industry