Were they better than the books?
Were they better than the books?
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Without a shadow of doubt. Jackson took something completely autistic and made it cool
then he took something completely cool (the hobbit) and made it autistic
I won't say it for the whole franchise, but I liked movie Boromir when I didn't the book one. It's easy to forget or read over things while you're reading, so maybe I just forgot, but his death was pretty good in the movies whereas I just didn't care in the books. The bad guy was dead.
The books were a series of paper thin characters being used to explore the world of tolkien's imagination.
Film is not compatible with world building, so the movies were just paper thin characters on an adventure!
The hobbit was an attempt to put more of the world building dropped from the lotr adaptation back into the franchise. It failed because it meant turning some pretty complex (by Tolkien standards) into cutouts and filling even more time with even more cutouts to fit formula requirements.
It's hard to say which has more feels, the movies or the books. Scenes like this make me cry errytiem.
But then the books + Tolkien's related writings are filled with literal poetry that's god-tier.
I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen,
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
in summers that have been;
Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.
I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall ever see
For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.
I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago,
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.
But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.
I just finished the Return of the King today
There is a lot left out in the movies that really adds to how great the story was
For example, in the books when the Hobbits get back from their quest in the books, Saruman sneaks off the Shire with Wormtounge like a peice of shit and starts stealing the bounty of the land with greasy southern men and the Hobbits take what they have learned from Gandalf and rouse their people for a battle and defend their land. Sam becomes the mayor and Merry and Pippin become legends and chill with Gimli into the future.
>The books were a series of paper thin characters being used to explore the world of tolkien's imagination.
This is what retards actually believe.
Is there a more based actor than Viggo?
there answer is no
I think the books are better than the movies for a multitude of reasons, but the scouring of the shire is not one of them.
The climax of the books should have been the destruction of Sauron. I don't mind seeing characters continue on and finish out their journey, but it was unnecessary drama at the end of the story when the fate of Middle Earth had already been decided.
I was never huge on the LotR books, so I guess the movies.
The Silmarillion I loved, though
Paper thin characters? Have you even actually read the book.
Yes, and I'm an autist who reads a lot of fantasy garbage.
In my opinion, Tolkien's work is only noteworthy because it had such a tremendous influence in shaping the fantasy genre, and it certainly still does today.
That being said, I think his writing is shit, but he created a good world and story, and it was the first of its kind, really.
Jackson's movies are, by far, objectively more enjoyable than the books.
>I read Martin before I read Tolkien
>Tolkien's prose is old and BOORRRINNG
You are dumb and read dumb uninspired trash.
The books were an excellent example of how you could take a fantastic concept and world and turn it into the driest most boring piece of shit out there. Style counts for a lot.
I read LotR in fucking 5th grade the way most people do, and the last time I reread it was about two years ago. The writing isn't top notch, but it's imaginative and it was incredibly innovative for it's time.
I personally can't stand Martin. I also think he's a fucking sellout.
Good try though.
His writing might be boring or droning, but it certainly isn't shit.
I mean come the fuck on senpai.
What is this, Mass Effect 3?
I wouldn't put TLOR in the top 100 books, but I would put LOTR in my top 100 movies
Different medium. Both have their own merits.
Fuck, I've watched that scene countless times
I read the books when I was 14 and didn't really get them, I enjoyed the films though. I felt like the books were referencing to many events and people who were never explained and this really confused me. The Hobbit on the other hand was my childhood favorite book and I feel like the films slaughtered it.
This fucking scene had me in tears the first times i watched it. How many years have been? I feel so old.
why has he aged 10 years between those pics?
I felt the same until 2 years ago when I re-read LotR and Silmarillion, give it a try
It's three movies of fucking walking.
Silmarillion is literally a mess. I will not subject myself to that piece of thrash ever again.
There's also some running, horse riding and climbing involved.
Boromir was never bad, misguided maybe.
Boromir was the most relateable character...
A damn fine walking if you ask me
the books are not really fantasy. they are mythology and world building, deadly serious. the books are a singular work of genius, flaws and all. the movies are an homage to the books. ps i didnt really like the books, but i knew i had to read them. all high fantasy since them is modelled on them, down to every minutae. they are beyond good and evil, they are a phenomenon of man's ability to imagine the unreal and make it real.
holy shit they look like brothers