The Assylum is back.
The Assylum is back
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Fuck, that is the sneakiest one yet
these cant be real
why didnt they do one for civil war and bat v supes
probably would've been sued. Considering Marvel is under the Disney umbrella
They do animation now too.
Did they really go anywhere? Or did we just stop giving a shit?
You know. If we ever did.
I remember laughing at some of those dvds on the racks back when Blockbuster was still around in college. The Da Vinci Treasure. Pirates Of Treasure Island. Snakes On A Train.
Is that fucking Kirk Cameron
thats david blaine
The Assylum has nothing on Tomcat Films
> Tori Spelling
> Joey Fatone
>no harley quinn type
dropped. are these people retarded? did they even watched the trailer?
I was thinking Xander from Buffy.
He was arrested recently, wasn't he?
They did the Sharknado and Mega Shark movies for SyFy.
actually, some guy named Johnny Rey Diaz
Wow this actually looks fun
This shit is thanks to all the hipster retards calling themselves nerds ironically watching Sharknado on the Syphilis channel.
Though I did watch a copy of Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus a friend had rented from Netflix in the mail. Mainly because of Debbie Gibson.
I know what I'm getting my nephews and nieces for Christmas
Oh wow. The bad cg fish Tori Spelling looks only slightly more plastic than the real one.
I saw this shit in someone's download folder on p2p and wondered what the fuck it was. I'm not surprised.
Are these parodies or "piggyback films"?
This is the same studio that made "Aliens vs. Avatars".
While I get how they used to make money from rentals due to confused parents, how are they making money now that video rentals are basically dead?
And "Aliens vs. Titanic".
The latter, aka "mockbusters".
oh dear lord my sides
wish he was alive to rip it apart
And "Aliens vs. Aliens".
Ironic hipsters watching them on netflix
>even the BRRRRMMMMM sound effect is a shitty knock off
funny that the example dialogue of the other voice actor that is not tori spelling is "hey " and a fart sound
Ridley Scott btfo
This is the kind of alien movie we never get from big budget Hollywood. It's always one sided bullshit until Mary Sue or random item that saves the day at the last second comes to play. How about we fight the aliens head on in a battle that isn't so one sided why is that such a hard concept? In the boom series worldwar aliens invaded during WW2 and were essentially fought to a standstill that's a lot more interesting.
Some of these trailers straight up look like Decker, Iron Soldier even has Joe Estevez in it lol.
One of these had the doctor from voyager playing an admiral that one was amusing. Then there was the Kevin Nash Thor rip off that was bad in every way.
Looks hot
>"I don't wanna get anal pro--"
They can say anal in the trailer, but not probed?
How is this company avoiding any legal trouble doing this shit?
what is going on here?
How are they avoiding the shame?
you tell me. and will this be an oscar worthy performance?
whats his character name
the black cutlass
Rip Patrice and rip opie
Show will never be good again
Trailer WHEN?
they should just release these movies to youtube.. They might be able to make some money.
>that wannabe Pixar easy listening bgm
Fuck wrong trailer.
If you're going to watch one of these, just one, please make it this one. It's incomprehensibly terrible; The RLM BotW on it does a good job of explaining why.
they make their money by tricking old ladies into buying them for their grandkids without knowing the're knock-offs, and to avoid being sued they say they are le bad le on le purpose le paraodies and redditors eat it up
Good God.
>three minutes of hell
>Black guy with knives
Is that even an actor?
Are any of these bitches pornstars?
Rob Liefeld gonna sue somebody!!
Fuck off Sup Forumseddit
if one of them is your mom or sister then yes
This is being technically directed by Ron Thornton who worked on Babylon 5. They want to have a whole animation studio
>mfw Sinister Squad ends up being better than Suicide Squad.
I'm just amazed there aren't MORE cartoon ripoffs. There were loads for disney movies. A few months ago in Sup Forums someone asked for the Hercules ripoff he once watched and he kept rejecting ones anons brought up. We thought he was bullshitting but on the eighth or so ripoff, he found it.
There were so many disney ripoffs in the 90s. There were like 10 Hercules ripoffs posted in a thread before someone found the ripoff they saw as a kid
>rio de janeiro
Haha I'm gonna totally watch this cowabunga piece of shit movie haha strictly ironically, who the hell watches these films haha I mean sharknado? lmao^3
Damn, how can whites even fuck up the whole "drawing above the womb" thing, it's bad artist's trick to make something sexy, yet they even fucked it up
>Public domain superheroes
I'm surprised this hasn't happened with a major studio yet.
They even made one for Kickass
Did she get Robert Zadar's chin when he died or something?
The cover and title are similar, but the actual story is completely different to avoid getting sued, so they are even worthless as parodies
They are just boring
>no comma
It's like a younger Mike.
>there is literally obvious clipping on the models
Oh god I'm in tears.
Holy shit
All I could see
This might be the most weirdly specific hivemind I think I've ever seen
Its probably the same guy. He probably got the "connection error" message when posting and then re-typed it worded differently.
Why don't they just make good movies?
They have the resources, money and experience, all they need is some proper art design and a semi decent script and they could actually make proper movies while still baiting people in.
Why don't they?
Why would anyone retype their post?
Because if you've never had the connection error before, you would assume your post didn't go through.
You've got it.