ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
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is he the robin to Ricky's Batman?
Anyone else want to see Jimmy Carr as The Joker?
Carr is actually funny
>Anyone else want to see Jimmy Carr as The Joker?
Yeah, for once in his life.
Jimmy Carr's a legend
He wants to be George Carlin so bad.
Jimmy Car yeah why doesn't he drive away in it or somethin' tss
His jokes are nothing like Carlin's
Is the text on that image accurate to that comedic bit?
haha dude he just took a shot at Christianity, he is totally insane, the absolute madman, how edgy and counter culture can you get? why hasnt this guy been deported yet?
Girls under 18 are not sexual objects
Is this the guy who proudly defends socialist ideals but then got caught not paying his taxes?
Magic bean buyer triggered
Feels good
I wonder what would happen if Jimmy or Ricky took a shot at Muslims?
Now let's see him make the same joke to a Muslim in the audience. Oh right, he won't do that, because Christians won't cut your head off for it.
He'll have to start by telling a joke.
>kpop reaction image
>bait thread
na senpai
>right on schedule
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the average Christian. Probably a comic book reader, too. Completely devoid of originality, imagination or wit, he lets fantastical stories do the "thinking" for him. His replies are simple and often follow the same, glib patterns. He is neither to be pitied nor hated, but for the most-part merely dismissed.
I'll take the bait this time, folks, so you don't have to.
I believe it's called "return fire"
actual alt right person here
replace brietbart and gamer gate with my posting career and the right stuff
Also remove trump will fix everything, fucking sheeple, straight white man are the most oppressed meme and the fedora
do that and its a perfect summation, also most people i know think milo is a faggot but ive actually heard that somewhere unlike the stuff i said to remove so ill give it a pass.
Who re you trying to impress, you absolute neckbeard? Jesus, I can smell your virginity through my monitor.
They're the default english subtitles on netflix
>his body is literally made of "magic beans", living cells that science can observe but not actually explain
>he still makes cheeky jokes about the mysteries of life and God's plan because he is simple minded and that is his shtick
when will fedora manlets learn?
Oh man, you're so triggered. I bet your brain is BUZZING right now as the reality crashes in. What's that? Jesus was just some dude who did a few good things, ruffled some feathers and got executed for it? Cool story, bro. What's that? Some folks went tripping and imagined a giant fucking sea parting down the middle so they all walked through it and went "whooooa like I'm totally walking on the sea bed" together? Cool story, bro.
How about you come back to reality with the rest of us? It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.
Why deny being a racist, especially on this site?
Why didn't he ask if there were any Muslims in the crowd?
I like capeshit
I'd forgotten just how fun it was, to stir Christian morons up. Americans are so funny in how indoctrinated they are. Their fear of an imaginary "Hell" keeps their tyrannical government running.
I, for one, hope that religion never goes away. The hysterical laughter I get from seeing them spew their stories of "magic" and "wonder" always gives me a pleasant buzz for the rest of each week.
There's nothing impressive about being secular. This is not the 18th century. The default is to not believe and take for granted the life we live. The church is just being replaced by the state in europe. All the charity and love for fellow men is now mandated by the state instead of given freely by the religious. Good job guys, so smart.
You know you've completely and utterly destroyed the morale of an opponent, when he downloads pictures of characters tipping old-fashioned hats, and adds absolutely no text to it.
Feels so. Fucking. Good.
shut up chip
Oh no! Not a picture of a hat!
Wew lad. You're still trying. You've got spirit.
Is it... holy... spirit?
Or maybe we're just too busy laughing at your cringeworthy posts. Please, keep spewing your /r/iamverysmart bullshit, as if anyone here actually cares what you think. "Maybe someone on Sup Forums will take me seriously because I have no real friends (except for you, Fluttershy)".
Your smug sense of superiority, despite not actually providing any proof that your claims are true, brings warm feelings to my heart. "They were all on drugs, maaaaan. It was all just a coincidence that they saw that exact same thing! We atheists love coincidences; they're the foundation of our religion."
There is however, something impressive in believing a guy with a beard watches your every move and still being able to fiddle little kids.
Except he did make a joke about Muslims later on in the show.
Get your facts together, twat.
>Christians dislike gay marriage
>Muslims fucking kill anyone who is gay
dumb frogposter
>god is a child rapist
man, you are such a fucking badass. What grade are you in?
>living cells that science can observe but not actually explain
What kind of explanation do you want? Everything a cell does can be explained by chemistry.
Holy shit you're furious
How many Muslim congressmen have tried passing "kill all gays" laws in America?
Funny how he didn't actually point out an actual Muslim in the audience and ask them if they're going to blow something up.
Funny how you're so triggered Sup Forumscuck
Who made this, and why did they think anybody would read all of that?
>it's a tumblrinas get btfo once again episode
Funny how you're a fat, useless piece of shit, /mlp/leb.
there is clearly a huge double standard between mocking Christianity and Islam
>I don't understand how thing works so it has to be god lmao
dumb frogposter
We understand how things work, just fine. It's WHY they work at all that brings us to God.
Why are there natural laws and order in a supposedly random and chaotic universe?
>"Lol, because learn2science."
Why does science even work?"
>"Because it just does."
Th-thanks, atheism.
>things are perfectly organized, structured perfectly fit for humans to experience existence
>we live perfectly in a logical and senseful world and learn many important lessons, feelings and concepts
>life is literally the only thing and the best thing
>atheists actualy believe it all just sprung out of nothing
>they believe the atoms landed perfectly organized, the rules and laws of the universe just appeared out of thin air and everything fell into place for them to be alive questioning it
>they act superior and smarter than people who are thankful for life and understand an intelligence created them, and can offer further existence
Because Islam would kill you
He makes fun of Muslims more times than Christians during that special
>christians won't sell a cake celebrating gay marriage instantly vilified across all liberal media channels
>muslims do anything that involves not killing people instantly branded as "brave" and "heroes" despite every muslim in the world being against homosex
>things are perfectly organized, structured perfectly fit for humans to experience existence
You failed on the first premise, 0/10 see me after class
Jump into a black hole and tell me that things are perfectly organized and that the logic of the universe doesn't break down in a singularity
Go breathe a 100% oxygen environment and let me know how perfectly it was made for humans while you slowly die of hyperpoxia
Given an infinite amount of "time" and all sorts of strange things can happen.
>logic of the universe doesn't break down in a singularity
This is what happens when you get your science lessons from watching sci-fi movies. Dreams aren't logical either, but that doesn't mean the laws of the universe are being screwed up.
>Go breathe a 100% oxygen environment
>le christians r stupid
>le muslims are violent
He's not very good at being funny, is he?
what the fuck is wrong with his eyes, especially in the first frame?
time is not infinite
Time is entirely a human construct. There's nothing stopping it from being "infinite"
that's completely wrong though. time can be discreetly measured just like space and we know the universe is not infinite.
double guns cocksucka
Nobody "saw the exact same thing". It's all made up by a guy who wrote that retarded book.
Do you understand how fiction works?
>they still think humans as a species are somehow intelligent
We very much still dumb a rock and very few of us are actually smart
But isn't everything that happens on this planet god's will? By that definition ...
>tfw in an infinite universe somewhere and someplace the Joost is my gf
i dont want to trigger the mods so hear goes
Its interesting how he completely deflected that and he went for the safe "muslims blow stuff up" joke.
He mentioned the Islamic faith and Muhammad, but he never made an observation about it or a joke pertaining it. So, that doesn't really count. Its a cop out.
Daily reminder that making these sorts of remarks towards Muslims in Europe will literally get you killed
Carr actually does target Muslims. I never understood this meme that Christians only ever get targeted as some of the biggest fedora icons cover Islam, like Sam Harris.
>Given an infinite amount of "time"
>infinite amount
>time in quotation marks
holy shit American education everyone
this thread is so cringe
Show me a video where he does a joke about Muhammad, or how ridiculous the Islamic Faith is and then I'll believe you.
Doing jokes about Muslims blowing shit up is not targeting Muslims, almost every comedian has done a joke similar to it so its not special. Jim Jefferies, Ricky Gervais among others have done similar "Muslims blow shit up" jokes. But have any of them really gotten in to the meat of the Muslim religion and their stories and prophets?, at most they'll also cop out and say "oh I don't talk about the Muslim religion because I don't know anything about it".
That's like talking about how Christians are against abortion, but never really going in to the details about how stupid the bible is or the religious texts. Its basically picking the worse people from that group and making fun of them without actually making fun of the source material.
>Doing jokes about Muslims blowing shit up is not targeting Muslims
Calling Muslims murderous terrorists isn't as bad as whatever the hell say they say about Christians? Is this really your position?
When does Carr attack Jesus or explain in detail how the Bible is ridiculous?
Its targeting the extremist portion of that group. Its not targeting the religion as a whole. For example you have Ricky Gervais almost dedicating a whole special to the Christian Religion. Would any of these comics dare make a similar special completely dedicated to trashing the Islamic Religion as a whole?
At the most you're get a 20 second bit about Muslims, and it ends it something blowing up. Almost guaranteed every time.
At this point I'm talking about comedians as a whole, since I've only really seen Jimmy Carr once. But to say he targets Muslims is just wrong. I tried searching on Youtube. Came up with a couple of throwaway bits that just end in blowing stuff up.
I mean I want to be wrong, I'm open to different views. I just have not seen any comedians in general really trashing the Islamic Religion and not have it be just talking about how they blow stuff up.
m-muh... muh beliefs
seriously guys stop... you can't criticize what i believe
you wear this stupid hat... haha btfo
>Everything a cell does can be explained by chemistry.
I think many people today have a misunderstanding of what science does. Science does not explain anything, it descibes.
I do not look to science for explanations on why things are the way they are.