Just saw Civil War, it literally did what DC tried to do in 2 movies with 1. Should DC just throw in the towel...

Just saw Civil War, it literally did what DC tried to do in 2 movies with 1. Should DC just throw in the towel? DC's selling point is they are more "realistic" and mature but Marvel did a better job through Zemo's motivation and the MIT scene with the mother.

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Plus, panther's arc is great and his scene with zemo at the end is goat. It's like marvel makes this shit look so easy. They're like, oh dc, is this what you were trying to do? Here's how it's done.

Snyder needed to create an unnecessary villain and needed an extra hour for symbolism so it could be a mature movie

they think they can claw it back with Fridgicide Squad.

CQ had like 10 superhero and didn't feel overcrowded, DC had 3 main heros and 3 hero cameos and it felt overcrowded and rushed

How many disney dollars you getting?

It did nothing than other make more men infantile

>14 min screen time

disney doesn't pay me, I pay them to see a good movie that knows what it is and isn't pretencious

*Civil War

>the MIT scene with the mother.

>implying she wasn't hamfisted trash

About as much time as Hannibal Lecter.

Hamfisted scene did in 5 min what BvS took an entire movie to do

The dude had an origin, a goal/plot, and a resolution at the end, and he was a different person than he was at the beginning.

The dudes 14 mins was better than the entirety of bvs.

You know, this is the only problem I had with the movie.

When Tony was first speaking to the rest of the Avengers in support of the government oversight, I thought he would talk about her kid...and at least a few others. So, we are supposed to believe that one kid dying changed Tony's mind on everything?

It would have taken maybe 10-15 seconds to make up some more names for him to rattle off rapid fire. Feel like it would have made his decision more believable.

That said I loved Civil War.

What was that then?

Expect Sue Sah Squah to a massive reddit-tier success just like GotG.

I agree but Tony was clearly already guilty as hell over the Ultron thing, she just slapped him in the face with it again.

nah it wasnt theres no deoth, no history no analogy no allegory no layers.

>Should DC just throw in the towel?

But what if every marvel movie after this one will be AoU tier?

Heros actions have serious consequences

only to the hottopic plebs

Is there a better quality rip than >Captain.America.Civil.War.2016.1080p.HDTC.x264.AC3-PAHE

How was he different? Vengeance is an emotion, not a personality trait.

He just learned to not whine like a bitch

But Age of Ultron was better than anything from the DCCU. I thought it was fine, but just suffered from seeming like a LOT got cut out.

Zemo did nothing wrong


Dubs confirm

David Ayer is a far more competent director than Snyder, the cast is good, and the movie doesn't have a contrived goal like "we need to make Bats and Supes fight" behind it

Stop describing bvs.
Dude was angry and revenge driven, but learned the truth, gained perspective, related to the villain, and decided to spare him. He even SAVED him from killing himself. He would have just murdered the dude if they had met at the beginning of the film.

>suffered from seeming like a LOT got cut out.

it suffered from being an action comedy about homicidal rogue AI, no amount of cut content can fix this

I think everyone in the movie and the audience could deduce a lot more innocent people died considering 30 seconds earlier General Ross showed them the 9/11 type footage of all the Avengers battles. Tony just but a face to all that with the Trevon Martin photo

Ultron was a miss but it had its moments, like how Ultron was designed based off Tony's personjality

yea literally a tv series for teenagers tier story you just explained there


>but it had its moments

Such as?

>Ultron was designed based off Tony's personjality

like they rhyme?

Such a shame Ultron had a terrible babyface design. What were they thinking?

>moving the goalposts



well, Fox has its moments once in a while

Yeah, it's sad when fucked up Iron Legion Ultron when he first activates looks better than the finished product. I wish he looked less human.

Sony does better than dc

saw this in the theater. what a load of incomprehensible nonsense and ridiculous character motivations leading to dumb situations.

the action was retarded cgi empty airport fest and the drama/story had no momentum or significance. it's like the whole movie is a metaphorical film for which sub ten year old brother gets to have the tv remote; disagreement, obnoxious and pointless.

1/10 movie. seriously. havent seen or plan to see BvS after being told this is the pinnacle of comic book film adaptations.

the criticisms of BvS are so inconsistent and contradictory.

at first it was that BvS tried to do too much in one movie and that Marvel did it right by stretching it out over several movies. Now it's that Marvel was able to cram two movies worth of content into one and they succeeded because of it.

It's easy to do when you have no ambition to flesh out the characters. They're just cardboard cutouts of themselves. Absolutely no depth.




its fucking ayer will be good
and he has a paranoid ben affleck behind him too

I stopped paying attention to criticism of BvS because of that.

It's very clear some people have just bought into the whole company wars and are being played by Disney hard. It's the same with some DC fans but I notice it far more with zealous marvel fans.

I'm saying this as someone who generally hates capeshit (including the Nolan movies and spiderman 2 and 3), but saw MoS & BvS and was pleasantly surprised mainly because they weren't the same old crap, MoS basically being Scifi and BvS being more of a thriller than generic action films.

Impressive dubs my friend.

check my 8

>get rekt
>move the goalpost

Oh shit didn't realise on was on Sup Forums.

>the MIT scene with the mother
you mean the dumbest scene in the movie?

There was funny ant and spider dudes, two flying black dudes, two sexy qts,two super soldiers,two billionires, and an android

They were all fleshed out in previous movies

nah, i've seen all of the movies and most of the characters are paper thin despite being in multiple movies.

So just watched Civil War and first of all I will say, DC 1 - Marvel 0.
As a film (and by film I mean pretty explosions + stacked cast + needless jokes when the plot is meant to be very serious) it was good, it ticked all those boxes. As a medium for that particular story, and the story itself however, it was very poor.
Once again, a potentially great story has been ruined by a 12 certificate and morals that simply do not make sense. The entire film is based around revenge and whether revenge is right or not, and the answer it gives you at the end is "You're allowed to kill as many people as you want as long as you wear a suit/have a metal arm."
I know people are going to say "Oh you missed the point entirely it doesn't say that at all, that's why they're fighting you idiot" but seriously? Watching this film I've completely lost faith in Marvel's ability to convince me that Steve Rogers/Captain America is a viable character. His entire thing is "doing the right thing", yet all he does in this film is protect mass murderers, kill/assist with killing a large majority of law enforcement (who are incidentally trying to stop a criminal) and cover up the identity of the murderer of his supposed friends parents. "It was all for the greater good though, heroes have to make hard decisions." I'm sorry but that's bullshit. The whole thing is childish and downright insulting to any normal human being, but because Steve Rogers is stronger than everyone else, he gets his own way and of course he's the one in the right. And by the end of it all, he even expects his supposed friend to "understand". I'm sorry understand what exactly?
The whole thing is a farce. Civil War is a kids version of Batman vs Superman.
But you know, pretty explosions and lots of good guys cracking out one liners. ANDOMFGSPODERMAN.
3/10, and that's because some of the acting is decent and I want to like the film version of the Marvel Universe.

Anyone else feel bad for the actors over at DC? It's just a sinking ship and only a matter of time before it all goes under. I heard people chuckling during the Aquaman scene.

Snyder pls

>Anyone else feel bad for the actors over at DC?

Such as Eiserberg and Gadot? No, not really.

Nice shill thread

I'll do to your mom's pussy what Bucky did to Tony's mom's throat

I only feel bad for Affleck

>I heard people chuckling during the Aquaman scene.

Well yeah, my theater laughed since they just realized that the Justice League was introduced through a fucking email.

> I've seen all the movies
Why would someone who thinks the characters are shallow continue watching all of the movies after the first couple?

> did a better job through Zemo's motivation
top kek m8, Zemo made Lex seems like a rational human being with a realistic scheme.

does it matter?

i watch them for the action.

It was already agreed that BvS is better pleb. No amount of shitposting can change that fact.

So he can bitch on Sup Forums

I cant believe retarded people actually believe CW was deep

>samefag the thread to oblivion
>BvS is better, guise!
Alright Zack. Shouldn't you be filming Justice League and putting the final nail in the DC coffin?

Who ever says it was deep? It's just a good movie.

>Absolutely no depth.
You mean like the depth in BvS where the big conflict between the two main characters is resolved because their moms have the same name?

So deep.

How did they plan on getting Thor, an extradimensional being of literally godlike power and status, to sign a document enforced by the meager strength of a few human nations? Even if he did they had absolutely no hope of keeping him on a leash. He has adventures all over the cosmos.

And that's to say nothing of Banner. They can't possibly have so much hubris they think that THIS time arresting the Hulk will work.

>film opens with avengers in full plot armour mode
>black widow's unarmed and taking on 3 highly trained mercenaries?
>no worries, she learnt some kung-fu, fuck their guns
>she's trapped in an AV with a grenade?.
>pfft. child's play. she can use that convenient mercenary as a human shield to get blasted out the doors - her bones are super strong so don't worry about them breaking
>cap america's about to die because he didn't notice a bomb?
>it's fine, the witch noticed from ten ft away and created a force-field just in time
>unfortunately she could only detonate it next to a heavily populated building instead of clear air
>for some reason
>what's this?
>the avengers are opposed to each other now?
>guess it's time to make jokes and fight, but not too lethally
>we're still friends afterall
>and cap, we know you're like the ultimate moral ideal fighting for justice - but you're obviously lying when you defend bucky
>it's not like bad guys have ever tricked tony stark or the government before
>speaking of which, bucky killed tony's parents?
>well now he's super mad - but he's not gonna show it
>instead he's gonna joke that now he's mad and show 0 emotional range and fully understand logic and then ignore it
>cause that's what he does
>don't ask how zemo happened to know all this btw - and don't say he didn't - it's a bit convenient all these coincidences when his master plan was to break up the avengers
>good thing zemo also predicted the accords and the reaction to them
>but in case you're worried that your favourite hero might be in danger, no worries! everyone lived happily ever after
>it's like a fucking disney fairytale

What if Doomsday's mom's name was Martha, too?

Checkmate, DCucks.

the other time/s it only failed because they lacked the legal mandate
- see, enhanced people have different rights to normal people, so they can't be arrested unless it has specifically been voted on

Only if you want a credible opinion

>Tony was clearly already guilty as hell over the Ultron thing
This why I can't take marvelfags seriously. You're even too stupid to understand marvel movies. How can Stark be guilty when it was made explicitly, painfully obvious that he was driven to create Ultron by Scarlet Bitch? Don't you remember the meme sentry mode and the doom vision of the defeated avengers? Fucking hell, do you watch movies with your eyes closed?

> everyone lived happily ever after

Everyone on team cap is a fugitive, and Bucky froze himself until he could be cured

The fuck are you talking about? They failed because it's the fucking Hulk. It's like trying to arrest an earthquake.

i like how many times tony was made to account for his actions in creating ultron thus leading to him accepting responsibility and growing paranoid that the other avengers had similar abilities to make independent judgements that could result in disaster

oh wait

that didn't happen
instead we got
>so many families died while you were fighting the evil killer aliens/robots - it's all your fault!

the joke
your head

I can't tell wether it's a boy or girl, yet I find it extremely attractive.
What does that say about me?

That had like 12+ characters to make room for and they did it really well.

Yeah okay.

Did anyone thought Sharron Carter looked like Ms. Piggy?

So It was a cool movie, but BVS was too, there is no arguing that Civil War was a lot better but cmon, its only Dc's first orgy of superpeeps in the Cinamatic universe they will get it done right...eventually. My only complaint about Civil war was no Daredevil. I have plenty BVS complaints if anyone is interested.

Yo, the movie has been done to death, post them if you want but I assure you nobody is interested why you dislike one of the most controversial movies ever that has been out for 9 weeks.

>Autism Speaks

>no jesus in the background

He was motivated by that, but he ultimately created Ultron himself, fuckface.

Did you ever feel guilty about the stuff you did? Do you even know how guilt works?

yea Black widow should've been recovering at the end of the movie with War Machine after that close range explosion

She saw in his head what he was about to do and let him. That's why she smiled.

YOU are the seriously stupid fuck

No they didnt

>my product won't stand on its own merits so I compare to a rival I don't like: the thread.

Stay tuned for "Cola Wars XVIII: Attack of the Drones


I think it's clear enough, even with the dropped "it" in the greentext. Oh, and the dropped quotation mark at the end.

Both movies were garbage, but I'd rather watch Batman v Superman again because it was slightly more enjoyable even though it was edited like shit

Wonder Woman was phenomenal in that movie

DC has all the right incredients, they just need to hire a competent director to make it more easily digestible

Marvel on the other hand packed in every big name character in and it still ended up being boring fucking garbage, the most exciting storyline (Civil War), their flagship character (Spider-Man) and the flick was still fucking boring.

Both Zemo's motivation and the MIT scene were stupid though.

More like poetry

But the kid was black, Tony had to front being upset or it would have been considered racist.

>should DC

Isn't the main issue with DC is that they're not a studio like Marvel is now?

Aren't they still having to hand it all out to different major studios to even be made to begin with like old Marvel before getting solidified and bought by Disney?

Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

>Wonder Woman was phenomenal in that movie