Ketchup vs catsup
Who was right?
Ketchup vs catsup
Who was right?
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cat soup
Wasn't this LITERALLY a joke from The Simpsons?
alway thought catsup didn't exist
King of Queens completely copies The Honeymooners and you're going to complain about them taking a joke from The Simpsons?
Doug was always an asshole for no reason
I've never watched King of Queens before
>using either
BBQ sauce/Honey Mustard or bust
>neet piece of shit with no world experience shows up
Catsup is more watery and can be made from canned tomatoes and high fructose corn syrup. Ketchup usually has fresh tomatoes and a thicker consistency.
Source: Catsup can be ketchup, but Heinz ketchup has never been catsup.
Also KoQ is sitcom gold, fight me.
wrong the sauce is Chinese is origin so its name had no proper spelling with our Roman alphabet so when it was first being marketed in the west, people just made up their own spelling.
Nope. Literally only bad dollar store knock offs spell it Catsup. I don't know who buys ketchup at a dollar store when a bottle of premium is a dollar or less.
>he trusts wookipedia more than Sup Forums
A theory isn't a law.
I for one enjoy the quality and taste of Pitzman's Mustard. Use it for all my sauces, mixes and it's even delicious to just eat straight out of the bottle.
Don't tell anyone but it's my secret ingredient
They're two words for exactly the same thing
>it's even delicious to just eat straight out of the bottle
Yeah, I hope you enjoy it musTARD.
The King of Queens completely sucks and is based on the terrible principle that anyone could be physically or emotionally attracted to Kevin James.
hot wife, shlubby husband is a sticom trope that goes all the way back to at least the Honeymooners like mentioned. Even earlier if you count old Laurel & Hardy movies etc. Now-a-days it's mostly used by cartoons like the Simpsons and Family Guy.
Jock in highschool gets fat after highschool, yeah thats not reality. Ever
in my country we call both these things tomato sauce and be done with it.
the exception is the sugary ketchup packs from macdonalds, fuck knows what those things are.
tomato sauce has oregano in it, otherwise it's tomato paste. Ketchup is tomato paste, sugar AND vinegar.
>Implying Kevin James was ever not fat.
Who cares what your 3rd world shithole does?
I'm sitting here with 3 separate brands of tomato sauce and none of them have oregano in them.
concentrated tomatoes, vinegar, sugar and salt.
Prove it, cock sucker.
then that's ketchup, tomato sauce goes on pasta, ketchup goes on French fries and tomato paste is just a base cooking ingredient.
Like i'm explaining, in america, sure, in australasia, SEA and the UK, it's locally called tomato sauce.
the word ketchup is used exclusively by american tourists here.
the tomato sauce I'm talking about is not pasta sauce, it's for pies/chips/sausages/fish etc.
I can only find tiny pictures of the products because I buy cheap budget brands, but no oregano guaranteed.
then how do you differentiate it from other kinds of tomato sauce used for different purposes because "pasta sauce" as you call it is used for other foods like veal parmesan, pizza, and so forth.
He was actually a wrestler in high school, one of the best in his school I'm pretty sure
That does nothing to contradict my claim.
I'm not sure I get what you mean.
tomato sauce would never refer to a pasta sauce here.
we just call pasta sauces, pasta sauce.
I hadn't really considered pizza bases, I suppose they'd still be called tomato sauce here, but I keep getting told we dont even do proper pizza here so I dont really know.
>a tv show character was popular in his high school years and was fit and turns into a slob after
>it's an "Arthur and Spence team up" episode
This, he was a star running back. They talk about it constantly. I'm pretty sure Carrie found an old picture of Doug and tried to get him thinned up again in one episode.
Yeah there was a whole arc of him losing weight so they can spice it up again due to his lack of energy IIRC inb4 he got cucked by decon
Ironically Carrie turned into the fat slob. She was pregnant irl, but she got fat af and had horrible allergies which made her voice fucked up.
She was at the perfect thickness in the pole dancing episode btw.
I need to go out and buy the dvds for this show I really miss it, coming home from school watching 2 episodes of Kings and then hangin with the neighborhood.
Sweet chili sauce erryday.
You can probably dvr/tape them from TBS. Im pretty sure they still play them sometime during the day.
How about the episode where Arthur's favorite cereal is actually salty.
At least Kevin James is a nice person, his wife is a shrill psychopathic cunt.
A hot shrill psychotic cunt.
ma negger
dont even tell them, dey wont even know
Sweet chili, garlic sauce, or chipotle.
> McDonald's faggot detected
Literally not even once for over a decade. It seems a little strange to me that you think only McDonalds has those, though.
Confirmed for being born in the late 90's. Catsup was very real.
Jesus fuck, It's called marinara sauce you uncultured swine.
Very true, guys would be lining up around the block to fuck her, but to be in a relationship with her, for years at a time? That takes a special kind of soul.
>not having a weak spot for ballbusters
The toughest nut to crack, the better the meat.
catsup you fucking nigger
its called tomato sauce
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