If you think this show was any good...

If you think this show was any good, you're a garbage consumer with horrific taste in entertainment and you should go slit your own throat and bleed to death, and your body should be thrown to dogs and cats.

Are you trying to say that

House is not funny?

House is good.

Just like The Office.

As long as you ignore the last 3-4 seasons of each.

Shows what you know, even though House may seem a little formulaic after years of what's been called a golden age of tv it really pushed the envelope, for the first couple of seasons, back in its day.

Because "a galaxy far, far away" is actually Hell.

>medical dramas

Why do these exist

if you think this show isn't good, you are a pleb with a social life and friends
lel, what a loser

I just like sherlock holmes. Is this so wrong?

"Oh look at us, we're saving lives, it's chaos on the halls, we bang each other's brains out".

why would anyone have such animosity for House of all shows