Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything.
Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything
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Will we get any fresh new memes from the movie?
Why are they all brown if Thrall is green from his people drinking the blood of Mannoroth?
Do the majority of the orcs go green halfway through the movie?
Is it kino, like BvS?
Yes, definitely.
warcraft lore autismo here
what was your impression of how good or bad both the alliance and orcs were?
any DINDU NUFFIN scenes?
how long was the movie? does it end with a sequel hook?
The orcs are initially brown. Most of them turn green at the start of the movie from drinking demon blood. The Frostwolf clan doesn't drink. Durotan's son is green because exposure to fel magic also turns the orcs green but at a much slower pace but this causes orc offsprings to be green from birth.
It's a very nice movie visually.
Are they red and absolute murderous bloodthirst mode at any point?
Because orcs are originally brown, then turn red and murderous from the fel blood and once they rid theirselves of the active fel they turn green.
Compare it to other movies... what's it better than?
The conflict is relatable from both perspectives. There are good and bad apples on both sides. Some are trying to work things out to co-exist, others are out to destroy and conquer
2h. Yes.
Do you know the story of the first Warcraft game? Does it change from the game? Especially the ending.
eh, it sounds better than I expected for a mainstream movie adaptation
The orcs were the invading bad guys in Warcraft I. The alliance simply defended itself against an interplanetary invasion with all they had. This is and remains true in current warcraft lore, so based on what the post said they tried to make both sides likeable despite that time's horde being absolute fucking savages
Can you be anymore of a virgin loser?
I bet you went alone
No red orcs.
Best fantasy movie I've seen since LotR.
I don't, sorry.
>No red orcs.
well fuck
how open was the ending? you think there will be a sequel or was this a one-off?
because a sequel whilst cutting out red orcs would be stupid
Arthas movie next?
>Arthas purging stratholme done right
>arthas' duel with illidan done right
oh I am cumming
too bad there's no decent actress for Jaina
It works as a standalone but they definitely made room for potential sequels. There's a scene near the end that hints strongly at a sequel.
>skip red orcs and a major part of the story
>but maintain a situation where a sequel is possible
well, aslong as they don't make it canon I won't be incredibly upset
Red orcs didn't exist in WC1, don't know what you're talking about
Does Durotan's wife get GREENED
How's the CGI? Any changes from the trailer or did the CGI stay the same in the final production?
There is some cuddling. No orc sex scenes.
>so tired I mixed warcraft 1 with 3
wow fuck me
I am legit ashamed right now guess its time to kill myself although with all the retconning and mixed lore definitive pre-wow warcraft lore doesn't exist anymore
Not that I can tell, maybe some minor changes. But the CGI actually looked great on screen. You get used it really quickly after the movie starts and it was pretty impressive after that.
Who kills blackhand?
Dont worry about the movie being canon, it is its own thing not related to the game but is merely an adaption of the game.
God damn, so Orgrim is literally an extra with a big hammer?
She would make an amazing Jaina but she will be too old by the time they will reach the WC3 storyline.
He does some pretty hardcore shit near the end.
does Stormwind get completely sacked?
Music motherfucker was it as epic as the cinematics they make?
What's the scene, faggot?
You're so dodgy and vague it makes me think this is bs
how much out of 10 would you give the movie?
>makes me think this is bs
The music is really good.
Durotan's baby gets picked up by humans after being sent down the river by Draka.
If OP isn't bullshiting, which he probably is anyway since there is no proof, the changes don't seem minor, as Duncan Jones had described them. I expect his twitter page will explode with Blizzardrone rage after the movie gets released.
who paid you to grab doctor pavel?
Then it's straight up alt universe. Stormwind was fucking Nanking tier after WC1, enough so that everyone left for Lordaeron
Is it fun?
Oh boy, I sure can't wait for another round of strong independent jewish elf womyn kicking orc butts 10 times their size.
how dwarfy is the movie, and does the dwarf master race save the movie at the end.
I enjoyed it.
There are a few dwarf scenes and appearances.
We spend a little time in Ironforge but they don't directly fight in the war, they help the humans by forging weapons for them.
There are a few shots of Orcs running through snow is it implies that there is a battle at Iron Forge?
Big things win because bigger
Who dies in the movie? does Gul'Dan survive?
what is the meaning of life
Is there legion influence? any kil'jaeden cameo?
does paula patton make a fappable half orc
also, how much ner'zhul is there, is he just an extra?
Were there trolls?
Life is all about eating up hollywood's female power fantasies, because we all know it's the women who fights all the wars for us.
no demons, but Medivh turns into Sargeras for a bit
what the hell?
Any fappable moments?
did you speak to anyone after the movie? like, general consensus among viewers? i'm kinda curious about reactions from people who are not familiar with the source material
alright, that sounds acceptable. what about ner'zhul?
what? that's the reason he did all the shit he did, he wasn't himself
Do you guys not know the wc1 story? Why is that so surprising?
I know mate, just wasn't expecting a Sargeras appearance.
I shit you not he looks exactly how he looks in art. I was shocked but it was cool.
>that old orc to the left
>the orc with the viking helmet
fuck im hyped
I can't get this out of my head
Pls respond
Many die. Gul'dan doesn't.
Legion influence is implied. No Kil'jaeden.
Yes, for a little while at the start of the movie.
This is false, for the movie at least.He doesn't 'turn' into Sargeras.
Yes. General reactions were positive. Even people who never played any of the games enjoyed it.
Vidyakino confirmed
Is it computer? Is he big?
>blizzshills working overtime tonight
It's so easy to tell who the paid posters are.
I don't really think is really him, maybe just some kind of possessed style voice
Are draeneys from WC3 or WoW?
WC3 but they were broken, no normal draeneis
What about high elves? Are we going to get to see them a lot?
>implying blizzard needs to shill to a bunch of jobless dumb frogposters on a cantonese pictograph forum who are all just going to illegally download the movie anyway
they don't do much in the first war so I doubt it, the second war is the crazy one where the first horde (forest trolls, orcs, goblins, enslaved red dragons, ogres, death knights and all sorts of crazy shit) and the first alliance (humans, Helves, dwarves, gnomes, some dragons) fight
Not sure what this is asking.
A lot? No. But they make appearences.
Durotan. Medivh, the King and Draka?
He's asking if the Draenai are pretty or Broken.
The don't become broken until after the 2nd War
Op literally hasn't said anything we don't know from the books and games. He didn't watch the movie. Move on lads
How good is the magic in this film?
What is this asking?
I'm not sure. We just see draenei near the start of the movie that get massacred to open the portal
I think a few questions have been asked that aren't the same as the game/books. I'm not sure what you want me to say though. Believe me or don't, suit yourself.
Yes, very good.
who of those dies
Sorry I was responding to the "many die"
greentext the movie instead of spoilering shit we already know.
How would you describe the tone? does it end on a happy or sad note? does it drag anywhere? what part really stuck out to you as good/bad
>I think a few questions have been asked that aren't the same as the game/books.
Yeah like how would you rate it and how was the music? Piss off
both these questions were literally answered in the thread
what was it lacking or did poorly in for you to not score it a 10?
That's the point retard. If he saw the movie he would've given a story breakdown already instead of giving generic answers.
Where's the fun in that + too lazy.
they've confirmed that the movie's an alternate canon
What is good/did you like it?
Never played any Warcraft game but I like Duncan Jones.
>not lazy to reply to multiple people
>too lazy to talk about story
Yeah, confirmed you didn't see shit. I'm out