Female Lead

I'm searching for series with strong female leads, as in Agent Carter. What are Sup Forums advices?

Orphan Black

>reddit filename
Look at her face or her feces eyes. She's one of the ugliest women on the planet and the only reason anyone would find her attractive is some fucked up mother issues


You have transcended faggotry and become unhuman.

Tell me one thing about wanting to gently nuzzle your mother's milk?

Just drop the pretenses and post her huge jugs

New Girl
The 100

>feces eyes

Ebic meem, Anders.


American TV ftw

Emma Roberts in Scream Queens

I don't know who she is, but she is fucking beautiful.

chestlet detected


you're welcome


>female lead
Stick to cuckold porn, it's all you're worth watching

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xena: Warrior Princess

those two are by far the best

i impregnate her just to get that milk

Chubby-chaser holocaust FUCKING WHEN?

There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to bang your mom but other than that I agree with you

>She's one of the ugliest women on the planet

You are literally a gay homosexual

Reminds me of the OP pic from the Lena Dunham thread earlier today

Whoa whoa whoa, I like Taytay as much as the next guy, but don't you ever talk shit about Hayley.

Fucking kill yourself

Lena Dunham doesn't have tits though, just like Taytay.

Fatwell posters disgust me more than actual fat chicks do


>caring about tits
I remember when I was 12. Good times.

>Way too freakishly tall
>Zero curves

Go be a pole smoking homosexual somewhere else, faggot.


>reddit filename


Am I missing something here?

It's just a bundle of random letters.

>not tits

Enjoy your worthless excuse for a """"""""woman"""""""""".

How's her foot game?

Don't care much for her face, but her tits are amazing.

It looks like an imgur filename, anyone who uses imgur is from Reddit.

that's the file naming structure of imgur. imgur reddit's file hosting service.

Many of us may not agree on the ideal body type of a woman, but we can all agree footfags are the fucking worst.

they're both qt why do we have to fight

get that rat girl outta here

Le meat is for le man bones is for le dog amirite? #Hillary2016

yeah fuck off

Of the five superhero TV series out currently with a female lead, Agent Carter is actually the least preachy and annoying. Ironic, because it's in the 40s, but I find her a far more compelling character than the nonsense that is Supergirl or Agents of Shield.

>caring about tits
>I remember when I was 12
Haha, fucking what?

enjoy being a nigger and/or spic

but we can't all agree on that. feet are awesome and Sup Forums is home to many footlovers and always has been

I like her face, too

When you graduate high school you'll understand

>stop liking what I don't like

Fuck off, Taytay would be ashamed of you bashing other women

Thanks Taypham to shine a light of beauty in this landwhale-shitskin thread. Is Fatwell a kike or just ugly?

she's half American and even part Native American

Evolution makes us care about tits because they're a sign of sexual maturity. If you enjoy the body of a 12-year-old boy, you're the one that's likely still in high school.

do your parents know you're gay?

You're welcome. Have a TayTay. :)

>google, show me pictures of 300-pound indian goddess with hugest boobs in the whole wide world

Isn't it past your bed time or something?

Kek Taypham btfoing all the redditors


>google, show me pictures of women that look like young boys
Is this why you keep calling me a high schooler? Because you want to fuck me?

From that picture you were a cute little boy when you were twelve.

see and fuck of back to tumblr you landwhale

Contributing with more Atwell pics. Love her brown eyes. REAL men like curves.
The Taylorshitlord can fuck off am I right?

what's wrong with you people? I can't find someone like Hayley Atwell hot?

Chubby-chasers deserve to be sent to death camps

Probably we haven't been brainwashed by CIS white media to think thin women are attractive. If you don't like fat women like m.. I mean Atwell you're probably a pedophile :D Btw compared o Hitler-Taylor Atwell is not white so if you prefer Taylor you're racist as well

t. low test cuck


The 100


I know you're trolling, but even the thought there could actually be people like you scares the shit outta me

>nu-male "real womyn have curves" orbiter
>thinks he can call anyone a cuck

oh Redditumblr, never change

This is a 10/10 in america.

faggot. did you run out of gay people to suck off?

>It's a sad gay pedophile shitting up the thread episode

I know right?fatphobia... just ugh
IT's 2016

Stop posting dudes.

>hahaha he's just trolling. My degenerate tast in """"""""""women"""""""""" is socially acceptable I mean after all it's 2016

Don't you have some landwhale to go get rejected by?


You know she dresses like this to hide her disgusting fat body?

That guy doesn't even know how to sing.

No joke. I've seen fat Tumblrites call dudes who like skinny women pedophiles on feminism-hate threads on Sup Forums a couple of years ago or so. Way to out yourself, Bertha.


Ah, good old Sup Forums waifu shitflinging
Too bad it's about such a plebby waifu as Tay Tay

Whatever you say, Tyrone

>letting her top slide away to reveal literally nothing because she has no tits
My sides. Funniest one yet. Post more like this.

>THE Queen

end yourself m8

Don't you have some rival gang-member to go skin alive, Juan Pablo?

Having big tits is nothing to be proud off when you're a dude fatty

I'll never understand why people on this website like Taylor Swift so much. She really isn't anything special and her personality is by all accounts garbage.

>claims to like Taytay
>besmirches her by posting low res images
>saved these images from Sup Forums
>probably has a shit collection


>most Sup Forums regulars are paedophiles
>Swift looks like a 5-year-old boy and is legally fuckable

Think about it.

>be on contrarian board
>complain about contrarians

Lena molested Taytay you fucking idiot, you literally worship Lena Dunham's sloppy seconds.

>I'll never understand why people on this website like Taylor Swift so much
Then go back to Tumblr. And take these Fatwell posters with you.

die in a hole. i bet this is taylor herself. go die in a hole swiftly. make some music or something

>those legs
What a fat fuck. Chubby chasers will never learn, though, I guess.

>negative opinion of Sup Forums

yep everything checks out

Anti-TayTay homos are from [other website] proven

...oh and she also choked on Harry "Jimmy Saville Jr." Styles' cock as well, so enjoy your pedo carnival there.

You could watch the original since you like the remake

Oh so you're a cunnyscum, that explains everything.

Nice misdirection, paedophile. How does it feel to know that Swift is really in her thirties, and nowhere near 12?

hi redit

Oh so you're a redditor? Go whine about how much Black Lives Matter or some shit somewhere else.

Hi Fritzl.

>Muh Aryan maiden

There's a reason the best looking white women have brown hair and brown eyes.

>liking a girl for her fake, vapid personality

It sucks the cuteness out when you know she's a superficial cunt.

>Taylor Swift
I'm literally laughing. You do realise she's had a black penis in her mouth and vagina?