Quite impressed they managed to shoehorn SJW propaganda into this

Quite impressed they managed to shoehorn SJW propaganda into this

Where? The part where the tranny got strangled?

I'm on Season 2, just got to the episode where Dr. Frankenstein tells his creation (after years of dedicated research and isolation led him to being able to create her) that men are simply holding her and other women back from running the world.

You sound like a cuck


glad I only watch anime

How so?

does this show get any better after the first season? i'm on episode 7 and so far it's pretty boring and things just happen for no apparent reason


Dr Frankenstein is a beta. He was just trying to get laid by spouting some numale shit.

It's been SJW from the first episode.

I want to marry Mr Dawlton!

I'm not enjoying the second season so far, but I'm still open to it improving. However, I did really like the first season after the first few episodes.

Possibly. I also like that the American character's nationality only seems to be mentioned in relation to war crimes against Native Americans.


Shouldn't this mean that any instance of women being in traditional roles is anti-SJW propaganda? Or are you literally so stupid that you just cherrypick out whatever helps you feel like a victim and claim it represents the show?

Newest episode had a great moment where an old Indian gives Malcolm shit for how white people kill too many animals and Malcolm comes right back about how Indians can't state a simple sentence without putting a riddle or metaphor in it.

Great retort. I bet it took you a long time to think of it.

>Shouldn't this mean that any instance of women being in traditional roles is anti-SJW propaganda?
It's a period drama Those instances are necessary for historical accuracy, whereas the example I posted was an expressed opinion on the particulars of that history, serving neither the plot nor the setting in any notable way.

>any instance of women being in traditional roles is anti-SJW propaganda

I've heard people make exactly this argument

Couldn't finish season 1 because of that faggot dorian gray and all the attention they gave him after he was introduced.

Is it worth pushing on? I just want victorian action horror

>I just want victorian action horror
Yeah, you're not going to get so much of that, I find it to be mostly a character-based show. FWIW I quite like Dorian Grey, and think he's one of the better characters along with The Creature.

>Dorian Gray
>anything but shit
You should kill yourself. Though I'm hoping he and his dead whore, Lily, turn into Lestat and Louis kind of couple with their new Claudia.

Last episode was actually the first one I've seen where I didn't want to punch straight through Dorian's face like this.

I think it might have been because he had zero lines and was just there as a prop for Lily?

Is the creepy violin playing vampire Doug Jones or what?

The potential that character had was ruined when the writers forgot about his guilt conscience while his emotional and existential numbness only turned into chaotic evilness with a stupid grin on his (supposedly) good looks, totally not cringey at all ;^)

Maybe I'm not far enough into the show then, but his character has been fine up to S2E5 for the most part.

Women being in traditional roles is the normal state.

It turns worse and worse. I think middle season of the second one was his not-so-bad peek

You think Mr Chandler will ever run into Lady Frankenstein again?

>when Frankenstein's monster is on the stranded icebreaker and after being surrounded by freezing, starving people for weeks he finally just goes "GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY", hops off the deck and walks away across the ice
Was that scene meant to be fucking hilarious

Reminder that Hecate is Hecka QT

I wouldnt call this SJWism. Its just another erratic woman who will eventually be put in her place.

henry jekyll, a "large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty with something of a slyish cast"

I'll ask what everyone is thinking:

Does Eva Green show her tits?

Nah she won't be. Just look at GoT

of course

>"Feels like I'm fucking nothing at all"

She does once but she's bald and possessed at the time


Eva Green never acts in anything if she's not allowed to show her tits.

I'm not some Sup Forumstard but this show has so many awkward shoehorned feminist half-rants in it. It literally ruined season 2 and doesn't make any fucking sense tonally or plot wise.

Season 3 is back to being closer to pulp comics though, I could watch not-alan-quartermain go on adventures in foreign countries all day. They need to balance all the romantic literature stuff with pulpy comic stuff more.

Eva(nessa) is CUTE. CUTE!

Don't bitch about him though, so far he seems cool as a character. He is no-nonsense and he isn't obsessed with romance or other emo shit like victor and almost all the other characters are.

I just want him to turn into Mr Hyde and killing white men already.

I mean it's victorian england, if he starts killing dudes it's going to be white dudes no matter what lol

lol frankenstein is so fucked up. there is no way his story ends up in anything but an absolute shitfest.