would this show be able to work in europe or would it be shut down due to racism?
>90% of the offenders would be arabs/africans
would this show be able to work in europe or would it be shut down due to racism?
>90% of the offenders would be arabs/africans
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Isn't the age of consent like 13 in most European countries?
14-16 is the age of consent in most european countries.
well, they'll have to bait them with 9 year olds
jesus, simple google search and things are way worst then even Sup Forums could imagine
the fuck europe
> arabs
> arfricans
> in Europe
fucking kek bruv
Uh, what Europe are you looking at, chummer?
it was on FX for a while around 2004 to 2009.
go to wiki, in most it's 15/16 y.o.a.
I mean, then they'd at least be catching true pedophiles, not just people who like 13-16 years olds.
you haven't been paying attention
they fell for the "diversity is a strength" meme and now they're getting culturally enriched on a massive scale
whites are already a minority in london england, paris france, stockholm sweden, berlin germany
all of our capitals are lost, only eastern europe is standing up against the hordes of invaders and western cucks are calling them racist nazis
>Daily Mail
Those aren't asians. Or is that part of the joke
Whats the mental illness called that denies the black and brown shit that plagues this earth?
Technically Asians. Middle East is in Asia.
100%, m8.
>Middle East is in Asia
Well fine. I hate semantics.
>Those aren't asians.
cultural marxism/political correctness
it's PC speak
like in the UK when they complain about immigrants, they say polish, because the polish are white
the real immigration problem in britain is the polish guy cleaning toilets, not the muslims enforcing shariah law and raping everything that moves
>you will never experience prime Finnish lolis
It is hardly semantics. It is mostly geography.
Shit like this this makes me feel horrible
You just KNOW
That poor innocent exploited ethnic minority, being seduced by that little whore, in a country where his religion, culture, and morals are constantly being criticized by the evil native white residents
She knows exactly what she's doing to him and she doesn't care at all. Back at home he would be able to plunder that pussy with no consequences or criticism
It's persons like you who make listening to t.v. and radio a struggle because of the abusive amount of shit spewed by plebs, degrading the English language.
>You're wrong, user.
> – N-no you, you're just being semantic.
End thy life.
is there anything funnier then a brainwashed european getting a dose of reality?
sucks a entire continent has to be destroyed to awaken to jewish propaganda, but still, it's funny
the people getting culturally enriched are the people that defended the invasion
you can tell by the way shes flinching shes thinking "Sup Forums really was right"
We're takin' down the ZOG machine,
No need to get butthurt. No one fucking calls the Middle East "Asia." They call it The Middle East. It really is just PC talk to avoid saying "The Middle East"
it would be like calling russia "asian" or calling china "european"
while technically correct, it's just stupid
thats why anyone with a brain calls them middle easterners or north africans
europoors call them asians to be PC, because it would be racist to point out they're dune coons and not nips
It's Bongland Newspeak.
They're terrified of "Arabs" or "Middle-Easterners" being singles out, so they use bullshit like this to get around it.
Russians are technically from the continent of Asia, too. Yet you don't see them getting called "Asians".
no, I love seeing Europeans cuck themselves to the grave after all these years of them shitting on America
Then Russians are "Asian" as well.
Pakistan / India is not in the Middle–East,
calling china "european"
Jesus Christ, some folk just don't critically reason.
It's nothing like that because that's simply WRONG.
(Russia = Eurasian).
how can muslims hate homosexuals when they rape little boys?
>t's nothing like that because that's simply WRONG.
ok, so saying middle easterners are asian because they're on the same continent is ok, but calling russians asians because they're on the same continent is wrong?
no, it depends on if they're from east or west of the Ural Mountains, about longitude of Perm'.
also, «It's nothing like that because that's simply WRONG.» was referring to calling China "European".
The bit about Russia was in parentheses, so it was to the side, but still somewhat relevant.
They adhere to the "traps aren't gay" ideology of homosexuality.
>getting culturally enriched on a massive scale
thanks, I will use this as an eupheme for "getting fucked up the ass by Niggerese dicks and Arabs' rape–games around white girls and young women.
yea, it has really caught on
>omg user did you hear about brussles airport?
>ya, they got culturally enriched
This, Russia Today showed a documental report from Afghanistan where Afghani men had private rooms where pre–teen / boys in early puberty danced for them in girls' clothes and largely gets a blind eye turned on the activity.
I forgot what the Arabic name of the rape–games in Köln and Hamburg is (and there is a recognized name), it happened in Cairo before 2016.
Taharrush, and now it has come to Europe.
>its a Sup Forums thread