best capeshit fight scene coming through
Best capeshit fight scene coming through
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This is the best ghost rider fight scene we'll ever get.
I liked hallway fight from s1 more
wow i was mildly impressed with this when it came out but it's actually shit
Don't make me laugh
this looks like alien faggots floating around like homos tho
>tfw they blew their load after 4 episodes
>tfw they ruined the rest of the season
Everybody does. That's why almost every fight in season 2 takes place in a hallway
The parts with Frank Castle were still great you fag
This guy gets it.
>not Aragorn v Lurtz
This scene made a good impression on me the first time I saw it
How come all american "fight scenes" look more like dances than actual fights? Give me full frame Chink fight scenes any day
How did he get away from this?
is this what a live-action Dragon Ball Z movie would look like?
God tier editing
a lot of the chink fights look like dances too, especially in wuxia movies. though the daredevil fight in OP doesn't look very dancey at all. its a brawl.
>not posting something with either of the two actual good fighters on the show, ward and may
Haven't seen the show but it's embarrassing that this is much better than Civil War's fight scenes.
>not club scene from first blade
I think you posted wrong scene. but I got you senpai!
That...didn't actually happen....did it
>zoom in
>focus blur
>Beowulf CGI character models
3:30 fucking looks like Shrek 2 tier animation
Holy shit, i always thought these "netflix" shows would be cheap knock offs with zero action
This was better than both avengers movies and TDKR combined
I love the smile when he realizes its not loaded
How has no one posted the primo patrician fight scene yet?
Dat knife flip though
You should definitely watch Daredevil then. Every fight scene is fantastic and the two seasons so far are undoubtedly better than anything else the MCU has ever created
I read somewhere that the creators said The Raid movies are a key influence on the fight scenes in Daredevil, and it shows.
actually pretty legit
How was Dr Octopus able to withstand multiple punches from Spiderman?
>can destroy caps armour with a punch
>doesn't literally kill people when he hits them
i fucking hate these movies
It's so drawn out and over the top that it just becomes boring. The shorter fight scene in Season 1 of DD was 10x better.
Less is more.
didnt know chris nolan directed this
same reason that iron man was able to punch people in the face in civil war without half their muscle and tissue being punched off their face
It's usually mentioned that superheroes pull their punches when fighting regular people. Spiderman explicitly says this somewhere.
Who would watch cape shit without action, Are you retarded?
But user, this is the best fight in Man of Murder
>tfw no kryptonian qt to push your shit in
>goes from being too tired to stand up straight to doing double round houses
Fucking stupid.
>people actually watch capeshit tv shows
>implying this isnt the best mcu scene
>no shaky cam
>armor actually looks good
>good bants
what happened
His secret avengers costume is so much better than what he wore in Civil War.
Prepare yourselves for true kino
Wow that's bad
>people non-ironically think this is kino
>whipping a useless chain around and dressed like a manchild
By the gods... I have a friend who actually watches this.
>high ground
>Fights off a biker gang.
>It's a legitimate struggle with great choreography.
>Later fights off even more ninjas than bikers.
>Like tissue paper.
Why are ninjas such shit?
While we're at it:
>Ninjas hide their heartbeat and this is a problem for some reason.
>Never has a problem with toasters or brooms or chairs or doors or literally anything else that lacks a heartbeat.
>He can actually hear the difference between density and volume.
>But heartbeat is all he has to go on with humans apparently.
>Also ninja master from same clan in the first season apparently never got the memo to hide his heartbeat.
Great show overall though.
the way she runs around the table and gets him from behind gets me every time
Batfleck coming trough.
>somebody actually read over this script and thought it was good
Time for a nice cold glass of bleach
>Any hate comments against one of the character of the video title will be deleted. Please don't express your anger and/or hate... if you don't like one of the characters or ship them, then don't comment, because they will be deleted.
These shows are meant to be watched while browsing your phone, honestly think about how else could someone sit through that entire thing.
It's not as bad if you don't focus too much.
This, so much this! This is the most realistic fight scene I've seen onscreen.
I'm surprised this movie doesn't get as much discussion on this board, honestly my favourite superhero movie of all time.
Its boring, drawn out and lazy.
All they wanted to do was recapture the first seasons hallway fight for social media shitters. But this time its GONNA BE LONGER AND BIGGER
Also filled with a dozen obvious cuts that ruins the one long take style of the first.
Yeah that was the issue with this scene, too many obvious misses, even though the overall choreography of it was pretty cool, the chain was a nice touch. Not sure if they really filmed it in a single shot or edited to make it seem like they did, but if it's the latter then there's really no excuse.
You basically described why season 2 was so flawed. Someone decided the first season wasn't large scale enough, so they went with quantity over quality, the fights had no intimacy or purpose most of the time, they were fights for the sake of fighting.
I'm just remembering how much more vulnerable and human Daredevil seemed in season 2, like just fighting Nobu damn near got him killed; he was clearly out of his league and only just barely won on some clutch shit. Season 2 was basically Power Rangers with ninjas coming out of the woodwork and somehow being surrounded by 3-4 trained dudes with katanas is no big deal. I bet more people enjoyed it though.
>watches GoT instead
Maybe not the best but it's still really good.
Also, the entire opening scene with the human being surounded by tons of vampires gave me a fear of vampires for like a year.
True kino.
I'll throw my hat into this ring. All the choreography in the world can't save a scene from lacking impact if the rest of the movie fails to build to it properly.
Same issue I have with the Star Wars prequel fights compared to Luke's 30 second, baseball bat style bum rush in Return of the Jedi.
Snyder can only save his carrer now if he makes a DBZ movie
Nolan's catwoman was so forgettable, half of the times I forget she was even in the movie
>Magic cat girl is better!
Burtonfags are the worst.
>when he realizes its not loaded
He knew it wasn't loaded, did you even watch the show?
If you genuinely think boring ass Nolan catwoman is better than Burton catwoman, you are cancer
Oh you think this is a console war tier us vs them issue. That's cute, user. I'm not into that sort of faggotry so find someone else to fiddle your jock.
Both movies suffer from their own issues. Both catwomen are shit. Whether from uninspired direction or a batshit insane and shitty script.
If you genuinely think either movie merits discussion beyond any and all parties agreeing that they're both shit and calling it a day, then John, you are the cancer.
yeah I actually kinda rolled my eyes when that happened, like he was giving a wink to the audience: "get ready for another hallway fight!"
daredevil is the shittiest superhero ever created
hes blind, but acts like he can see. wow its fucking nothing
i thought she was the most interesting character, but underused
>have super strong robot hand
>have it on the throat of the guy you are trying to kill
>doesn't crush his windpipe or pull out his throat
Same thing happens in the prison fight with Punisher when he headbutts a guy
>shield is entirely CGI
These were the only two things that bothered me about this scene. The first one I can overlook because
but holy fuck that CG shield looked so fucking bad in theatres
My favorite thing about that part is the close-up of the eye
1:20 on the Cap clip, 0:49 on the BvS clip. Literally the same guy
meant for you too
That's not even the best fight scene in the series.
dollar store makeup, what the fuck
this looks awful
I love that combo Cap does on Bucky. That fucking flying knee was brutal
I like that the new batsuit is capable of movement. Afleck can actually run, turn and throw punches in it rather than awkwardly waddling around like Bale's batman.
What I don't like is that Batman is now capable of withstanding point blank headshots. Way to take any tension out of the fight scene.