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THE NORMIES (/got/'s official youtube channel) REACT TO SEASON 6 EPISODE 3 (OATHBREAKER)

First for young ned

>Inb4 Reddit

Oh, too late.

>fat joke lmao
What did GRRM mean by this?

reminder that all quality waifus are gone/dead

>My books came to HBO in good faith. It was handed to the writers to be adapted faithfully and put to screen. And they murdered it. Murdered, I say, and may D&D choke upon their OC. I joke with Dan, write with David, promise HBO the rights of my own beloved books…but never think that means I have forgotten. The fatman remembers, /got/. The fatman remembers, and this blog post is almost done. The Winds of Winter is almost done.

report this

friendly reminder N + L = J is happening bros

>You know, I asked him about who Jon Snow's real parents were, and he told me. I can't say who, but I can tell you that it involves a bit of a Luke Skywalker situation. It will all come to fruition eventually. The whole thing with all the fight over proper succession is partly inspired by the War of the Roses in the late 1400s, and back then, to ensure pedigree, the monarchies were kind of inbred. It's definitely fucked up, but it definitely happened back then, so that's why there's incest with the Targaryen line. It's toned down, though.

>Parris did come up with a few alternative suggestions for Jon's parentage that George wouldn't comment on, but apparently one suggestion did provoke one of George's 'evil smiles' (apparently deployed whenever he has come up with an extremely cunning plot twist). However, absolutely no amount of persuasion or bribery would get her to reveal what that theory was.

based GRRM

>it was an "accidental" creampie.
>i mistook her for someone else!
>we must never speak of this!
>fuck me harder ned!
>give benjen a turn ned
>brother brandon won't like sharing me ned
>promise me you won't forget me. promise me, ned.
