>one of the best characters from the book
>kill him off in like a minute
Thanks, Dumb & Dumber.
>one of the best characters from the book
>kill him off in like a minute
Thanks, Dumb & Dumber.
Other urls found in this thread:
>one of the best characters from the book
Lol no. You only knew the idea of how based he was.
>kill him off in like a minute
I dont see the problem
>most epic thing in the books is Ser Arthur Dayne, the perfect knight, wielding the mightiest and most beautiful sword ever, Dawn
>le dual wielding fooking legend face
he made a great impression for the short time he was on screen tho
Yeah, because he's got such a huge role in the books right? Fuck off, wikifag and stop trying so hard to fit in
>Dead 15 years before the first book
>One of the best characters
Like fuck hes one of the best in the book(s)
>Supposed to be a badass
>He totally was
No problems there
Can't be a fookin' legend unless you dual wield
>unironically dual wielding
Yeh, no
Besides, where the fuck was Dawn?
> I wish you good fortune in the WARS to come
> and now it begins
why dont "and now they begins?"
or "I wish you good fortune in the WAR to come"
English isnt my first language but that didnt make sense to me.
It was there, it just happened to look just like any other sword
only contrarians hate this shit
in his hand
It makes sense. "It" was referring to "Ned's struggle".
So basically the glorious Dawn, the sword forged from a falling star, the sword so glorious it gives its wielder a title, the legendary sword, was just a random sword?
Gee, that sure is great.
go circlejerk on r/asoiaf with the rest of your neckbeards
>World of giants, dragons and zombies.
What were you expecting? That Dawn would be a medieval lightsaber?
>But not of the kingsguard. The kingsguard does not flee.
I was so hyped for this line but of course they cut almost all the dialogue out
No, it was white. it had a unique pommel, blind fuck.
t. guy who falls for marketing buzzwords
The actor was great.
He was fighting multiple men, several "wars".
>Epic talking scene in book on how those three stayed behind to guard the tower
>Show scene, "MUH SISTER"
Please, I just wanted the dialogue, why did it have to be "muh sister!"
I did enjoy that a backstab is once against the most powerful weapon in all of Westeros
I was expecting it would at the very fucking least not be wielded in one hand, next to a random sword.
Is king fucking Arthur known for wielding Excalibur and an Iron Sword?
I'm glad they changed it desu
Why would you be glad they excluded a piece of the fiction that only serves to enrich the world and make it more interesting?
Did not having him wield one sword that looks more impressive give the scene anything? Besides having him dual wield, which is absolutely ridiculous.
why did they make it 2v6 instead of 3v7?
the latter seems at least somewhat doable considering how good the 3 were, maybe we wouldn't even need *spinning*
Because D&D are fucking hacks.
>whole plethora of untouched lore could be hinted at with Howland Reed interference referenced in the fight
i'll just leave this here
>Did not having him wield one sword that looks more impressive give the scene anything?
Made it much more memorable.
You really got the idea that this guy was the greatest swordsman in the world.
Even if they managed to make a 4v1 with a greatsword look half good, it wouldn't be memorable.
I casually know the story of King Arthur, so far as that i have watched that movie from the 70's
>Never heard of Excalibur being anything other than a sword given to him by a chick in a lake
>Doesnt give him special powers
>arthur dayne is literally given a one sentence description and probably 5 short mentions in 5 books
>everyone acting like he's the greatest thing ever
calm it autists
Reminder that if you complain about the Ned/Dayne flashback scene you are a worthless, whining, edgy loser with no friends, no job and no life. You stink of piss and shit, your underpants are filthy and you have a coat of slime on your forehead.
In other words, a book reader.
If anything, it just gives you an insight on how much knights liked to adorn their stories with bs. The crippled thought his dad had gallantly killed him, but the knight was just back stabbed. Same shit with the sword description, it was just adornment.
Knights told tales of killing dragons and stuff like that just to make pussies wet.
If I take away your swords will you die?
Waste of trips but checked
Yes, Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone. You didn't think they were the same sword, did you?
I thought the dual weild was a bit flashy and unecessary but whatever, it's just a shame they changed the dialogue from the books. Theres no reason and the book dialogue was pretty based tbqh
When has GoT ever been faithful as an adaptation? it's S6.
Why did you retards have such high expectations? I expected shit and was incredibly surprised.
trips of truth!
Not that it was bad, it was just pretty meh just as the rest of the episode.
>one of the best characters from the book
he only appears in a flashback.
>>one of the best characters from the book
He's barely in the books you ridiculous idiot. Beta beyond belief.
I think it's a shame they changed the dialogue, it made the two Kingsguards out to be just villains and Ned to be the hero.
In the book I guess it sounded more complicated than that, that not only was Ned going to save his sister, but that this was kind of an end of an era with them killing the last true legendary knights in Westeros who just happened to do their duty.
Barely in the book, fucking Jamie talks so much about him I'm surprised he doesn't moan his name when he's fucking Cersei.
Ruined it desu
dumn and bumber ahahaha
Dayne looks like shit there.
It didn't look like any random sword.
You'd know it was special if you paid attention.
Sorry it's not painted white or made to look like a fucking lightsaber
bitch, you know nothing about swords
That's too much dialogue for basically. 7 v 2 sword fight, it was perfect the way the scene was shot
>Robert says Lyanna during sex
>Her own brother moans Dane
No wonder she's so fucked up, wouldn't be surprised if Lancel didn't scream KEVIN when he came
Dayne was based, his line delivery was great and his dual swords were a perfect choice.
>Six against two
>Not using dual swords
stay mad, bookfags
They should have given him 2 katana to make him really stand out. Would have been fucking epic!
Actually get your friends to help you act those lines out and tell me it doesn't sound retarded as fuck.
I understand why some people think the scene is shit, but I'm 90% sure it would have been cringeworthy as fuck if more book dialogue was kept.
Also Dayne would have looked pretty stupid with Dawn trying to fight 3-4 people.
Be happy with what we got, it could have been far worse.
His line delivery was awkward, and dual swords are a horrible choice to use in any scenario in real life, and are a stupid decision to have a character use them in a series that used to strive to be realistic.
This isn't even a problem because of its inconsistency with the books, there are a lot of ways this could have been done that would have made it not dumb. DnD have proven time and time again that they are incapable of this, though.
How a couple of amateurs got this job is beyond me. Oh wait, they googled R+L=J and made the pitch to HBO and they got it because they were the only fucking ones who George ever allowed to make the show.
We could have had a not shit adaptation of the books. Instead we get this shit and people like you whine about book readers being unsatisfied, probably because you have no frame of reference for what's good.
Humor me, make the scene worse.
>but muh fanfiction dialogue and shining swordo
Undiluted autism
how would you know this?
Let me direct you to undiluted autism so you can get an idea of what it actually is
Retarded beyond belief. Whoever helped you switch on the laptop deserves jail time.
>too much dialogue
Some would say that Game of Thrones have too many characters for a 6 season show but yet here we sit.
>That's Lady Dayne!
>Father said she was the greatest warrior he ever saw
Not him but try and speak the book dialogue among some people without it sounding gay as fuck
I regret reading that
You're mad at a television series about dragons not being realistic enough after a guy uses two swords.
Sounds pretty autistic to me
Youtube videos of fans reenacting it.
And even just saying the words outloud yourself without the shit like "ser ... answered" "said ser ..." and whatever or just imagining the exchange between them as they all just stand there.
I'm not even mad. I'm just pointing out how retarded all three of you are
Aright this guy convinced me
Mate you could take the entire script of Reservoir Dogs and have fans act out the scenes and it would be retarded.
>Im not upset even I just posted a third grade book report on an anonymous Rhodesian turtle waxing emporium
Then go ahead and get you and your friends to reenact the scenes yourselves.
The lines are cringeworthy when actually spoken outloud. They at most just sound nice on paper.
I'm tired don't make fun of my shitty writing you fucking faggot
I'm not wrong in anything I was trying to say though
This is what happens when you leave it to hacks that couldn't care less about everything the book is about to direct shit, they just choose to use the most generic hollywood kung fu cliches to try to show Dayne as an skilled swordsman.
It could've been a great unique scene with dawn as a greatsword and all, but hacks will hack.
>fans wait 6 years for a scene that should've been in S1
>its just 10 guys fighting near a tower
>literally impossible to fuck up
>they still fuck it up
>best sword fighter ever
>has the ability to take on five guys by himself
>has the awareness to block multiple attacks from multiple directions with lightning reflexes
>doesn't have the awareness to know that a man with a knife is shuffling up behind him through dirt and rock
same whining autist
dual wielding was retarded, simple as that. I still can't grasp what they were trying to do or convey with it. What was wrong with the source version? Why feel the need to make a change for the worse?
These are the changes I understand the least. It's not about cutting shit from the books because it simply won't fit into a tv series, it's not about cutting some of the longest and useless parts of the books. They decide to change things that work perfectly as they are and fuck them up for no real reason.
For example, what was the deal with Robb's wife?
>hurrdurr my vision of everything is the best!
kys fampai
To be fair, its really hard to make an ebin looking fight scene with long sword
What is he gonna do, Darth Maul it and block several attacks at once?
Dayne probably just slashed most of Stark's companions with pure power in few swoops and then Reed pulled some frogposter magic to bring him down
it's ironic how the post he's replying to uses that exact same logic
>series that used to strive to be realistic.
We had White Walkers, Dragons and Magic since Season 1, but nah senpai, this series was totally always a medieval realistic tale
Nothing wrong with how the scene was portrayed. "But it's different" is not an argument unless you are literally autistic.
There is no way you could make a good 4 vs 1 scene with a Greatsword
Either you'd have to make Dayne some sort of hyper-strong superhuman capable of swinging a greatsword like a normal sword, or you'd have to make the opponents absolute slow-witted retards to not destroy Dayne between swings
Is that glitter?
yeah nothing was wrong except that it was completely terrible you faggot
maybe that it would be milky white like your mums fanny after a night working the corners in fleabottom.
They didn't even bother to bring out amazing season 1 props and just gave Kingsguard random rusty armor with Targ insignia slapped in the middle
Daynes sword had Varlyrian steel properties so it was pretty light. They could have also kept the third kingsguard to make the fight better
Just because a show has dragons doesn't mean it needs to throw out logic and reasoning out the window. I bet you loved the Sands snakes fighting with dual wield daggers and a whip. I bet you also loved their teleporting
Like I said, you're literally autistic. So fine, you hate it, just like you hate any minor changes to your daily routine. But an intelligent autist (they do exist) would recognize that was just their own shit, not something inherently bad.
I know it's nothing confirmed but I always assumed Dawn to be light as fuck.
Also, was the material it was forged with ever confirmed? Gurm gave a hint it may have been a meteorite but seriously how the fuck does that work
well that's a start, yea.
that sounds hot, webm pls.