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can't wait for the live rotten tomato thread tbqh
Listening to this
Good. Fuck capeshit.
>its a "disney pays off reviewers to shit on their competition" episode
Who is this? And where did he get the word from?
Although I wouldn't be surprised if it is shit.
>Evans poster
>implying a movies that get a reshoot will ever turn out good.
What a surprise!
Cry more.
Well the sooner everyone stops making comic book movies the better.
Not taking either side because I'm not autistic, but who the fuck is that? Why should I care what he heard?
And yeah. I knew it would be shitty when I saw the new, homosexual Joker.
>posting tweets from literally who's just so you can start a company wars thread
i hate modern Sup Forums
I've been hoping this movie would be good. I liked the trailers.
Hopefully, if it is actually a mess, they can fix it in post. It is 3 months off.
>It's a 'DC on denial' episode again.
It is pretty obvious this movie is going to turn out shit.
before i say this i want to clarify i hate all capeshit
but lets be honest here
marvel have like5 reddit movies
You're fucking cringy as fuck. Get the fuck out of here.
>before i say this i want to clarify i hate all capeshit
Then why even bother posting about it?
>marvel have like5 reddit movies
More like 12.
so another DC kino then?
It's like you don't even care about staying ahead of /po/.
>Get the fuck out of here
Make me, faggot.
So which is it?
Why does b not have a huge load
Movie hasn't been released yet so no one knows if it's a mess.
It's been like 6 weeks, when are they gonna move past the denial stage? I wanna see them hit bargaining
>marvelcucks now resorted into posting random tweet
Pretty sure I've seen like 3 versions of this with the board I was on being the large bar.
Just like DC then.
I mean I get what you mean but come on, at least include the only Evans post before yours, iff you're going to call it out.
Why is Evans always so happy?
He doesn't have anyone else to talk to
It's so obvious when WB tries to shill a movie.
>"Whoa guys look out! This movie is so crazy Jared Leto had to visit a Psychiatrist!"
Do you have a problem?
oh great, no name twitter fag says something is shit
great, thanks
fuck off back to Sup Forums
It's probably easy when your life is enjoyable and full of friends and adventures.
Eh. I figured as much when I saw the second trailer try to 180 the tone of the movie from the first trailer. That's never a good sign. Just look at BvS.
makes me sad
It's going to be goat.
Sup Forums will save it.
>go read the tweet
>everyone saying "shut the fuck up"
>"Didn't you say point break would surprise everyone?"
>"is this like that last movie you said would be a train wreck?"
Which is pretty weird, because it doesn't fit with the tone of the movie anymore.
I mean Jared Leto's dark and psychopath Joker feel misplaced in the movie now.
I can't believe that Marvel Vs DC wars have entered the movie industry. This same shit was happening 30 years ago. Magazines with a penchant for Marvel bashing DC releases and vice versa
Which one, the first trailer?
Nope, the first trailer actually make JL's Joker fit with the theme of the movie.
Wonder why
It sounds like they tried to tone down the initial dark feel to the movie since BvS. Which would confirm my fears that they took away all the wrong lessons from the BvS backlash. I hope to god they're not turning Suicide Squad into an R-rated Guardians of the Galaxy.
>ywn be one of his friends and go on adventures with him
that's exactly what I expected. BvS blows, people criticize it for being "too dark" and those cucks over at DC think that every future movie needs to be easy going and light hearted even though the Nolan trilogy had barely any humor and did great with critics and fans alike.
The tone is not the problem. Hack Snyder is.
Don't you ever bore yourself typing or copy/pasting the same phrases every day, again and again?
Or do you have Down Syndrome?
>Even Cleganebowl made it in there
This is art.
>though the Nolan trilogy had barely any humor
What? Alfred and Morgan Freeman's dialogue was 95% quips throughout the three movies.
they delivered serious dialogue through the facade of humor. That's different than typical Avengers type of humor like "watch your language" etc. That's just a character trait of Lucius Fox and Alfred, not something constantly done by every single fucking character.
Any dialogue outside of the Batman suit was basically a quip. Fuck, the entire bit when Bruce is trying to build the suit might as well have had some fast paced, pop song as a montage
Not the person you're replying to, but what do you think is wrong with this assessment of the entire BvS debacle? As a general sentiment it's true. BvS showed promise in its first trailer for something truly original and great, the final product ended up a complete mess, and snyder seems to be the root of all of it. Now WB, DC, and some their most misguided fans distill every valid criticism of BvS as not enough Marvel, 2dark4u, or more pathetically, 2smart4u.
Snyder isn't the root of the problem, it's WB. They've been fucking up time and time again for the past few years. Snyder is just another symptom of it, cause under any other studio they wouldn't have given him any properties
Holy shit, this is worse than console war threads on Sup Forums. Why do you faggots false flag like this?
of course the people who hire a hack director are also the problem. But that's not we are talking about. None of us are WB shareholders so it makes no sense to make them responsible for Snyder's fuck up. They fucked up in hiring them but Snyder fucked up in making the movie. A double fuck up doesn't change the fact that Snyder has a track record of fucking up movies ever since after 300.
>the people who hire a hack director are also the problem
You mean his wife, right?