why is cinemassacre so comfy?
James talking about godzilla movies sound so ineresting for some reason. You can see that he is passionate about it.
Why is cinemassacre so comfy?
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literal autism
Why does Cinemassacre get virtually nothing on Patreon?
its because he loves and is passionate about godzilla
Is James even aware how miserable and awful his life is?
Wtf is this whole cuck meme?? Is it real? Story.
Fuck off.
I feel so sorry for him and the way his life turned out. I rewatched some of his videos from his heyday back in 07-08 and got depressed just thinking about how bad things got for him. He just seems so pathetic in every video now. He's stuck doing the nerd until he dies. The TGWTG crowd can go fuck themselves and they deserve all of the stupid shit that happens to them, but not James.
Why did he JUST so hard?
>barely break six figs a year?
>this is bad
James' life just sucked because the movie was a crazy amount of work and his daughter had problems during birth.
Now the movie is done and his daughter is 100% recovered and he's fine.
they dont have a patreon
I'm not sure if this is because they are literally so behind on the times that they are clueless and losing out on prime patreon bux, or james rolfe actually has a soul after taking that 300k from his fans.
AVGN will commit sudoku pretty soon
/r/'ing the story of how he had a meltdown at some convention about how he has to fake enthusiasm and the whole nerd personality and seemed very depressed, he also has a potato child and is a cuck id kill myself too desu
>It will never be 2006 again
>You will never stumble upon AVGN right as it hits its stride
>You will never enjoy watching prime nerd again
I remember waiting for the next review knowing it was going to be pure gold
The best thing he's done in a while was the 3 part script review with Mike. Reading old AVGN scripts is more interesting than his new stuff
His movie was a flop and he's stuck playing video games with Motherfucker Mike in his basement for a pittance forever
>that strip club story
>be a virgin
>make awkward comment when pussy is in your face
>hahaha it was all a joke bro
>instantly starts sucking Toho's dick
Oh fuck off. Godzilla 2014 was objectively better than most Toho Godzilla movies.
>Being a maximum level pleb
>being too much of a dumb fucking idiot to see movies objectively without their stupid labels and production companies
>Godzilla movie
>He's in it for 5 minutes
The 2014 film was ok at best
Yeah I'm not saying it was really good or anything.
But most Toho Godzilla movies are literal trash and you cannot deny it. There's only about 5 classics that stand above the the Legendary Godzilla.
puts me the fuck to sleep with his droll delivery
id like to be his friend and play video games with him and talk bout B-films ala troma but the formula of his videos is far too sterile for me
We live in the amazing time of Youtube celebrities going into the misery. TGWT, Nerd and Spoony are the first, they can't apply their skill somewhere else nor have enough charisma to go in TV. Who do you think will be next?
Not him, Godzilla 2014 was really good but nah, there are only like 5 bottom tier Godzilla movies
james is doing JUST fine
>tgwtg was a janitor before reviewing
>james worked in a movie theatre
>spoony lived off his brother
the end is nigh for them
>supporting the over-exaggerating fake personalities that have taken over online media
Can someone tell me how this all happened? With the cuck thing and his wife.
too bad he's such a bad actor. You can clearly tell when he's doing a scripted reaction. Takes me out of the video
Well I'm sorry to hear that
he cuck thing started when his wife posted a blog saying how cinemassacre is a caucasion suasage fest, and his movie being complete shit.
The word ‘cuck’ gets used a lot lately.
Many people have taken a try at describing the phenomenon, but I think all existing descriptions of ‘cuck’ miss why the point and the power of the word.
They miss why ‘cuck’ is not merely a modern ‘faggot’ or ‘hippy,’ but actually something much stronger. The perfect description for a modern epidemic that is destroying our nations, our societies, and our souls.
The term cuckold itself comes from the cuckoo bird: a bird that is a brood parasite. The cuckoo bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. Once the egg hatches, the young cuckoo will swiftly destroy or eat most or all of the nest’s original inhabitants. The parents of these murdered young who come back to a nest with a baby cuckoo in it will ignore the carnage, and dutifully raise the young cuckoo as if it is their own chick. Indeed, because cuckoos are often much larger than the birds whose nests they parasitize, it is possible for cucked parents to literally starve as they struggle to provide for the murderer of their real children.
In this context, it is easy to see just why ‘cuck’ is absolutely appropriate to a certain breed of today’s politicians. A cuck politician is a cuck when he or she takes pleasure in his nation’s people being cheated on. He gains political standing and a sense of moral superiority when he allows poor little cuckoo birds to roost in his nations cities and towns. A cuck politician is also a cuck because he knows that if he were ever to act against the cuckoos in his midst, he would invite disaster. Riots, terrorism, beheadings… And, of course, the approbation of his fellows cucks.
And our nations ARE run by cucks. Let there be no doubt about it. Cucks in both senses of the word: they refuse to recognize their enemy, and they can great pleasure in siding with him against their own countrymen.
Cuckoldry has become an entire mindset. The modern cuck is not a cuck only in one circumstance, but in ALL circumstances.
>why is cinemassacre so comfy?
because youre a faggot
Mike didn't even know what Twitch was. They're old men in nerdy bodies.
They have a website that gets decent traffic that runs ads and has a method for donation already.
They don't need patreon.
if people are willing to give you 10,000 dollars a month through patreon, you dont pass that up. Not when you're running a business with employees.
You act like patreon has a monopoly on monthly donations. Why would they go to a 3rd party middleman who takes a cut of your shit to provide you a platform to work with when cinemassacre has all of that already?
I sincerely doubt he gets more than 500$ a month through his donation link.
Most of his viewers are from youtube anyways. 2million to be exact.
Tbh it's not that good, I make 6 figures a week
Have you seen TGWTG now? Doug has had a rennaisance on YT. Blip dying was the best thing to happen to him.
we will be replaced by his new cuck viewers soon.
they will be around to shitpost when doug dies
He's so fucking old.
He's an old man talking about old videogames surrounded by tacky knicknacks of a bygone era.
This is the male equivalent of watching an old grandma with her porcelain figure collection.
Is this all there is to your life? You regressed into a little shell, a shrine to your youth?
He's a highly influential internet celebrity with a wife. His life turned out as best as it could with his unrealistic expectations. (Becoming a famous movie director).
I absolutely fucking LOATHE Mike. He literally ruins every video he's in and walks and talks all over James with his shitty opinions and taste. I stopped watching when he was forced into every other episode. James just sits their nodding his head and making excuses for his own opinions while Mike talks like a fucking retard normie desperately trying to ride James' fame.
Comfy? It's borderline depressing to see him stuck in his basement making shitty 'films' that proof that he has never learned one damn thing along the way and he was never cut out to be a filmmaker. He tried to hide his incompetence with the whole 'cinemassacre' thing, but he is just completely oblivious to the fact that you have to learn about the rules before they can be broken.
What a shame.
>people unironically saying his life is shitty
He gets to stay at home all day, surrounded by thousands of video games, comics, and movies in his comfy house, drinking beer and watching movies. His """""""""""job""""""""""" is to film himself, record himself, and upload it to the internet. That's it. He doesn't have to deal with a shitty boss, shitty coworkers, asshole old people and customers, or do anything too physical. He's got the comfiest life possible.