So did you like TFA?
Did your friends, family liked TFA?
So did you like TFA?
Did your friends, family liked TFA?
No and no.
i pretend too
I paid like $20 to see it
>So did you like TFA?
It was okay
>Did your friends, family liked TFA?
Half my friends liked it, half of them didn't care for it. Family hasn't seen it
>girls like movies that showcase women being unstoppable killing machines
when did shit change? I remember women back in the day hating action films.
I enjoyed it, and left the theater feeling good, but as time went on all I could do was pick apart it's flaws.
Seems like everyone loved it, but not so much they'll "attack" me when I give my opinion (which isn't true for a lot of other things)
Women like good action movies, just like men like good romance movies. However, women aren't conditioned to like bad action, and men aren't conditioned to like bad romance.
gf liked it, but she generally likes every normie flick with dem quips
Friends hated it with a passion and agreed that it ruined the Star Wars universe.
I liked it.
My father, who is the only other member of my family that gives a shit about Star Wars has yet to see it.
> Pandering to female and minorities because they're easier targets who will buy all the merch
makes sense now
>did I like it
It was okay (I didn't fall asleep during it)
>did my friends like it
No (they are bigger Star Wars fans than me)
Father fell asleep, "why should I care about a girl, a faggot and a nigger?"
based father
I thought it was soulless cash grabbing trash that demystified the Star Wars myth.
My friends are all normies or Sup Forums normies so yes they did like it. Only my dad hated it whom I think inherited my dislike for Star Wars at an older age.
Why is Carl Sagan wearing a hoodie and a pink hair clip?
It was good enough
Thought it was ok
Family didn't care, some friends loved it others just likes it.
>just like men like good romance movie
Wonder who's behind this
The state of this society when ambivalence and boredom is turned into consumerist brand loyalty.
Only thing these manchild movies have done is to scare me into reading books.
My mother said it wasn't bad.
My sister liked it but got really upset at my criticism of Rey.
My brother in law thought it was okay but the originals were better.
My friends reactions were all mixed and not noteworthy.
Because he's fucking kawaii mate
>expecting gurls not to be slaves of trends and marketing
What next, you'll expect them to be faithful or something? lmao
Just saw this movie last night for the first time. I get why people call it a bland/boring entry into the series. Nothing exciting really happens. I felt no sense of urgency really. Also, poe just comes out of fucking nowhere after supposedly dying which was weird.
Kylo rens voice under the mask is also terrible. He should definitely keep the mask off for the rest of the trilogy
I didn't but my friends did and so now it's uncomfortable every time it's brought up.
I didn't like it very much. TFA felt like a bait-and-switch. I went into it expecting a continuation of the adventures of Luke, Han, Leia. et al. But instead the movie was all about a bunch of new characters that I do not give a single fuck about.
Some of my friends loved it. Me and some others thought it was total shit. Basically the more normalfag people think it's the best Star Wars yet.
We're not your friends user, and most of us are just shitposting.
Like Avengers it's not worth the second viewing. it relied on so much hype and fan service that if you try to watch it again after that feeling has died down you're not going to like it nearly as much.
The only cameo I enjoyed was Ackbar was because it was so unexpected. Rogue One looks good. I think Star Wars is rife for "good" world building that's not a kids cartoon
I found it underwhelming and pretty much forget the entire movie two days after seeing it in the week I did. That's how bad I thought it was. Even Phantom Menace was better which is how much value I hold over The Force Awakens.
Invert the panels and the comic would be right for my case.
I think that just shows you have shit taste.
At least Phantom Menace was enjoyable in a train wreck sort of way.
5 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2
bland as fuck
It spawned memes, like most of the worst movies.
They did, but we literally haven't had a single conversation about it.
That said, me and my brother talked about the Clone Wars a few days ago.
Shows you what it was - good movie, shit Star Wars.
I'm okay with this though I'd be more inclined to say 4 = 7
I agree.
I hated it, but everyone I know thought it was good.
Fucgkin plebs
7=3 at best.
There was nothing worth salvaging from TFA, all that movie was made for was to create build up for the next two movies coming out so which is why it'll be forgotten easily as it was designed to do so.
Ok, so I thought it was a pretty stale movie. I do hate their marketing with a passion though. Im not a collector but something pisses me off about the way they are merchandising this franchise now.
If you think TFA was forgettable, wait until Rogue One which looks like something out of a trashy young adult novel.
I'm a big Star Wars fan and I thought it was pretty good. Not ANH or ESB good, but definitely enjoyable. I think of it as a soft reset and expect the next two movies to be much different.
My non Star Wars friends thought that it was great, and the one friend I have who really likes Star Wars too has about the same opinion as me. Though he liked Rey more than I did. I thought Daisy Ridley was the weakest of the new actors.
I loved it. Incidentally, my fetish is interracion cuckoldry, so it was right on my ballpark.
I thought it was utter schlock.
Too many villains at one time, Rey was a Mary Sue, Finn was comic relief and just there.
Poe was the only one I liked.
Also le cuckball droid
I like it, still pales in comparison to the OT
Jew Jews film style still irks me though, and the final shot is unforgivable
>Hurr Durr aerial shot
I posted earlier about liking it, but that aerial shot really was awful. It was such a weird (wrong) note to close on.
I liked the visual effects and practical effects. I didn't like how absolutely devoid of thought the story was. I especially hated how they treated the new republic as still being terrorists, as if the Emperor never fell and the war is still going on.
6/10 should have made a movie about Thrawn instead
It was immersion breaking, really went against the other movies.
I watched it with my brother and his black friend.
The first thing we all said after leaving the theater was ''it was Episode 4 again''. It's not terrible but it's not good either, 6/10.
I despised it. I'm yet to find a friend who didn't like it. The worst was being told the other day that I "probably missed a lot of the subtleties." I chuckled and said, "I'm gonna get some coffee." Oh well, to each his own.
I didn't watch it.
It sucked.
your father is a closeted transexual gay nigger, he's just trying not to shake the foundations of your conservative family too badly.
>So did you like TFA?
I had a fun time viewing it in the theater. Not sure if I liked it as a movie. Whole thing felt more like an extended Star Tours ride than an actual movie.
>Did your friends, family liked TFA?
Girlfriend really liked it. Brother thought it was okay. Nobody I've met absolutely loves it though. Girlfriend stopped talking about it a day or two after seeing it. Brother didn't really talk about it at all.
Except TFA isn't good action
What about your wifes's son?
I liked it as a film, but not as a Star Wars film.
>women aren't conditioned to like bad action
Explain the huge turnout of stuff like transformers and why no woman will ever be able to understand early John Woo films or stuff like The Raid.
Yeah, fun movie
Saw it with my friends, we seemed to have the same opinion that it was too safe but enjoyable.
If it didn't have Han's death it would be forgotten instantly
your dad is a try-hard edgelord
>6 so low
what a bunch of plebs
The only real answer is
>7 over 4
Get the fuck out beta/bitch
>tv defending this sjw cringefest
fuckers you already have reddit and tumbler why the fuck must you spread (more) cancer here
>the Empire beat by teddy bears
yeah, that's the only thing that happens in jedi
Symbol of vietnam where advanced empire gets beat by poor natives with help from advisors.
The ATST popping ewoks was just like shots of huey gunships mowing down Vietnamese women&children
Ignoring the fact that 4 is boring as hell to watch today, rating 1 above 7 is just pure retardation
My family all thought it was a decent addition and better than the prequels. I hate forced "fun" movies, like the Marvel shit, and this was just like those.
Also, too many moments where I was aware I was watching a movie.
All My friends think I'm crazy for rating it a 3/10
There's about a 20 minutes stretch on Tattooine that is boring but the rest of the movie is perfectly good.
Bro, every single one of my friends has fall sleep watching 4
It was utter shit.
It's Dinsey marketers, they have been shilling here since before it came out and returned around the time we got the "I rebel" trailer.
Nice opinion there, did you get it from Mr Plinkett?
That says more about your friends than ANH.
This is retarded.
You're retarded.
Mom hated the original trilogy and the prequels, loved TFA
Girlfriend never watched Star Wars before, loved TFA
ANH has always been boring, only good parts are the scenes with Vader and Tarkin,
I didn't like it, neither did my dad. Rest of my family hasn't seen it
I haven't seen a single person shill for iRebel, the trailer is pretty much indefensibly bad.
I didn't really care for it. It had some good points and was fun enough, but far too many flaws for me to call it a good movie.
Parents thought it was okay, not great. One of my friends loved it. Haven't asked too many people their opinions because I don't want to learn my friends have shit taste.
Dad kinda liked it, stoner brother loved it, best bud was very ehh
shill begone
>So did you like TFA?
>Did your friends, family liked TFA?
You're friends are fucking plebs, I could watch ANH when I was a fucking toddler and give it my attention.
Who did Rey kill?
I loved it, as a star wars movie it was 10/10 and i genuinrly believe it stands with ANH and ESB as the pinnacle of the series
My friends for the most part liked it. A few dislike the similarities to ANH but they at least admit its a competently made movie thats a hell of a lot better than the prequels.
The only people who think TFA is worse than the prequels are contrarian memers
>My sister liked it but got really upset at my criticism of Rey.
Christ, you take this fedora shit into real life conversations?
i could see why plebs would like this movie but a 10/10?
you disgust me,kumquat faggot.
it was ok I guess
I thought it was enjoyable at least. I was entertained, and it was better than the prequels. Rey was a point of annoyance for me, and I really wanted there to be something like a Boba Fett-type cool, recurring background character.
My dad hated it and felt it was pretty much a copy of the first movie. He said he understood if the story was the same, but one of the things he liked about Star Wars when he was a kid was all the varied, strange and amazing locations and sci-fi elements. To him, TFA had none of that, or at least nothing which hadn't already been in the other movies before.
My younger brother said "It was alright!" which he says about literally every single movie he's ever seen in his entire life. Show him the shittiest movie ever made and the greatest movie ever made, and asked about both he'll say "They were alright!"
Reddit, exactly like Sup Forums, is filled with people who liked it with a healthy dose of contrarian neckbeards who didn't.
>Brother didn't really talk about it at all.
maybe he (farts)?
>As a Star Wars movie
Im not saying its like, a Citizen Kane or The Godfather, but as a Star wars flick it was everything it had to be and more. Most of the "flaws" you faggots label this movie with are just as applicable to the OT
You just give the OT a free pass because you were told to like it as kids and youve never actually looked at the films from a critical standpoint