Never seen dollouse i heard it kinda sucks but then i saw this on reddit

never seen dollouse i heard it kinda sucks but then i saw this on reddit

>Tired of not being able to recommend Dollhouse without the caveat "the first 5 eps are pretty bad," I edited them into a single supercut episode that lets people skip to Ep 6 without missing anything important.

what do you guys think?

Just watch the unaired pilot then skip to episode 6 if that's what you want. No need for amateur fan edits.

Also Dollhouse is the best science fiction show that's aired on television this millenium. It's really incredible.

how is the unaired pilot better than the regular pilot?

>hasn't seen dollhouse

It's a big infodump about the Dollhouse universe whereas the first five fox aired episodes are lowest common denominator easing.

Dollhouse is pretty good. Enver Gjokaj does some great acting in it.
desu i think they went full retard in season two and season one was better even the first five episodes.

op here

does the show have a proper ending or am i gonna get blue balled

Proper ending but it's rushed as fuck plus it has Fellatio Gay

it's pretty mediocre

it would be good if it weren't for the bizarre flash forwards in the season finales

Dollhouse is a good show.

Enver was dubbed (confirmed) but otherwise this post is accurate

You are objectively wrong. So very, very wrong.

Dollhouse is shit OP. Outside of Alan Tudyk and a few scenes here and there it is a total waste of a goof concept. I was a big Whedon fan and was so excited for this but it was so disappointing. I watched it all out of habit but its not worth your time. Dushku is one of the worst actresses ever.

Seriously OP watch any number of great shows you haven't seen yet. This shit isn't worth your time.

The science fiction explored in Dollhouse made it a decent sci fi show. What's been better this millenium? Most sci fi shows go into the ridiculous, like BSG with God and Lost and others that choose supernatural to explain shit.

Dollhouse was straight up science fiction, and true sci fi lovers know how hard it is to come across good sci fi. I don't believe you're a sci fi connoisseur because if you were, you would appreciate Dollhouse.

Dollhouse was straight up science fiction, nothing else. We were lucky to have a show like it.

i'd only watch it for one thing only.
bring it on and the new guy eras were the best of times for her

Nice meme

There's no reason to do some weird "Watch X but not Y." Everything has its ups and downs. Just watch the whole thing if you're interested.

I personally found it pretty fun but disappointing at times.

dollhouse is the best sci fi show ever. it had the best science, it had the best tech, it had the best action, it had the best drama, it had the best mystery, it had the best humor, it had the best actors, and it had the hottest girls.

Dollhouse won a Hugo award for excellence in science fiction.

Good science fiction that's not space opera is very, very rare on TV. Dollhouse is a gem.

Is this some joke I'm not getting ?

El oh fucking L. Best drama? Best actors? I could maybe buy the other ones but thats laughable. The main character is a horrendous actor.

Winning a Hugo award is a joke? Dollhouse was great. Probably ranks with my favorite science fiction, it's just a shame they didn't have many seasons to turn it into the great saga it deserved.

As is, it's still a fantastic character-driven story that is enjoyable throughout.

retards being retarded

probably some sarcasm directed at whedonfags,

dollhouse is pretty good, but maybe a little overrated by some people

Dollhouse only existed due to Dushku's talent holding contract and the show was amazing despite her (it was turned into an ensemble almost immediately to suppress her weakness - it was only Fox's interference that put her front and center for the first five episodes).

Dollhouse is, so far, the most bleeding edge, original, and well thought out hard science fiction series of the 21st century.

its not overrated by anyone since even whedonfags know its poo

Please explain how stating the fact that Dollhouse won a Hugo award is sarcasm or retardation. You quoted me so I want a serious answer.


so happy this was cancelled

>0 daus til glau haus

Hugos matter a lot to science fiction fans. Or at least, they used to. I can tell you're not a science fiction connoisseur.

In any case, quoting a post stating that Dollhouse won a Hugo award and claiming that it was sarcasm makes no sense and whomever posted that should probably be ashamed of posting something so dumb.

At no point did Dollhouse EVER win a Hugo award. It got nominated and lost.

Please don't listen to this delusional troll who says its the best "hard sci fi" show of the millennium. If anything its the softest kind of TV sci fi ever.


GoTG is ''soft'' sci-fi. Dollhouse is ''hard'' sci-fi.


>Dollhouse wins Hugo award
>dumb millenial capeshit trash doesn't even know what that is
>posts stupid responses
I hate neo-Sup Forums.

How? Most of Dollhouse was cliché detective story of the week shit. They spent very little time on sci fi outside.of establishing the origin story.

Sloppy beginning, quick and unsatisfying ending, but the middle was pretty good. Would have been much better under different circumstances.

No , it fucking didn't. Show me one source that says it won a Hugo.

i know what it is,i just dont care if a shitty show wins it.
its not hard scifi if even retarded autist can tune in every week and understand it.

>complains about millenials
>in a thread about a millenial show

Millenial scum ruined the Hugo awards

my ex was obsessed with this show
fuck this show but Tudyk is a national treasure


You mean
>Dollhouse loses Hugo award to Doctor Who

I like Tudyk but I didn't like him as Alpha.

The Dollhouse agents were meant to be the best, sexiest, etc to do the sex missions and whatnot. Tudyk was dweeby, Alpha was meant to be the cream of the crop.

Dr. Who isn't science fiction so I'm not sure how that could ever happen.

Fuck yeah he is he's the main reason I stuck with this mediocre show, his character was a badass psycho.

But it did troll. Dollhouse has never won a Hugo.

Great post friend.

People don't give Dollhouse credit for being cyberpunk, probably because there's no A.I. in it. (And maybe "neuropunk" is an alternate term.) But really, this show is all about brain-computer interfaces, and it increasingly became about virtual spaces in its second season. This was made explicit in the "Attic" episode, where Echo goes inside a "mainframe" made out of tons of people's brains networked via computer. But really, Dollhouse is about what really happens when our brains interface with computers — we don't extend our capabilities or develop super-brains; instead, computers rewrite our brains, colonize our consciousness and use us as extra hardware. It's hard to imagine a better cyberpunk television show, maybe not since Max Headroom.

>Dollhouse is ''hard'' sci-fi.

Hard science fiction is a category of science fiction characterized by an emphasis on scientific accuracy or technical detail or both.

I actually know what hard sci-fi is. I didn't just google it like you did. Dollhouse is unquestionably hard sci-fi.

And you are unquestionably a troll.


MLP The Cutie Map has been nominated for this years Hugos.

Dollhouse won its Hugo before the Hugos were ruint.