>“This is a decision I made on my own, but I hope this doesn’t affect my parents decision to assist me with this financially,” giggled Jaden when he revealed his eighteenth birthday plans.

>Will Smith’s son Jaden Smith, 16, made the announcement that he would have his male member removed on his eighteenth birthday, because in his words “My penis doesn’t define me.”

Other urls found in this thread:


How Is His Penis Real If His Identity Isn't Real?

Does your neural cortex define you, Jaden?

How bad is it being Will Smith right now?

this was a old meme and isn't true anymore

google can be your friend sometimes

Jaden will truly be the first young celebrity to make people reconsider their whole worldview and youre just salty about it

>Will Smiths face when


>Because they thought Galileo was crazy, too, you know what I'm saying? I don't think I'm as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don't think I'm not as revolutionary as Galileo.

What did he mean by this?


>still has male chromosomes
swing and a miss boy


>implying he doesn't love it
>implying he didn't cause this by molesting him

Watch any interview with both of them.
Watch how Will acts around Mirrors.

Jaden is the kino of our generation.

You're right, Google is a friend

He's defining kino. Plebs can't understand.

Kek. This kid is a living meme.

Why'd you scare me like that, user? It isn't true.

what would you do if you were asked to give up your dreams for freedomm

Shouldnt this be a sticky?


Is he gunna keep the sack?

So that's why Will Smith is joining Suicide Squad.

someone needs to teach this chimplet a good lesson.

Always feel bad for people that do this at such a young age, because only in time do they realize that this shit doesnt matter and there are much more pressing issues in life to deal with, and wanting your dick back shouldnt be another thing to deal with.

maybe xe needs to teach YOU a lesson you goddamn Sup Forumstard

Shut the fuck up you lame bait whore. You're barely good enough to suck my balls.

my penis doesn't define me, my mutilated hole where my penis once was defines me.

>likes guys sucking on his balls
>judges transgenders
how deep is your closet user?

Goddamn that file name triggers me. Niggas name is Space Ghost. He used to be coast to coast goddamnit

It was more symbolic, but i know that you already had an image all built up in your mind :')

>My penis doesn't define me
His abscence of penis will totally define him, now. Some people will see him as the faggot who cut his dick, while other will see him as the hero who cut his dick.

back to tumblr

youre the one who brought it up friendo ;^D~~~
>I-I-I-I was just kidding!!! you guyz!!

>le hilarious pet reaction faise

back to plebbit you go faggot

just make out already im getting bored

most people will see him as hero, like they should

fringes on the internet will call him names, but it really doesnt matter what a 100 person circlejerk safespace says, does it?

Le triggered nigger has arrived.

>can't into figurative speech

Just like you don't understand abstract thinking, right tumblrino?


>figurative speech
is that like the hundreds of figurative dicks in your mouth while youre posting bigoted statements online to feel better about yourself?

are you retarded

>my penis doesn't define me
My arms don't define me but that doesn't mean i'm gonna lop the cunts off. this is why kids need spanking

ha! wait till you get out of college

Ah, tumblr's imaginary world :')

I hope you guys are all retarded because he is not chopping off his dick it's an old hoax that started from a nigger hating satire site.

>bigoted statements
Why are you getting triggered by racism but have no problem with making fun of faggots? Do you want everyone to know you are a buttmad nigger?

I thought he had gf?

Although given how well your bait thread is working, I can't blame you. You could tell people Marissa Tomei is getting kicked out of the MCU for fucking Tom Holland, and they'll believe it so long as it's in greentext.



Back to Sup Forumseddit you go

go pick up some cotton

When he agreed to be in the suicide squad, he didn't realize it was a movie.

>closeted bigots triggered
lol just accept your reality you morons, being gay is ok in 2016

What the fuck are you taking about

info wars is that way you delusional wench

Youll be telling people that posting images at all is Reddit, because they do that over there too apparently.

you wish

>le buttmad nigger repeating other's posts
Is that how insults work on worldstarhiphop?

stfu will. your kids are fucked in the head

you fell for the joke of intentionally misnamed files

I dont, actually, tho its the truth
are you lusting over african-americans and feel bad about it? you really shouldnt desu

What's a "closeted bigot" anyway? Do you ever pay attention to what your buzzwords even mean?

>being gay is ok in 2016
Clearly, if it's 2016 and most people agree with it then it must be ok! Popular acceptation of an idea totally validates it!

yeah but hes rich he doesnt have any problems to deal with, his parents fully support him

its part of their families secret blood pact with the illuminati hollywood elite, to further push degeneracy and madness

What are the odds of him actually going through with it?


I thought Will Smith was homophobic

Well meme'd!



The perspective on that image is so fucked up. The guy to the right and behind the guy in the midle is BIGGER like he's a lot closer to the camera. the blonde guy's face on the left is smaller like he's way in the back but he's the one in the front.

This a shop?

>are you lusting over african-americans

Why are you assuming that just because you're into zoophilia everyone is?


"Jaden Smith was a mistake" - Willum Smith

>le enlightened Sup Forumsweenie

Someone should make a sad Pepe with Will's face on.


>i have nothing to say so i'll just spout memes instead

Hes just really really absurdly fat that his head looks huge.

your whole existence is a meme trying to hide from your true feelings

Yeah, I'd like to know this as well. If I find out someone is gay, I straight up walk away. Am I closeted?


see a therapist ASAP

really hurt my feelings with that one tell you what


Jaden is smashing this girl daily user

Well, now I'm depressed. I just realized that was me on the right.

She's not defined by her vagina, so they're gonna implants jaden's dick on her.


closeted bigot I mean you silly cucklet

That doesn't stop him from being transsexual.



Does he have a dick? Because that would complete my views on the world.

Under rated bost

>Attracted to people of the same sex or thinking it's something normal
>Tell others to see a therapist

The irony

>i still have nothing to say but i insist on having the last word because that's how we win debates in the 2 digits iq world

but if you remove your penis/balls you have to constantly dilate the hole to stop it from sealing up



how long until this lad offs himself?

I think your mom's a meme. How about that shit you degenerate cuck?

Wasted pics are terrible.

So many replies to a fake gossip thread

This board is beyond salvation

You dont have to be gay to be a faggot.