Press screening already started for Café Society
Opening ceremony later today in 4 hours.
Is your body ready for 10 days of pure cinema ?
everything you need to know
Press screening already started for Café Society
Opening ceremony later today in 4 hours.
Is your body ready for 10 days of pure cinema ?
everything you need to know
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why isnt batman vs superman nominated ?
It would!d beunfair to the other nominees.
this isint capeshit or GoT related take it elsewhere friend.
KStew's trollface is in full effect here.
It was Tilda Swinton fault tho.
Knew I'd seen that look before.
Warcraft is going to be an Official Cannes Selection. Mark my words. The early screenings are calling it the biggest blockbuster of all time.
Why is Deadpool's wife's head stapled on?
Café society got good critics so far
>In comments to the prize-winning jury in 2005, Cannes director Gilles Jacob said that panels should make their decision based on filmmaking rather than politics. He expressed his opinion that though Moore's talent was not in doubt, "it was a question of a satirical tract that was awarded a prize more for political than cinematographic reasons, no matter what the jury said".[33]
>Interviewed about the decision four years later, Tarantino responded: "As time has gone on, I have put that decision under a microscope and I still think we were right. That was a movie of the moment – Fahrenheit 9/11 may not play the same way now as it did then, but back then it deserved everything it got."[34]
Literally the worst winner in the history of Cannes.
woody stop
Man she used to look decent as a blonde, all that pussy she ate ruined her.
>where's my clarinet ?
>Those girls are too old
>I could be writing a screenplay about rich people problem right now
Ha the roastie whore.
But why is this dumb fuckhole's head stapled on in those pics with Pedojew?
The Neon Demon will premiere on May 20
is his wife there
Where do you keep up with cannes news?
Kek, angry virgin.
when's neon demon being screend
>marrying an ugly gook
>No Mr. Konigsberg, don't take your anger out on me. Get back, M-Mr. Konigsberg, nooooooo!
>Woody will die in your lifetime
based Adaline
Oh Blake, why are you so perfect?
Isn't woody allen a pedo?
No. Mia Farrow is a lying slut.
You like the breast implants, eh?
If they're done right.
She also had nose surgery and most likely anal bleaching.
>i could be touching ambiguously my adopted daughters right now
Did Blake eat Kristen's ass?
>anal bleaching
Opening ceremony few minutes away.
I don't know if this stream works outside of France
Playing at my local theater in a few weeks. Psyched!
It starting.
I guess I'm the only one watching, too bad.
Oh god the french humour.
The guy said to Woody Allen " you shot in Europe a lot in the last few years despite not being a rape convict in the USA "
" I don't understand the need to win prize, it's like wanting to be the best and be loved. Look at Hitler..."
lol the same dumbass website from last year that bases the start time on my time zone
jesus kstew shot a film with assayas too
Remember when he was a part of a girl's life since she was 9, then "whoops! Somehow my dick fell into your vagina conveniently at the age of 18. haha, what are the chances?", and then they got married?
And then the other girl accused him of molestation, and everyone called her a liar?
You can't say such things about mister Allen, you filthy goy. He a gud boi.
Let's not make this a jew thing.
what is her fucking problem?