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Some faggot keeps spamming Segal threads
Well, I'm sorry to hear that
... Well i'm sorry to hear that
Because now...
...*heavy breathing*...
Well I'm sorry to hear that.
This is what a pig with a goat looks like
How many motherfucking birthdays have you snatched today?
Someone post the webm of him "dancing"
Dey thtook hurr
Which one do I watch next, Seagalkino connoisseurs?
pls respond
reddit is trying to force another meme
I will snatch.
EVERY motherfucker birthday.
here's your response
I mean, Under Siege it's his only good movie. So you are done.
>reddit forces another meme
like bane
He legit looks like a character out of Asterix and Obelix
Every mother fucker birthday
He snatched my punani.
>always thought those stories about Seagal running away from a fight with Van Damme or peeing his pants while being choked by a Judo black belt were bullshit
>read all these posts, see the webms and what a fat bumbling phony he is
>realize it's all true
who /lawman/ here
My favorite vidya growing up
first post best post
he posted it again
hot new underrated meme
>Is there chocolate there?
>...Its possible
Y'all still sore about that fifty bucks
i want to find this hilarious scene, what do i search for
He up there
Submerged might be pure kino.
>In an online interview, Gary Daniels claimed that his onscreen fight with Steven Seagal was originally conceived as much longer and showier by stunt coordinator Steve Griffin. Seagal supposedly choreographed the fight himself on the day it was filmed, rendering it much shorter and one-sided.
I always suspected that he was the reason his movies have incongruous shit in them.
I wonder if he thinks he's actually making the films better when he demands they add extra shit in them, that fans will appreciate more or is he only thinking about making himself look cool
okay I'm sold. Thanks I'm watching Submerged
>It would be like me squishing an ant
>If he sees me he runs
>Hoochie Koochie Punani
What about the one where's he's in a coma and wakes up to save a hot nurse? That was okay too, nice action scenes.
Did you guys edit this one?
People here have better things to do than vandalize Wikipedia articles.
holy fuck, more please
was that car filled with nukes
>"dead" written on the wall next to Eazy E
>dies a few moments later
purest of all kinos
>someone changed it to 5 star rating
>The ballad of bobby lupo
>no Above the Law
You fucked up
The best friends in history
Every cover is exactly the same?
Could someone explain to me the Punani joke in the Seagal meme?
I don't get it. Every version of that movie I've watched he says birthday.
is that fedor on the right
Well that was interesting.
I gotta hand it to this board. You guys were really annoying with the 'fuck my shit up' and to a lesser extent "BANE?" meme shit but this Seagal stuff is pure gold.
>You will never hang out with Seagal, Putin, and Trump. The most alpha men today
Feels bad man.
>you will never hang out with Seagal in a gun show
He is a Trump supporter isn't he?
*pissing pauses then intensifies*
me on far right.
guys make a big .rar full of seagalkino we can torrent
>you will never be a Serbian operator who gets personal Aikido training from Lord Steven
why even live?
Nigger, all his movies are self-insert.
no above the law, no hard to kill
Out for Justice is his best movie.
Is that the infinity he was telling me about?
Only someone so badass as Seagal would bring his own pistol collection to the movies set.
I'm watching this atm
How'd he learn to play the punani?
he's been in all black blues band since the 50's
So this is how being triggered feels.
>tfw Steven's talking to himself about guns during filming again.
>amaizing longslide wide body almost 15 rounds isnt that amazing just amazing
>one of small...*buf* 45 ever made my backup.. backup isnt that amazing
leddit fuck off
His new movie is literally just The Punisher
Imagine if you got arrested by fucking Steven Seagal.
I think I know who may have collaborated on that script
looks good tbqh
>one digit away from 45
Here's that 50 I was tellin ya about
here are these dubs I was tellin' ya about
Why the fuck does he wear camo?
Fedor the overrated can crusher hanging out with Segal. That's about right.
mmmmWAAAAHHHH the dubs...snatchpagne...has always been celebrated for itsexellence
SNATCHING this thread off page 7
ze wan de punani zey me make it nice
>forcing a meme this hard
>3 seagal threads in catalog