Is this the best robotic character ever shown on screen?
Is this the best robotic character ever shown on screen?
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Please tell me that's not a clip from the actual movie.
Also, bitches don't know 'bout Johnny Five.
Not OP but I'm pretty sure it is not.
Is it supposed to look like a Monolith?
CASE was the better robot
It's pulled from 2001, yes.
Its from the intro of Interstellar
Its one of the most practical designs ive seen.
yes, and the way they moved fast was pretty cool too
I didn't watch that movie.
>a walking slab
A BALL would have been more practical.
that's not even a proper robot. it's a box.
It would take countless floppy disks to back-up his memory!
Did you not see how fast TARS could move on the first planet?
The power of spinning.
> I don't know what a robot is
You have to go back
But it wasnt just a slab, it had multiple points of articulation while being a stable platform on land, water, and even in the vacuum of space. Id like to see your little ballsack pull that off.
I want one with humor set to max.
TARS looks like a MoMA ass junk
I was really hoping for that.
I swear there's a comedy skit just begging to be made of TARS.
>Cooper sees his daughter is now 40
>starts crying
>"TARS get in here"
>cooper through tears, "set comforting to 100%"
Whoa what a cynic robot
>ball sack
I lol'd
don't /thread your own post faggot
>TARS, set shitposting to 95%
>not even touching the ground
>mfw this thread
>Please tell me that's not a clip from the actual movie.
Its actually one of the best things about the movie, you have this dumb umpractical fridge looking robot and think damn that's retarded Nolan you hack and then halfway into the movie shit hits the fan and that fucking fridge looking robot cruises around at 100km and uses his weird geometry to get shit done.
It's a Chinese maglev tech.
This is objectively the best answer
Pretty fucking cool robot desu, once you see it in action
humanoid looking robots are dumb
So many great cinema robotics in this thread. We are blessed!
What in the flying fuck were they thinking when they put this thing in a Rocky movie?
>best robotic character
>some joke about Steven Seagal
Yes, but it is also a very practical design because the number of moving parts is very reduced.
It would take about 348
Snatch every motherfucker birthday
Muh Weimar Waifu
Get these tumblr trash tier gifs off my christian image board, son.
only if you are a redditor
>tfw no poker playing robots in space.
No, this guy is.
Proteus IV from Demon Seed.
Also wins for having the scariest voice for a robot ever.
black monolith rip-off
no love for teddy?
How to spot a wet-behind-the-ears newfag 18 year old - the post
No, but TARS and CASE were still pretty bro bots.
If you look at it closely you'll see there's no way that he would be able to move like that and carry that person.
Nice job falling for smoke and mirrors, basic pleb.
So are modern televisions.
>tfw no cheatin bitchfu
Its one of the most creative robots I've ever seen. The robots were one of the coolest things to come from Interstellar. TARS suddenly turning into a pinwheel was one of those moments that makes you sit up in your seat because its so neat and out of the blue.
round robots can get stuck easier than TARS
>tin man tries to play pinball.gif
How have none of you added this guy?
Sorry I missed it earlier. Oops.
>that Rubicks Snake form
Right here: Toy sales.
It even has a cute name
That's not Sir Killalot
where the fuck do I buy one then
I wanted to shove my dick in Weebo somehow.
You shop around.
there must be r34
muh nig
also gigolo joe
Dusty Fuckin Bin Gentlemen
You don't get it. Nolan was ripping off 2001: space odyssey while filming Interstellar, and when it came to robot design he ripped off black monolith. Think about it, obviously this robot is retarded, it makes no sense for him to have such a shape, in reality he would fall on the ground all the time.
>it looks like a black rectangle so it must be a ripoff
It has absolutely no similarities to the monolith other than a single highly superficial one. And that only applies to the film. The book version of the monolith was transparent, which constitutes one of the two similarities Tars and the monolith shared.
yeah, nothing's cuter than the word weaboo
>referencing previous sci-fi works is the same as ripping off previous works
>Cynic? Don't talk to ME about cynicism. Here I am, brain the size of a planet but what do I have to show for it? Nothing but this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side.."
Why was he described as paranoid when he was just intensely cynical and depressed? He didn't strike me as paranoid at all in the books.
Was it because it rhymed with "android"?
He felt the whole universe was fucking with him, and at that level of inteliigence everything around him was either painfully daft, annoyingly cheerful and he just couldn't deal. It's a nice rhyme too. We apologise for the inconvenience
Thanks for clearing that up.
>tfw I just got the leatherbound ultimate hitchhiker's guide without paying a mint for it
referencing = lack of imagination and originality, laziness in attempts of creating something new
That's beside the point. The fact still remains that tars isn't a ripoff of the monolith. A reference to the monolith on a superficial level, sure, but not a ripoff. Call it unoriginal all you want; I agree. Doesn't do much for your argument though.
everything is a reference to something, there is no such thing as an original thought
TARS was just a poor man's CASE desu
Robbie the Robot will always be my fave
I personally disagree here. What point of reference do we have that there's nothing new until something truly original presented itself?
>le quirky funny robot with a humor setting XD
Is interstellar literally rebbit: the sci-fi?
Look just post a robot you like, alright?
>Spend the entire film expecting him to pull a Hal 9000
>Get to the end and robro has been based the whole time