Critics aren't studio biased

>critics aren't studio biased

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In fairness it's probably really bad

All Capeshit is shit

>what is Xmen 1
>what is Xmen 2
>what is Deadpool
>what is First Class
>what is Days of Future Past

>please ignore deadpools great reviews

Deadpool made more $$$ in the US than BvS
Deapool made more $$$ worldwide than BvS if you remove China since Deadpool didnt open in China

>Disappointingly [succumbs] to an exhausting case of been-there-done-that-itis.

>Despite the undeniable presence of a huge amount of action, X-Men: Apocalypse is decidedly a case of more is less.

>Apocalypse isn't quite a dog. But it is a movie with way too much of everything except the things that should matter the most -- novelty, creativity, and fun.
>except the things that should matter the most -- novelty, creativity, and fun.

>Enough already

Really? Fucking really? Are these retards seriously implying that the Marvel crap that they shit isn't generic at all?

The paid reviews are real, fuck Disney.

Meh i wanna re watch deadpool but it is just so memey

>reviews are shit
>studio is almost exclusively known for making shit superhero movies
>hey guys its a big fucking conspiracy!

>the paid reviews are real

yeah fuck off. there are literally reviews on Civil War that state "so the movie starts off with them in Tuscany". wtf? literally never seen the movie. and they end the review "please be gentle I am a delicate flower"

reviewers are a joke.

How do you know its not just a shitty movie

>X-Men: Apocalypse can't reach the levels of maturity and sophistication of Civil War, but it has a messy charm all of its own, and maintains the quality set by the post-Last Stand films.

When is this ride going to end?

I took this screenshot an hour ago.

Who knows it may reach 60% at end of day?

Yes. Fantastic Four was a great movie that was only critically panned because of paid Disney shills.

why don't you buy a ticket and find out, good goy


Are you seriously implying that there's novelty, creativity or fun in Marvel shitfests?

I am not ashamed to say this movie had a brilliant first act.


But first class and days of future past wasn't shit. And everyone kind of thought they were going to be.


Is it the same director as last time?

I said any of that in my post.

Where does Sup Forums buy all these Marcel, DC and Fox hats from?

studio tours

Thats because the whole movie is basically a first act. Its all set up and rushed pay off.

Deadpool didn't happen obviously.

Implying this movie didn't look average to bad to begin with

This. After the first act I wasnt interested due to as u said it was too rushed with the doctor doom stuff.

At least the 2005 one felt much better and smoother

>levels of maturity and sophistication of Civil War

It mainly got 6/10s.

If the whole movie had been condensed to about 30-60 mins and had been the beginning and then they built off that it could have been decent.

>maturity and sophistication of Civil War

Didn't DoFP and First Class do well critically? Hell even the original X-Mens did too. The movie could be genuinely shit.

Gonna be funny as fuck seeing the contrarians force themselves to like it and Jennifer Lawrence

Average Rating for Civil War: 7.6
Average Rating for Deadpool: 6.9
Average Rating for Apocalypse (so far): 5.5/10
Average Rating for BvS: 4.9

Seriously who could've predicted this? I knew Russos would nail Civil War but I thought BvS would be a close second...funny how things turn out.

I rewatched deadpool a couple of months after watching it on opening day in the theater and I hated it, I enjoyed it the first time, absolutely no rewatch value

suicide squad will be last nail in the coffin

The Last Stand was rotten, so was Wolverine Origins

>the levels of maturity and sophistication of Civil War

They did. Hell even X-Men The Last Stand pulled a 58% with a Average Rating: 5.9/10

I think the score may rise but if not....damn Singer how'd you fuck up what you just fixed.

I agree Deadpool kinda ruins its appeal after first viewing.

I knew it was gonna be shit when I noticed JL all over the fucking movie. Kinda sad, though. I was disappointed with CW, and I thought that maybe this could at least be OK.

he's a hack like Snyder, the studios only like them because they bring in the money

I'm so excited for capeshit to die. I think this year is the turning point for critics and few years after that box office will follow.

The wolverine was okay. Not great but okay.

>le disney pays reviews

when will this meme die?

these where all 100 million+ flops

This. Maybe if someone made a less memey fanedit then I'd rewatch.

Sure bud

Right, the franchise has a track record of both good and bad movies. There's no bias against X-Men is what I'm trying to say

Holy shit Lone Ranger is 31%?

I gave that a 7/10 personally. It was great

Maybe that is what forced them to start buying critics.

>the levels of maturity and sophistication of Civil War


I mean this movie could be bad. Seriously. Days of Future Past was good because it really had that shock factor and comfy feeling as they fixed mistakes from past movies and it was a return to X-Men 2 form.

But now you have
>Mystique as leader of X-Men because why?
>Magneto put on the sidelines.
>A so so Apocalypse.
>Characters put in that literally only had only like 2 lines of dialogue.

I think the main reason this movie and BvS are getting bad reviews aren't because they're really terrible movies but they're disappointing movies. Civil War met everyone's expectations and gave everyone exactly what they were hoping for. Suicide Squad should be the same so long as the plot makes sense.

I just watched it for the first time a week ago and it was pretty shit
Fucking capeshit needs to die

This was so obvious that i don't even need to see the movie to know it's true. Trailer alone looks just terrible.

They have to stop focusing on 3 characters for 10 movies and then expect that putting 20 random undeveloped characters would don anything for the movies.

Seriously they made the first bunch of movies around Wolverine and this second bunch about McAvoy, Fassbender and Lawrence and all the rest are just accessory to that and i am sorry but that DOESNT. FUCKING. WORKS.

I mean Xmen 2 was great because Wolverine was the main character for a reason. First Class worked despise everything because they took the time to develop Charles and Eric.

If on every movie they focused on 3 different mutants then on a 10th movie putting them all together would work. That's why the first Avengers works.

Now if you focus on the same 3 all the time it just won't work to introduce a whole bunch of new characters on the final one... because even if they die, who cares? right?

Objectively to Sup Forums i actually like a good capeshit movie. A GOOD one being the key term. I like the Civil Wars, Winter Soldiers and The Dark Knights but the mediocre ones are bad....very bad.

Tho i cant in good spirit wish death on any genre of movie.

tomorrowland came out AFTER ultron

>They have to stop focusing on 3 characters for 10 movies and then expect that putting 20 random undeveloped characters would don anything for the movies.

Ironically this is what people wanted Marvel to do for Civil War. Thank god they didn't.

X-Men can be done properly, hell you don't have to have every character have an arc either. If you follow a set of characters and keep it to that set you wont have a problem. The problem is they add characters and try to give them personal arcs when you could just leave it to 'we're students of Xavier on a mission' and just follow the main 5 or so.

As someone who didn't really like Days of Future Past all that much for retreading a lot of beats from X1 and X2, including Magneto losing his fucking mind in the last act after having a cool arc, I have to ask: what the fuck changed?

Do you think some more genres have more extreme bell curves equality?

Like say a bad western is just a boring movie but about superhero movie is awful? Ridiculous six aside.

honestly wish they'd drop Singer and beg Matthew Vaughn to come back. Think he's pretty much made my favorite X-men film.

I so badly wanna see Cyclops.

My fav after Wolverine but hate how this movie is young adult with non of original cast

People just forget most of the shitty westerns exist. There's literally thousands of them. Awful horror films too. And sci-fi. You know how many shitty star wars clones are out there?

Superhero films just happen to be high profile at the moment, so you notice even the god awful ones more.

I think its all subjective. Westerns were never my thing but there are some good ones i like out there. Same with Horror movies, i hate them with a passion, but i do enjoy a couple.

I generally like Capefilms. I've always been one for wanting to see that come to life because of my childhood. But if the time comes i'll be able to acknowledge the downfall of the genre as well.

Agreed. First Class is the only X-Men movie that feels like an X-Men movie to me. DOFP felt like an apology note to fans, and X1 and X2 are just decent movies.

>X-Men: Apocalypse can't reach the levels of maturity and sophistication of Civil War, but it has a messy charm all of its own, and maintains the quality set by the post-Last Stand films.

>every other comic book movie
>there's too much going on!
>villain is underused and wasted

>Marvel movie
>there's a lot going on, butt it just werks!
>villain is underused but 'great actor wasted in the role' does good with the little he had

but nah, no bias
no conspiracy at all

I really am suspicious that Apocalypse would suffer the same plight as The Last Stand because they spent $200 million to divert from the original trilogy only to fall into the same trap again? Singer is back on X1 was good, X2 was phenomenal, XFC was phenomenal (Singer was on production), DoFP was in a league of its own. Only to return to shite form again... something isn't right.

They don't have the licensing pressures like Disney/Marvel, they just have to make quality movie and get good ROI for THAT movie.

Age of Ultron WAS hot, regurgitated, compost and even it got C+/B- reviews. BvS was O.K. considering it was Snyder at the helm and that got torn to shreds. I'm definitely going to see this one myself.

>maturity and sophistication of Civil War
American """""cinema"""""

It would have been a mistake. I admittedly like the arc how it was done on the comics but it wouldn't have worked on a cinematic universe that had not presented the characters because without proper development we just don't care.

Look at "the miracles" on the Avengers 2 or Vision... cool reference but i really didn't care about them. If Pietro's death was supposed to make us feel it totally failed. Had Hawkeye died instead that would have been better... we got stuck with his family for no reason and all. Might have been a cheap shoot but more effective.

X men could develop their characters along different movies and it would work... not only by focusing on different characters but they could also divide some arcs between movies since the movies are kind of working as high budget series at this point.

Besides there are so many interesting ones that would allow for really different movies... not only the main X men, which definitely need a self sustaining movie but i am thinking X-factor or X-force too.

There are so many interesting arcs that are far more interesting than presenting "a stronger villain".
Watching Cyclps go from golden boy from skeptic is a really great arc.

Thinking that the Xmen need to have a public face but also need an organization that does their dirty work giving characters we love some moral ambiguity.

Or just plain simple a group of mutants that do detective work for a living. Multiple man and his gang are wasted on the movies.

So many interesting angles better than... well, this. Even the apocalypse saga can be better if done correctly but i think i rather see Cable on Deadpool, they'll do him justice there.

the shilling started this year after they thought Dawn Of Justice was a threat and Deadpool became a success out of the fucking blue

get up to date with the narrative so you don't embarrass yourself

Marvel is a fucking machine now. They know exactly what Joe Dipshit critic wants. It's not paid reviews. It's just that Marvel is playing with hacks.

Deadpool got good reviews and critics liked Days of Future Past.

The only ones embarrassing themselves here are those that think there is some mass conspiracy against non-Disney movies

>studio is almost exclusively known for making shit superhero movies
I'd say their reputation has improved dramatically since Tom Rothman left the company. Every bone-headed decision Fox has made in the last 10 years can be traced back to him fucking things up behind the scenes.

We should be very, VERY worried about Spider-Man now that he's in charge of Sony.



>every other comic book movie
>there's too much going on!
>villain is underused and wasted

To be fair, there is a fucking lot going on in BvS and it is hard to follow. And the villain is underused and wasted (Both Lex and Doomsday)

>Marvel movie
>there's a lot going on, butt it just werks!
>villain is underused but 'great actor wasted in the role' does good with the little he had

Civil War has a lot going on, but is not over complicated like BvS. Its simple, and they've also had 13 movies of build up to pull from.

The Villain wasn't really underused as much as he simply wasn't the focus. He was pulling strings but he wasn't pushed as the main focus of the movie unlike Lex. He also wasn't badly Lex.

I mean if you're gonna try to make some points make some valid ones.

I'm not. Its not like Singer can do no wrong. He's made bombs before. I think people shouldn't worry tho. Most reaction is mixed instead of just downright negative like BvS.

It's okay when Marvel does it

Still enough positive reviews for a fresh rating.

And Fox has something to fall back on.

Seriously. It is that girl that sucks on your dick until you are ready to cum and then hops on real fast and you blow your load almost immediately. Then she has the nerve to tell all your friends you came in three seconds.

F4 needed a little trimming in the beginning and middle and another 20 minutes of real action at the end.

You should be ashamed.
The pseudo science is so fake, a 7 year old would laugh the hell out

I hope it rises.

And I say that as a MCUck. I love the Xmen movies as much as the MCU.

John Carter was a lot better than that. Fucking hell.

It's okay when Marvel does it because they do it right

fixed that for you.

>Apocalypse floping
>rights returns to the Marvel
>the good the bad and the ugly movie confirmed


world class scientist, leading a government funded think-tank to explore interdimensional travel - just happens to be checking out a high school science fair, because ... plot.

you should be ashamed. Every second of this movie was a massive heaping pile of burning garbage.

>Thor 2
>The Incredible Hulk
>Guardians Of The Galaxy
>The Avengers
>Age Of Ultron
>Ironman 2
>Ironman 3
>Civil War
>Episode VII

These were all mediocre-awful, yet the "critics" didn't seem to notice. Strange.

>every other comic book movie

Are we forgetting First Class, DoFP, and Deadpool. Heck, even the first Amazing Spiderman received decent reviews.

Contrary to what DCucks (not a company loyalist, just find it to be an appropriate term) believe, most Marvel films don't receive glowing reviews. With the exception of the first Iron Man, Guardians, and the Captain American sequels, they all get average reception for being mildly enjoyable action films. But I suppose a mere image of a ripe tomato is enough to trigger autists into shitting up Sup Forums with their stupid company wars faggotry.

>Guardians Of The Galaxy
>The Avengers
>Ironman 3
>Civil War
>Episode VII

Both Thor movies, the Hulk reboot, the Iron Man sequels, and Ultron received mediocre reviews.

At what point will people quit reading or caring about critics? I don't understand; I haven't given a shit since I was in my early teens. How anyone can give two shits about "critical" reviews I will never understand. If anything, the lower "professional" review seem to indicate the movie might actually be good.

Not to sound bitter or whatever but come the fuck on.

caring what the critics say about comic book movies is even more degenerate

I'm not trying to be conceited or full of myself, I'm as pleb as they get when it comes to movies, but holy shit this board has spiraled out of control

you mean OK-kino right?

nigga if CW gets a 90% fresh rating, when it was a stale and boring movie there definitely is some bias going on

It almost kill a Disney, this is before the Marvel phase started

john carter came out the week after the avengers

>a stale and boring movie
>Civil War

Choose one.

also you dont have to say nigga to let everyone know you're black

no it came out 2 months before Avengers

the movie was littered with boring explosions, boring dialogue, and the ending felt like a let down. If the best part of your movie is a 15 minute fight scene with 2 cameos, something is wrong.
I'm white, but enjoy saying nigga on an anonymous korean cartoon board

Thor was good.
Thor 2 was meh
Incredible Hulk was ok
Guardians was awesome
Avengers was great
Age of Ultron was meh
Ironman 2 was ok
Ironman 3 was ok
Civil War was awesome
Episode VII was good.

And you're still not mentioning the fact most of these marvel movies did not get 9/10s or 8/10s. A lot of their averages are in the 6-7/10 range which compiles to a good RT score. Stop acting as if these movies are swimming in praise as if all of them are oscar quality. They're just good movies.

>the movie was littered with boring explosions, boring dialogue, and the ending felt like a let down.

>People have them.
>They are not always the same as everyone else's
>Your opinion cannot be wrong but people can and will disagree.
>90% of the population would disagree

>I'm white, but enjoy saying nigga on an anonymous korean cartoon board
did you not just say it. I mean im black, i took no offense it just made you come off as
>duh im the black guy in the room

>and it is hard to follow.
>He also wasn't badly Lex.

>I mean if you're gonna try to make some points make some valid ones.

These are just your opinions you fucking idiot.