They have a name
The Grand Tour with James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson
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i really dislike that richard hammond
Shit name for a tv show
Top Gear
Grand Tour
Bravo Amazon
Ah, the meme car show.
I'll buzz your house with my ultralight, you cheeky git.
fuck sake
Hammon is in his 50s
still looks like a cutie
There was too much hype for the name, it needed to be similar with distinction, they achieved that with a funny-dad feel which they can now mock and ask to be mocked for.
Are you by a chance retarded?
>GT for short
I actually laughed out loud. Top ruse Jeremy, top ruse.
I don't get it.
>GT instead of TG
Nice. And while Toppest Gear would have been the best choice I'll take it.
Because it used to be TG.
They couldn't have anything with "Gear" in the name for legal reasons
They should have put this show out ages ago Everyone probably already moved on and forgot about them by now
Bullshit, there's Fifth Gear
I don't see how, considering the new TG series hasn't even started yet. And you do realize it takes time to create a new production company, sign deals, do the actual filming, and prepare it for release? I mean it's been like less than a year since they went off the air.
>Everyone probably already moved on and forgot about them by now
That's few months older than the new Top Gear, also BBC would more likely sue a show with Clarkson with gear in name than other show about cars
How stoked would Clarkson feel? His two mates quit work with him, they didn't have to, and they did.
And when Hammond requested they never mention his crash again, they did.
Mutual respect. Rare and awesome.
That's why their show works and the new TG will not. They are absolute best friends and their banter and jokes are nothing but genuine. The new cast is just a bunch of randoms who at best know each other in a professional sense and so all the comedy will be scripted.
Just so you know James May has Q&A on his Facebook page right now so if you want to ask him anything go there
>ywn have based bros who got your back no matter what, even if it hurts their careers
Cant wait
this is true
>Implying they won't get paid 100 times more on amazon
well, that's cool and all that, but those guys have all the money they will need already, so it is easier for them to say fuck it, and follow Clarkson
>implying they knew that for certain when they quit
They had a 3 month hiatus with no contracts, they abandoned ship due to comradery.
It's unbelievable how stupid the BBC have been
The entire point of the show was the banter. Cars were simply a common topic to discuss. Logically, the BBC chucks the idea of friendship and consistency out, and Chris "Wanker" Evans claims the show is focussing on cars
Beyond fucking retarded. It'll last 2 seasons because the BBC won't want to admit it fucked up. It'll be hilarious to see the dropoff in viewer numbers from episode 1 to 2
May hasn't quit the BBC has he? I saw him putting a guitar together the other day.
I have no interest in cars but I love Top Gear cause of the bantz. It appeals to a broader audience for that reason.
not even a real hamster.
It's all part of the BBC (and overall UK government's) initiative to get rid of "lad culture". Nothing masculine, less white, more "diverse".
Exactly what was expected. An audience section every week in a new place. All Clarkson fans. This will destroy the BBC rubbish.
>every week in a new place
But around the world? Or just england?
He just didn't have his Top Gear contract renewed, he still does other BBC stuff
Around the world, they even filmed in Barbados sometime last yearmy country
I think he's asking about the studio part of the show not the roadtrips etc.
barbados, morocco, portgual are some of the locations theyve filmed in, so maybe the audience will be full of moors every week
>you now realise they will never ever mention top gear
How are they gonna get guests not to mention it?
>you now realise they will never ever mention top gear
You're 10 shades of wrong. They will reference and make fun of it every episode most likely.
just dont say the name?
They haven't said. If they combine international visits with a GT Live shown in a local stadium, they are going to make millions.
If they sell GT to TV stations in these countries,the are going to make millions.
better any of the new top gear hosts
>giving free publicity to your closest competitor
i doubt it
Did you never watch Top Gear? They took the piss out of Fifth Gear all the time.
sup barbadoslad
I can imagine the majority will be in the UK, with occasional specials. It would be pretty neat if they came to Glasgow
>closest competitor
That's like saying Top Gear America was a competitor to Top Gear, lol
>pretty neat
Why would an American be interested in Glasgow?
Gear Knobs
Firstly they will definitely reference it
Look how they referenced the whole Chile / Argentina debacle by wearing Chilean flag badges
Secondly why do you assume they will have "guests"?
Genius idea I've got to say.
I wondered if the show would remain with its studio in the UK. They've solved that problem by not having a fixed studio.
I wonder how closely the format will follow Top Gear, with the interviews and couch segments. Maybe even for of that stuff since they won't be squeezed into an hour of airtime?
You don't think "neat" is said here?
You've spent too much time in /brit/
Naecunt in Glasgow says, "Pretty neat", wee man.
>implying I live in Glasgow
Going there for uni is enough, m8. I pity anyone that lives in that shithole
Making fun of an inferior product is no endorsement
Shitty bait, bawbag.
Sorry, meant for
Trying too hard. I bet you went to fucking St Aloysius or some shit
Car Throttle is the most nauseating fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life
Some jumped up cocksucker who hits the gym thinks he's so fucking cool because he's doing up an MX-5 which he calls a "Miata" because PLS BIG STRONG AMERICANS PLS WATCH OUR VIDEOS
God I fucking hate that website and everything about it with a fucking passion
>their banter and jokes are nothing but genuine
Nah, they are scripted as fuck, but since they are actually friends they play really well
>their best episodes were the episodes on the road
>every episode is going to be on the road
SERIOUSLY. Master stroke.
I'm not a tim
>few months
>being a hun
Now it's time to round off by confirming that you're a labour/SNP kuck
I really hope they don't get rid of cars though, that's the whole point of Top Gear and I really want that to stay as much as possible.
I mean I don't mind if they don't review the latest VW Golf on the test track. But I do mind if they get rid of the great segments where they test the latest supercars, sometimes in exotic locations, and race them against each other.
i sad the new Top Gear meaning the one where Clarkson took over the show after the old one got canceled, and that had it's premier like half a year after fifth gear
Trust in mmmeeee.
They haven't.
>K E K
Confirmed Mongoloid
Relax fella, I was expressing surprise having never realised that.
They are so fucking old, pretty sure they only have one good season before they can't walk anymore or need adult diapers.
bruz what do you think they're doing in these locations?
it's all about cars. it's not 3 old guys going on holidays.
>2020 wheelchair derby
Chris was very charismatic and occasionally funny on TFI Friday. Don't know the others guys or if they are funny.
Chris Evans is a complete chode and beyond egotistical. His presenting style mainly consists of shouting at people, which might work on the radio but not in my opinion on TV. Matt LeBlanc is a boring cunt. Sabine is nice but she's German. Eddie Jordan is annoying and I'm glad he's away from F1 coverage. Everyone else I don't know
BBC picked him because he has experience presenting and because he's known to like cars. I guarantee anything he does will not even touch the quality of Good Top Gear
>Chris was very charismatic
IIRC he used to whip his dick out in front of coworkers for some reason (british humoUr?)
As long as it had Jeremy being a twat, Hammond shouting and James moaning it'll be fine
It doesn't matter if he can deliver.
We'll finally see them drive the P1, 918 and the Ferrari the Ferrari together like they planned.
I want more banter from them. It still sucks we never got those last two episodes from season 22.
Yeah I know but they used to always have the car review sections as well and I hope they don't get rid of that.
I don't mind if they jettison boring consumer cars which is sort of progressively done. But I do mind if they get rid of reviews of supercars. That's why the "specials" were specials, because they would go and have their jaunts, but then in the next episode there would be a review of the latest Porsche GT3 or McLaren P1 or whatever.
And yes I know they've already filmed their comparison of the P1 / LaFerrari / Porsche 918 in Portugal and that will be in the series. I'm just saying. I don't want the focus to shift more towards travelling than it has thus far.
The thing is, Chris Harris already beat them to the punch and released his video on the P1 / LaFerrari / 918 five months ago (I highly recommend watching it by the way):
He (and Tiff Needell and the other guy) filmed it at the same track, at the same time, with the same cars, as Clarkson & Co. but obviously they've had to wait to air theirs.
Spoiler alert: The P1 is the fastest, and LaFerrari is the slowest
Yes it will be interesting to see The Grand Tour's take on it but they're not exactly breaking new ground.
Also, through that video I discovered how awesome Chris Harris' youtube videos are and I'm super stoked he's going to be in the new Top Gear. In fact I wish new Top Gear was just him and Eddie Jordan to be honest.
Go away Chris. You shill this every thread.
>BBC trying this hard
Why try? Your hosts are unlikable. You could have them doing anything but they'd be unlikable.
Likability is not something that can be replaced.
Either Matt Leblanc and Eddie Jordan carry this
Or it'll be complete shit
I bring it up in a lot of TG threads because nobody knows who he is, and they call him a paki, without realising he's one of the best car reviewers there is.
I watched TG because I like CARS and now it's just a bunch of faggots wanting explosions
I bet Leblanc bails asap
>nobody knows who he is
Shit choice then.
So you think the BBC would pay people to go on Sup Forums of all places? Are you fucking high?
You are just as bad as SJWs. Shut your ears and don't even listen. Chris Harris is a fucking accomplished car reviewer. I bet you don't know who Eddie Jordan is either. Formula 1 team owner and all around based presenter who was awesome on F1 coverage the last few years
I understand the annoyance at a token black and a token woman. But Eddie Jordan and Chris Harris are both respected car nuts who are a) entertaining to watch and b) know what they're talking about. The fact that you don't even know who they are shows you're a complete and utter pleb who knows fuck all about cars and shouldn't have been watching TG in the first place
Who the fuck cares what is the opinion of a bald sandnigger?
So you'd rather they pick a famous twat instead of a less famous, accomplished, entertaining car reviewer?
This is why the lead presenter is Chris "massive twat but at least people semi-know who he is" Evans and not someone good. Fuck you.