>it's a that crack isn't mine i just brought these pants episode
It's a that crack isn't mine i just brought these pants episode
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i say this at least once a week. it never fails to completely exonerate me, GOAT line
>it's a I borrowed the car from a friend whose name I can't remember episode
I can break these cuffs
> cop asks perfectly clear question
> basketball-American responds "huhh?" to stall
Has a perp ever attacked a cameraman?
>Sir, what drugs are you on right now?
>Huhh? What's drugs?
>it's a stop being so rough with my husband even though he just beat me and i called the cops on him episode
I love white trash
>it's that rare one in a thousand episode where the cops screw up and look like complete fuckwits
>it's a Florida episode
>It's a black dude and some mexicans get in a brick fight and you recognize your neighborhood cheap chinese restaurant because that's where they found the brick episode
>It's a feral pig and a dog are running around breaking into houses and going fucking nuts and the neighborhood kids call the cops and they determine the pig and dog are friends and working in cahoots and you are so proud of your local PD episode.
having your city on cops is comfy as hell gents
>It's a per[ stole a 90s honda using a ground down key episode
>first train comes in and I'm like that's expected
>second train comes in
>it's a fat manlet trying to catch a 135lb nigger epiosde
Why don't they show the ones where they get away?
One of their cameramen got shot and killed
>it's a I din du nuffin episode
Cops reloaded is shit. Bite sized situations for AutismDHD kids.
Yeah but that was by the cops themselves, nobody ever intentionally harmed a cameraman as far as I know.
>It's a dumb criminal admits to wrongdoing even though the cop has no probable cause episode
Honestly these nignogs deserve to be in jail if they can't even say no to a search
It's just a "best of cops" show, what the fuck did you expect?
>its a guy gets caught stealing change but let off easy episode and he says he will stop but gets caught again the same night