Did anyone else here the audience audibly swoon, catcall, or cheer during this scene?
Are Europeans really that stupid?
My wife started fingering herself when they zoomed in on Cap's biceps
No, but I start giggling.
that's rail is really well bolted on
sure Cap is strong and shit, but whoever made that rail tho
it's probably Stark industry
Everyone started laughing.
okay, when he changes position yeah, that is probably a little hot...
My friend and I both started laughing a little bit, and other people in the audience did too.
Marvel movies have basically turned into the male equivalent of cheesecake at this point. "Power fantasy" my ass, girls love this fucking shit.
My daughter whipped out her vibrator
She's 14. I didn't even know she had one
I started laughing because I remembered the Sup Forums shitpost of him going
My college buddy's wife. An audible woo and I chuckled a bit but really tried to stop myself
Do you think there are any girls on here?
I thought so too. I was thinking like damn... I know it was for the ladies but shit that motivates me
>peak human condition
Yeah fucking right.
have to admit, i was mirin
I got a couple laughs because I stood up flexed and said "WHICH WAYS THE BEACH BRO"
then I railed my gf in the bathroom after
India here. Yes
Subhuman mexican
captcha select popcorn
I doubt that happened
If only /fit/ would allow the ladies to get in the way of their gains, what they could accomplish.
Also how powered up was Cap this movie, he was soloflexing Iron man in the middle of the air.
My wife said that was a bullshit scene, no one can hold a helicopter like that. I had to remind her that he had a super soldier serum injected to him. Then she said I was a faggot for making her watch that shit. :\
if we're talking about peak human condition you'd probably have to consider eugenics in the mix.
Like, imagine humans selectively bred through generations for god-tier genes. And then to the final result you train to the max. That's peak human condition.
At this point though, Captain America probably has low-tier super strength
dude you think he'd lie? On the fucking internet?
Your wife is based and more of a man than you are.
>Did anyone in the audience clap?
>Did anyone swoon, catcall, cheer, whatever?
I dunno where you live, but in my city everybody stays fairly quiet till the movie ends
I got stuck in front of four fucking autistic dweebs who gasped and swooned at every fucking punch throw... You could imagine the cringe when Spiderman showed up.
I dropped mine and had to call the attendant to refresh my complementary dildo ;_;
says the autist posting in a captain america thread
>loud reactions in a theater
how is it, not coming from an autistic country that can never show emotions in public?
Whats even the point then?
Well I doubt he truly stops working out. Like in winter soldier he was excising, possibly testing his limits you know?
She was just upset because you forgot to prep the bull the previous night
Not behaving like niggers?
Lots of black people clapped in my theater, along with usual hoots and woos for BP and Spidey
When he switches his grip, wouldn't it have been too slow? That is a massive machine that is dragging him away from that landing. I imagine he would have needed to be the fucking Flash to change his grip and not be yanked away during the swap.
>wanting realistic physics in a marvel movie
There were plenty of girls on Sup Forums before Baneposters brought in neckbeard redditors
That's what I thought.
I did and I'm a straight dude. Holy shit whatever woman or faggot came up with that shot knows what the fuck they're doing.
We used to have female tripfags that got naked for us. Also I was talking shit to abnormie /r9k/ faggots earlier and a girl made a vocaroo making fun of them in the thread. They're here, and they're laughing at you with the rest of us.
>Not bringing an emergency zucchini
My wife's son said that he wishes Captain America was his stepdaddy
Does cap weight 100000lbs?
He literally stopped the heli from taking off.
4000lb would be enough though.
I want to believe it's because the helicopter didn't reach full lifting force.
I still don't get why he activated Bucky.
To find the HYDRA base, cos that's where the tape is?
Yes, while the other Hydra dude refused to say shit, Bucky was brainwashed to obey whatever his handler asked.
It is quite lucky HYDRA decided to leave incriminating evidence behind.
I would've burnt down the base myself or blow it up or whatever
i think the whole point is so that they can have them on call for when they need them
idk why the FUCK they dont just release them and fuck shit up
does cringe count?
Because they can't control them? I'd be wary about releasing a dude that is going to instantly kill me the moment I release him
Probably outs them I guess
>Chris Evans sees DCcucks trying to escape the truth.webm