varys edition
/got/ general
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1st for world peace
Watching normies react to Game of Thrones>>>>>>>Watching Game of Thrones
Me on the left
>haha omg that was so unexpected!!! xd
there probably is.
Rhaegar has a will, the only person they could have sent them to is Benjen, because he was the one to let Lyanna and Rhaegar go
Is it confirmed that the walls coming down this season or what? Been 6 seasons surely white walkers or dany have to do something now.
nth for best man. Varys is the patrician's character
That room looks like it smells of curry
>Leader man can't have a dick on STRONG WOMYN show
>mfw stannisfags still walk the earth
Stop shilling this shit, no one likes poo in loos
>My books came to HBO in good faith. It was handed to the writers to be adapted faithfully and put to screen. And they murdered it. Murdered, I say, and may D&D choke upon their OC. I joke with Dan, write with David, promise HBO the rights of my own beloved books…but never think that means I have forgotten. The fatman remembers, /got/. The fatman remembers, and this blog post is almost done. The Winds of Winter is coming.
It's going to be the last scene of the season. Screencap this.
I'm from Vale, and I say kill'em all!
>one white female blacked
>clapping at a tv show
don't bother telling me to go back to Sup Forums, i'm already going
Go here if you're too stupid to understand the season and need someone to hold your hand.
How and why did this type of video become successful?
Yeah. I want to see which accent makes an appearance this time.
Also, I'm hyped to see him standing by with Anya and a dozen knights as Yhon openly poisons Robin under his roof, while monologuing about weak lords never ruling Vale again.
Would be awesome if you could do one where Jon farts when Thorne stabs him
>that ending not being completely obvious
do normies even think about anything
Question; is Jon alive again or is he some sort of undead? I know he breathed but you don't have to be alive to breathe.
>Nigger chimps out and claws up that poor innocent white girl to the point she has to shield her face
Why couldn't we save her, bros?
>that BLACKED couple on the right
They're doing it on purpose don't they
>Or if he has someone must make fun of it
my god it's true
The Red Wedding. Book fags set up hidden cameras to record showfag's reactions.
If in the last ep dany sails to westeros9s and the wall comes down it may be the best ep yet
This is all the fault of that guy who ruined the Hugo Awards. That dude literally ruined Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire,
So did Bran destroy his family by whispering to mad king aerys?
Or was it bloodraven?
people don't have friends, only internet friends
Preston will tell you he's being controlled and puppeteered by someone
the showrunners and Kit's acting will tell you that it's just Jon with a haircut and a bit more depressed
Is it still Varys and Littlefinger controlling everything or have events spiralled away from their machiavellian plans?
What as been good about S6 so far?
Last episode
>Jon stuff was alright
>Olly dead
>TOJ, it was alright but couldve been more than that
>Umber (only if rusemaster)
>Rhaegar has a will
Rhaegar was never King, though. I'm pretty sure you have to be King to legitimise someone.
Because of faggots shilling it on /got/ and other faggots getting upset about it
>LF wants the Vale knights to ride for Winterfell
>Royce objects
>LF sweettalks Sweet Robyn
>who makes Royce fly
>he didn't fly so good
>user puts down his asthma inhaler
>and his cheetos
>he has to brush the cheetos dust off his fingertips before he can start typing
>he has downloaded 480p game of thrones s6e3
>his burgercountry doesnt allow more than what other countries considered dated internet speed
>he also has to use subtitles because he can't understand anything other than his thick kentucky accent which 50 people speak
>he has never read a book in his life but hes watched all the tower of joy fanfiction videos and wiki pages
>he feels as though he is one of the people in on the tower of joy R+L=J super secret boys club
>he considers himself an expert on sword fighting and history after watching 10 youtube videos
>he can't fathom how the tower of joy scene was different to the copypasta he read on /got/ thousands of times
i envy every single fucking one of you, if ignorance is bliss you must be truly euphoric
tower of joy scene was the best scene in years, if you think otherwise, keep shit posting i guess
The bad pussy runs it all now
>I might have done the same to my father, if he hadn't done me the favor of dying on his own
What did he mean by this?
Spiraled out if control. They lost control when Joffery lost his goddamn mind.
Alive but punished
>My son is home
I can't believe that cut the Northern Conspiricy. Literally every hype line from ADWD was from a Northern house
>How and why did this type of video become successful?
Same reason let's plays are so popular - Friend simulators
What is dead inside may never die user. We will outlast all of you other fags.
The spoilers usually come out on friday.
nothing happens in episode 4. Spanish dude said so himself
So where is this show going?
We've got two seasons left to wrap this shit up and give it some kind of conclusion, feel free to speculate how DnD will end it here.
And Shanshapusshy? Oi shupposhe datsh awff de tay-bull ash well?
Generally the spanish cuck leaks the ep synopsis by friday
why the fuck do my spaces keep disappearing
Who? The anti-Puppies fags?
kekked hard
Littleinger is still in control. I think thinngs are a bit out of control for Varys. more so in the show then the books. but even in the books Varys is in the backfoot.
everyone dies
...Why are you so butthurt about people not liking it.
Do we have some sort of actual set worker or production team member here? It's really confusing me how butthurt you are, so angry that you would type an autistic 15 line greentext about it.
Sam blows horn, Walls fall down. Westeros gets fucked, everyone runs to dany and dragons. Dragons saves the day.
My Space went down again?
Are they americlaps or just applauding anyway?
I can't think of anything in particular but it does feel like the things that are4 happening are more important. Last season just dragged with a load of irrelevant bullshit every episode, this season feels more like it's actually moving the plot along.
list of targaryens in the show:
the night when the tower of joy took place, two children where there. one was jon snow - eddard stark took him home. the other was meera - howland reed took her home. also, jon and meera are the same age and look similar
But... Why?
i went lurking in the 2013 archives and it looks like the earliest impressions of preston were that he was just the "muh Quentyn is alive" guy
funny how he rose from that
You're objectively wrong
Joffery killing Ned was clearly LFs idea. watch the episode, Varys freaks out but LF stays calm
>Re watching s1
>Watching the Tourney of the Hand
> See the banners of Bracken, Whent, Swann, Royce (w/ runes) Karstark, Bolton, Swyft, Mormont, Clegane and Redwyne.
All that attention to detail, that heart and effort put into set design.
When did the show lose it's soul?
Varys's plan isn't even in the show
Who knows what Littlefinger's plan even is.
Is this modern america?
Who is this titty titan?
Both sides really. GURM just shit posts about the Hugos all day. Panders his bullshit to SJW minions and condemns Vox's rabid bullshit. It's all bullshit that's stopping him from writing but that's pretty unrealistic of me to think if not for this, he'd actually be writing. He wouldn't.
Yeah, I think they have been winging it since Ned lost his head.
Probably this. At the end of the day normies want Jon or Dany to save the day.
smart man. Good for you for realizing there were twins.
Are you really asking this when Twitch is LITERALLY watching people play fucking videogames.
But seriously, I think its something of a cultural phenomenon, brought about from technology, underrated by many, explained by psychology.
Words that kill
I can see it already.
>the NW have abandoned Castle Black to help Jon at Bastardbowl
>Dany finally leaves with Yara's group in the second-last scene
>we get a shot of Castle Black completely abandoned
>The Night's King and all his lads show up with a gorillion wights following behind
>he looks around at the castle then pulls out a horn he has stored on his back and blows it
>we get a tracking shot of a huge crack running all along the top of the wall
>cut to black
Post your face when this happens.
Why does the Earth orbit the Sun, dear user? Why do the birds sing and fish swim? Because it's natural. You should give in.
I meant, there a will stating that Jon is rhaegar's kid, doesn't have to be legitimate, baratheons has it now
Dany will end up sailing to westeros end of this season and possibly white walkers take castle black. Who knows what next two season will be about
happens to faggots all the time
whats her name again?
>Who knows what the next two seasons will be about
The patriarchy being brought down
nah it was decent couldve been better, you dont have to be a le neckbeard autist xD to realise dual wielding is impractical as fuck and bullshit
the redditors took it down from youtube
literally frey-tier
>wall comes down as Littlefinger is watching
>he comes face to face with the Night's King
>"You've done well in preparing the realm for our arrival, Petyr"
>"I shupposhe I have... father"
>cut to black
Screencap this
>I meant, there a will stating that Jon is rhaegar's kid, doesn't have to be legitimate
Yeah he does. A will stating he's his kid just makes him an acknowledged bastard, like Edric Storm. Means fuck all in terms of succession, he's still a bastard.
>3 episodes in and the best character is yet to appear.
>ywf no Oswell Whent
>implying it wasn't petyr's idea in the first place
all about that long con man
Im ok with this