Kino thread

Kino thread

Absolutely no pest posting
No capeshit
No le alles a amour title changing
No absolutely no cameronfags allowed
True kino only

I bet you're a frogposter in your "offtime".

Never once actually. Sorry


I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

Everything after PoA looked awful with the color grading.

Why does David Yates have such shit taste?

Was this any good?
I thought it looked interesting, but didn't want to risk the loss.




It's bad and it makes no sense, but it's fun to watch Luke Evans remove kebab

Now this is a kino I can get into

>Absolutely no pest posting
>No capeshit
>No le alles a amour title changing
>No absolutely no cameronfags allowed
>True kino only
Yeah like Harry Potter apparently.

Fuck's sake this board is dogshit.

Shit taste

You too

Bruno Delbonnel is great.

I think Nolan and Pfister actually have a really good eye for evocative imagery but at least in the Batman films Nolan never seems to linger on any of them for more than a moment or two. I'm not sure if it has to do with Lee Smith, Nolan's regular editor, just being bad or if it's cause they try to pack so much shit, much of it extraneous, into one film.

harry potter is unironically shit

to be fair Half Blood Prince is the best Potter film by a good margin


No it isnt ahahahhahhahahahahah

Do you make these by hand

Of you haven't seen DH1 in a while I recommend it. I think its really really good. Azkaban is obviously good

This is some severely underrated tvkino

I really enjoy those two as well, but I remember LOVING HBP when I saw it. Been a long time since I saw it so I can't say too specifically why I loved it, but I should rewatch sometime.


It's just very well balanced and directed confidently. Also it looks great

I use they have an app but I use the online app. They come out well but the resolution isnt top quality. You can use gimp or photoshop