"Hey, we know you absolutely have no stake in this...

>"Hey, we know you absolutely have no stake in this, but we heard about you from Falcon and Cap needs all the help he can get on this mission"
>"I dunno, I'm starting to get my life together after blowing it to hell years ago. My ex-wife /finally/ trusts me with my daughter and I'd like to keep it that way

How the hell did they even convince Scott to join up with them? I can only imagine that the reason why Scott was there in the first place was because Hank pushed him into this assuming they told them that they may have to fight Tony, what with his vexation with the Starks in general but Clint and Wanda had no way of knowing that did they? Especially since their original goal was simply to get to Siberia to stop Zemo in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:


>invited to join a fractured group of the Avengers
>like anyone would turn this down
>this wouldn't impress his daughter or make her proud
>to be part of the fucking Avengers
>the thieving felon joins the side for freedom and liberty


He is a big fan of Cap and Wanda.

He owed Falcon and The Avengers a favor for "borrowing" that piece of tech, and since Cap is the leader of the Avengers and highly respected by Lang, he accepted to help.

>Hey Hank, listen, I just got a call from Captain America. I'm needed in Europe to help him escape something or other.
>ABSOLUTELY NOT SCHAT. The Ant-Man suit it not a toy. You can't just go around playing with your friends whenever you please
>But Hank, apparently Tony Stark is being a moron and Cap needs someone to pun-
>Say no more, Scaht. I have this new suit ready. I heard Stark is ashamed of being short, so this one is gonna have a surprise.
>I don't know, Hank, I don't usually like surprises.
>It's gonna transform you into a special breed of Ant to mock him for being short. Jan bred them herself long ago. They are called the Jai.

36 hours later

>Oh I get it, Jai-Ant

>>this wouldn't impress his daughter or make her proud

Not getting arrested again would also impress her user

He may have had no stake in the internal feuding, but he was aware of the side plot of a cabal of assassins. That's what he joined to help prevent.

>Not getting arrested
Times changed.

Becoming part of the group that literally saved the world twice is more impressive t b h

His daughter never gave a fuck about that shit. She just wants a hero dad, and that's exactly what he's giving her.

everyone knows and loves the cap
especially young American girls


>"If they find out you're a convicted criminal they're not going to let you keep the fancy tiny-man suit"

The bill would require all people with super powers to register or be arrested. It's not a hard choice to make.

They didn't show this because it got cut, but Scott's daughter is dead so he has nothing to lose anymore. Turns out the cop that was fucking his wife killed them both and then turned the gun on himself.

>Cap really needs to be at an important place but the government doesn't want him to, so are you in?

I'm dying

Doesn't really impress daughters anymore.


>the next ant-man is an existential conversation between him and his psychiatrist
>there's only one set in the entire film
>the music is only single piano notes

He still was a criminal at the end of Ant-man.

You do realise that almost every great historical figure has been on the wrong side of the law at some point.

>"Yeah, Dad didn't get arrested, but he also didn't step up when Captain America needed him."

"What's that? Tony once made his entire fortune from selling weapons of mass destruction? That doesn't count."

Scott Lang's character is that his sense of justice gets in the way of what's best for him personally. It's why he lost his job and his wife divorced him. Being a superhero is something he loves since he likes fighting for good. Please watch the movies before you start criticizing.

>My ex-wife /finally/ trusts me with my daughter and I'd like to keep it that way
pretty sure it's because he's antman now and not because he has his life together. Him joining captain america is something she can live with.

This is billed as an epic battle of ideologies
"Fight with us for no reason, Ant-Man"
"Ok, wud b cul lol"

So you're saying Captain America was objectively right? Cos if so...

But that's the thing, it wasn't an epic battle of ideologies that they kept hyping up, the airport fight only occurred because Stark was too pigheaded to believe Rogers of what was really going on.

tony signed up a kid

The real fight was tony vs. cap and bucky. Airport was pure fanservice

literally bribed the kid

Which only happened because Bucky stood there with a cunt expression instead of immediately reasoning with Tony over the thing that he would easily be able to explain as not his fault.

Yeah but she would have no real way of knowing regardless of if he joined or not would she?

>i would non ironically go to this
new genre of film perhaps? pychiatrycore? therapycore? it would be cheaper than a therapy session

A kid with superhuman strength and reflexes.

i didn't get it until i said it out loud lol

It's made incredibly clear that Bucky feels guilt over what he did given how he remembers every kill, tells Cap that fighting for him isn't worth it, and states that while it wasn't his choice, "he still did it."

Yeah! And where was the scene after they watch Bucky kill The Starks where Captain America says "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not jump to conclusions. Why don't we all just take a deep breath and think about this. We don't even know if that was Bucky. We are all aware of that face mesh thing from The Winter Soldier that disguises people to look like anyone else, right? Seems pretty obvious to me that this was just a guy wearing one of those to frame my friend, Bucky."

If you can't vote, purchase alcohol or consent to sexual intercourse then you can't consent to be part of a superpowered team of government enforcers.

I wish they had just one scene with Ant-man explaining why he did it. They didn't even have to bring Michael Douglas on set, they literally could have recorded all of his lines over the phone, Eric Roberts style.

>Especially since their original goal was simply to get to Siberia to stop Zemo in the first place.
Why did Clint, Wanda and Celery Man even go to Germany? Cap should've told them to get to Siberia while Cap and Co. sneak out of Germany.

>If you can't vote, purchase alcohol or consent to sexual intercourse
It's no wonder there's so many school shooters these days.

>helps his man-crush Steve
>he owes a favor to Falcon
>he gets to fight against Stark
>he gets to be a real hero


It really wouldn't have mattered if Tony had listened to Cap, he was still going to bring them in and THEN work things out, maybe even go to Siberia himself with his Avengers.
If Tony had refused to bring in Cap, he would've been branded a criminal vigilante, too, which would mean there was no one on the inside trying to make the Accords less shit.
Tony literally says as much in the film.


His ex just needs a good dicking.

Do you think Scott cucks Bobby Cannavale? Not everyone gets to fuck a superhero, and Judy Greer has one right on the tip of her fingers - and let's be honest, Judy Greer is way hotter than Kate from LOST.


A scene of Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch picking him up and giving him the gist of what's happening would be nice.

Here it just looks like they kidnapped him against his will.

>"Cap needs your help on a mission."
>"B-but I'm about to leave for work, which by the way, wasn't easy to land since I'm an ex-con and all and I /really/ need to pay child support"
>"tough shit, get in the jet"

this is how comic books work.

Clint owes Wanda a debt and wants to help her. And help Cap.

>hotter than giant Kate from Lost in a skin tight suit

Not really. You can explain an entire characters motivation in a single page or even a single panel. Movies are more likely to cut out details like that


5 Star Post nigga


I'm sure there'd be something on the news about Ant-Man being involved in a fight at an airport.

I'm screenshooting this ebic post

Honestly felt like the part where they go and recruit him was replaced with Tony going to recruit Spider-Man. Does Marvel do extended editions?

>I heard Stark is ashamed of being short, so this one is gonna have a suprise

Actually it was more like blackmail.

>Does Marvel do extended editions?
Sadly those fuckers don't. I really want to see Joss Whedon's 4 hour Age of Ultron cut as I genuinely believe him when he says it's much better.

I feel like they could've fit in a recruitment scene for Scott despite them saying that the movie was long enough as it is in order to add more significance to him being there if only a little, especially since the film goes out of there way to show both Tony and Steve gathering capes for their side

nu-greer is so fucking attractive

You wouldn't answer the call when it's motherfucking Captain America?

The whole point of Ant Man was a fucking nobody being convinced to and then becoming a hero. He wants to do what is right. I feel quite embarrassed for you OP.

I'm capping yours for the Sup Forums reddit collage friend!

Then people would just complain about the movie spoonfeeding information

Scott generally believes in doing the right thing. By his lines in CW he already knows about the other Winter Soldiers and the threat they pose. Asking for his help means they need it, he's not just going to sit back and do nothing.



If Captain America needed me, I would no doubt say yes.

>explaining a character's motives is spoonfeeding

>going as far as to feel embarrassed over some nobody on the internet for not perceiving a certain piece of fictional media the same as you do

Whatever floats your boat man

they actually did.

he is enamored with cap.

cap asks him to help save the world

lang agrees because it was established he is a good person in ant man

Quite embarrassing lad. I thought you would at least pretend you were baiting baka

What's wrong? Are your feelings hurt?

Keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums, this is a board to discuss film and television.

But user, Civil War is basically 'Sup Forums With Capes/

This was a very political film, my dear mr. butthurt.

>that bottom panel

>this movie would have been better if Antman had stayed at home

kill urself my dude

>"Captain America needs your help".

In the Marvel Universe, Cap is a legend. It'd be like if Winston Churchill came back from the dead and asked you to help him, but even more badass and patriotic.

>Should I do what's right or just do nothing? mmmm questions questions...

That's making assumptions. His motivations aren't known unless they explicitly tell us. We know exactly why Batman wants to fight Superman but we have no idea why Ant-man wants to risk his life when he has a daughter.

>We know exactly why Batman wants to fight Superman

but do we?

Because is the right thing to do, Captain American needs you to stop an evil dude from awaking 5 crazy supersoldiers, he also tells you the government, blinded by their own stupidity, is going to stop you, would you say no?

>he also tells you the government, blinded by their own stupidity, is going to stop you, would you say no?

We don't know if he said this because it's not in the movie

>Because is the right thing to do

At no point in the movie do they establish that Ant-man cares about doing the right thing

>Ant-man doesn't care about doing the right thing
So you didn't watch Ant-man

This movie is called Civil War, not Ant-man.

They need to establish his motivations and characters in this movie.

He was the worst part of the movie in my own opinion to be honest family

>They need to establish his motivations and characters in this movie.
But they already did in Ant-Man

and Marvel would have looked competent if they did it in this movie, instead of just expecting everyone to have everything in Ant-man memorized

best gif

If you want to find out about the character of Ant-Man it makes sense that you'd watch the movie "Ant-Man"

rank the heroes of the MCU so far, Sup Forums

>Ant-Man>Cap>Vision>Daredevil>Tony>Wanda>Black Panther>Hulk>Spider-Man>Hawkeye>Meme-Lord>Thor>Widow>Bucky>Rhodes>Jessica Jones

Why did Captain American know Bucky? they didn't establish in this movie they're friends

Also what's the Avengers? and who are this Hulk and Thor? man, this movie explains shit.

Why should I have to? They could have taken two seconds to explain why he wants to risk his life for no reason at all. If the director couldn't make the story self-contained without requiring the viewer to watch 50 other Marvel movies to understand what's goingon, then the movie is shit.

>They have to add "previously in..." in every movie
>They have to keep repeating the mayor traits of each character in every movie
>They have to explain everything again in every movie looking at the camera to make it easy for the viewers to understand
You're dumb

Everything you need to know about Antman being in the movie is already explained in one scene. You faggots like to argue about anything.

fucking saved. lol

Rank them based on what?