Spoony Thread: My Way Edition

Spoony Thread: My Way Edition
So do you think he's ever gonna finish film review?

Other urls found in this thread:


What went wrong?

Was he always bipolar?

Is his previous relationship responsible for this?

When is he going to make his movie?

Is it too late?

How is 2016 AKA the year of Spoony?

>What went wrong?
He joined TGWTG, broke up with his obese gf, didn't upload his videos to YouTube, realized his e-fame was stuck at the current level and that a new generation of let's players could match his entire career's output in a month.
>was he always bipolar?
Seeing how bipolar II is just depression, then yes probably. He shot his old videos at night he was probably depressed in the daytime.
>is his previous relationship responsible for this?
He started drinking whiskey for the first time ever after they broke up and has been seen crying on camera ever since next to bottles of booze.
Never ever

>What went wrong?
He stopped living with Miles.
>Was he always bipolar?
>Is his previous relationship responsible for this?
It made things worse for him for sure.
Post JO-Spoony morf.

I know it's a meme but he's gf does have the battered housewife look in their vlogs.

I'm sure he doesn't hit her but he definitely shits on everything she says and brings her down

Well it's May and all he's done are vidya livestreams some his gf has taken over for him. (lol such hard work), oh and shitty wrestling vlogs. But don't worry we will get a 'back from the market' part 5 video soon where he will eat wierd breads for an hour and cough on camera.

>JO spoony morph
I have that on my other OS, if the thread is still alive in a few hours I'll post it then.
I'm off to fap.
He does yell at her sometimes in the market food videos. I think he doesn't even realize he's taking his JUST out on her.

>Never ever
But he got paid, is he not going to deliverer and pocket the money?

It was 5K a MONTH
Not 5k for like 3 months before he didn't deliver content.

Who is Latza? I keep seeing him posted everywhere.

Ask John De Lancie

He's "special".


So this is why he's so popular?

This is some Chris chan tier stuff right here.

Hide your wife and kids, he is gonna get you.

>521 dollars
>I might be interested

It's NEVER to late to unjust

Hold on to your butt


This picture is truly terrifying.
Imagine if Spoony decides to pick up this style.

This was almost one year ago...


>that post date

It's been that long since latzaposting was in full swing

>tumblr nose

What makes it tumblr?


Why are things so dull right now, why aren't they making new movies?

they just did pham, and it's also very good

Yeah but I've already watched that more times than I should have, I need something new.



talking about my film, HMMMMM?

sometimes he's right tbf

if he hadn't been a she when he first started at the site, he would never have been picked up in the first place.

Now there is some male privilege for you

>tfw Youtube keeps recommending me spoony videos "updates" that are about 8-10 months old.

I hate to say it, but the dream is over.

Patreon "down" to $1856 (this is from a peak of $5k afaik)

One of the people giving him $100 a month (bewildering desu) stopped

I still wonder why people donate to his patreon tbf, he's basically inactive atm

>One of the people giving him $100 a month

I really fucking hope he had the biggest regret of spending thousands of dollars on this piece of shit before he cancelled the payments.

He's moved full time to streaming.

>hell yeah, he's reviving Rebruary
>makes just one video and stops

Doug Walker's beautiful family

>dates the only somewhat attractive girl who's still active on the site
>she becomes fat, goes full SJW and turns their relationship into an "open relationship"

At least it's understandable why he'd be pissed off. He also looks like this.

And that review was shit. I think he was trying to make an illusion of activity before a year without reviews passes.

Rebruary is his worst series by the way.

>dougs face


I think we can all agree that hobbyist reviewers are way better than full-time reviewers, right?

>Hobbyists enjoy the genre/entertainment form that they're reviewing, whereas full-time reviewers hate it after a while
>Hobbyists don't ask for payment, but full-time reviewers do
>Hobbyists can go into detail and explain why they like/don't like something at their pleasure, full-time reviewers have to skimp to make deadlines
>Hobbyists are far less likely to be payed off for good reviews than full-time reviewers

The only exceptions are for full-time reviewers of old content, because old content reviews tend to be a passion project anyways.

>she became a man
well shit. I never would've guessed.

the one in red is qt tbf

is he samoan?

Post yfw he can no longer afford the house repayments and gets foreclosed by the bank


He's perfected the shit eating grin.

That's generally always the case unless we're talking about some highly technical shit you actually need to be educated on to talk about. You also need to be able to detect and avoid fanboy bullshit so you can filter good reviews for bad.

>hates gays and lesbians
>now decides to identify as a man

The moon logic is off the fucking charts

This guy is a real SEG master

Because they're all fucked up in the head in some way. I frankly miss Iron Liz because he/she actually knew tabletop shit and made good reviews that weren't like Spoony's spastic rants.

Absolutely correct. Case in point: pre TGWTG Todd was miles better

>is he samoan?
try a curry nigger

Is the twitter he made roleplaying as his dog still up?

how pathetic can one man get

I think it's mainly because once something becomes a job it's your obligation and you grow to resent. I can't help but admire Doug's work ethics for doing the same shit on consistent as fuck schedule for years. Meanwhile, Spoony can't hold a schedule to save his life and you could smell the jadedness on him years ago.

Yeah, it was pretty sad

>santa klaws got me prezents yayyyyy! i got a new pretteh collar and a new rope and a chewybone cos i was a good puppeh

reminder that spoony is literally gonna hang himself and he said so through his own dog's twitter account

I'm not even gonna lie - I still would, Cro-Magnon forehead and all.

That's a level of creepy often reserved for tropey mental disturbed individuals on shitty tv shows...

yeah Iron Liz was competent, maybe even too much for that site

Same. Too bad it don't have a dick anymore.

His eyes are rolling back

After everything Iron Liz ended up being one of the most based persons of that group of spergs, I can't understand how he/she put up with Linkara.

forgo pic

where can i find his old written reviews?

its been 10 years next year of when i first watched a spoony video and now i feel sad for him

Why was Spoony One in Game of Thrones?

>a man has to tweet


If should come across a man from the internet say these words
>Donatio utPatreon

lots of shit has been removed from his site, why

Aren't they on the site? His Conan review is great.

Why did he trash all the comment sections? Insanity.

I miss the latza threads

Discussing the exploits of this absolute madman was so comfy. Too bad we got screwed out of season 2

hawaiian iirc


>eat weird breads for an hour and cough on camera
kek sotrue.jpg


how can 1 (one) man be so outstanding?

>latza told us that he was going to be on tv a lot
He lied to us ;_;

he's laughing all the way to the bank

found them



>his akira review

I used to make fun of how Iron Liz looks fucking hideous and now I feel kinda bad because she's apparently fairly balanced person compared to other TGWTG jokers.

He's going to end up like JewWario. I'm not looking forward to that.

most balanced TGWTG people

1 Rap Critic
2 Lupa
3 Phelous
4 Iron Liz

>SEG master
That'll make a great username somewhere, thank you.

His patreon is losing patrons constantly. Since it's his livelihood why doesn't he care and put in some effort?

it was a real life version of this


>she's apparently fairly balanced person compared to other TGWTG jokers
Yeah I was really surprised.



i like brad but he's far from balanced, he's always getting hurt and suicidal at some point

Who are these people? Why should I care? Why some of you guys love talking about it?

Is it some youtube drama tier shit?

I want to get into this whagon, seems fun and cheap. I know spoony from a couple of ultima review he has done.

that's what I've been asking. If I could have been making $60K a year to put out a weekly unscripted vlog ranting about the latest piece of pop culture in theaters along with scripting something maybe once a month (and that would have been enough to make his patrons happy) then fuck I'd have been laughing but he continues to just shrug it off.